《The Fragmented Luna》Is It Crazy Today or What?


"See ya", Ian said. Ian dropped us off in the front of the school for everyone to see. I watched a bunch of girls giving Valerie death glares as she walked out the car.

"Valerie, people are staring at you", I told her. She just shrugged her shoulders at me in response. It seemed that many girls didn't like Valerie. No one actually ever came up to her but they looked at her with disdain. We made our way to first period class with ease. We walked by Beth who did nothing as we passed. It was strange to see Beth stopped in her tracks at the sight of Valerie.

"No one bothers me. Its the perks of having Ian drop me off everyday", Valerie said nonchalantly. Ian didn't seem too scary too me. Then again he was only being nice to me because of Valerie. Also I didn't really know Valerie too well either. Yeah I had seen her in class everyday, but I would have never hung out with her. It was the first time I wanted to hang out somewhere besides my paint room.

"Well, I'm just going to have to come with you to school everyday then", I told Valerie. She jumped up and down like a weirdo screeching rather loudly. She practically tackled me onto the floor but a pair of arms were there to catch me. I felt electrified by the steadying of the strangers strong hands. I looked up into those familiar eyes breathlessly. The darkness within those eyes held my attention.

"Quit staring. I might just drop you", Nixon stated. I broke myself from the trance that I was in to lift myself upwards. After I brought myself to a standing position I took deep breaths. This was the second time that I bumped into Nixon within the past week. I didn't want to keep running into him this way because it made me a target. I wanted to thank him but he was lost in the crowd by the time I pulled myself together.


"Rowen, I didn't realize you were friends with Nixon", Valerie stated as she nudged my side to capture my attention. "You might want to close your mouth so you don't drool everywhere", she stated in an effort to tease me. I felt my face burn and the scar on my cheek flare up in embarrassment.

"We're not friends. We're just partners for English class", I told her. There was no way in hell that I liked Nixon in a romantic way. However I did admire his ability to not care about the world around him. It didn't matter how many people tried to break through his defenses he remained unfeeling.

"Sure" Valerie said but dropped the subject. "We should hang out this weekend. You can come over my house. We can even have a sleepover", Valerie stated as she held my hands tightly. I flinched as her hands moved towards mine but she didn't mind. Valerie was such a bubbly person under that shy exterior it didn't match.

"Maybe, I'll have to ask my Aunt Tabby first but she's really strict", I told her happily. Even if Aunt Tabby agreed I wasn't confident about spending the night elsewhere. I didn't want to tell Valerie about how uncomfortable I felt around others because I was afraid. I was afraid to grow close to her but lose the friendship because of my problems.

"Great. This is the start of a great friendship. I can just feel it", Valerie stated. She looped her arm through mine as she dragged me off to first period. I noticed people whispering to each other as we made our way down the hallway.

We arrived to class early so we picked out some seats in the back. I managed to avoid the usual bullies until Ember and Beth walked into the classroom. They didn't even have first period so I knew something was about to go down. Beth tried to warn Ember about something but Ember seemed to be on a mission. Ember marched up to my desk looking like she wanted to start a fight. She slammed her hand down on my desk with a look of contempt directed at both Valerie and me.


"Ember you really shouldn't" Beth warned her. Ember practically threw someone she considered her best friend across the classroom. Ember looked like a racoon with the bruising under both her eyes from the broken nose I gave her. It didn't make sense that a small person like me had so much strength. Suddenly Valerie moved out of her chair to stand in front of me. I never expected Valerie to stand up for me. I felt like the trouble that came with standing up to Ember was not worth it. She didn't deserve to have others bully her because of me. A door slammed in the front of the classroom but Ember continued to snake towards Valerie and me.

"Am I interrupting something ladies", Mr. Arches said as he walked to the front of the classroom. "You don't belong here. Why don't you look for trouble somewhere else", Mr. Arches said. Ember huffed and puffed like a big bad wolf but pulled herself together. Valerie sat down next to me but glared in Embers direction with hate filled eyes. This seemed to make Ember pissed because she came up to my desk anyway

"You will pay for this you bitch. And when you do everyone you love will be gone. This is only the beginning", Ember whispered as she moved her hand over my books. "Whoops", she said as she 'accidentally' dropped all of my books onto the floor. She turned towards Valerie with an evil glint in her eye but made no contact with her.

It seemed like Valerie was someone who was untouchable. I didn't understand it but it was like everyone was afraid to go near Valerie. I wanted to ask her about it but we weren't that close, yet. Ember walked past Mr. Arches, left Beth behind, and sashayed out of the classroom dramatically.

I genuinely felt bad for Beth but she hobbled out of the classroom behind Ember. I didn't understand why Beth devoted herself to someone who despised her and all the people around her. I mean Beth was just as evil as Ember but she was merely a pawn that served out one purpose. Everyone turned their attention to Mr. Arches who wrote something on the chalkboard with gusto.

"Well, now that that's over with, let's focus our attention on something fun", Mr. Arches said enthusiastically. "Today I will be giving a pop quiz on your history knowledge. Clear your desks and lets get rolling", he stated as he took chalk and highlighted the phrase 'pop quiz' on the blackboard. The moans and groans of students filled the room with the familiar dread of pop quiz hell. It was only the start but I already felt like I had a long day ahead of me. Who knew what might be waiting for me next?

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