《What The Alpha Says...Goes (boyxboy) Bk 1》Chapter 9: Nothing About That Is Normal
Chapter 9
“Neil!” I had lost count the number of times I’d called his name. It had been hours since I’d blindly run after him and I still couldn’t find him. Either he was that fast or he had already been captured, I prayed it was the former and cursed myself for running after him instead of telling Carson. It was dark and cold, my feet were killing me and I was lost. Yup a wolf that had no sense of direction…what else is new?
I hugged myself as I walked on, at this point I didn’t know if I was still searching for Neil or trying to get back to camp, I was just scared. For Neil and for myself, worst case scenario; Neil was already dead and I would never find my way back and die out here too. I shivered violently at the thought.
I had to get out of here.
It took me a while to realize that something was wrong. This was a forest yet I heard no animals scuttling around, no crickets making the god-awful sound they tended to make, no nothing. It was completely silent. Something wasn’t right.
I turned around in a full circle peering through the trees but there was nothing there. I don’t remember ever being so alone in my life. I prayed to God; please just let me find Neil so we can get out of here.
I whirled around when I heard a twig snap not far behind me, there was nothing there that I could see but when I heard the deep breathing chills ran up my spine.
“N-Neil…is t-that you?” I called out timidly. There was no reply just the same heavy breathing.
“Come on Neil, stop playing around.” It felt like my heart was lodged in my throat, the words came out in a jumbled mess. Not feeling particularly brave but needing to know if it really was Neil behind those trees I took a step forward, then another and another, my eyes trained on the spot where I could still hear the breathing.
When the figure stepped out from behind the tree I didn’t even have time to pause and take it all in, I whirled around like I was some god damn ballerina and broke into a run. I couldn’t even scream, I just ran and it was a good thing too because I could hear the creature behind me, it was gaining on me. I was never one into athletics but at the speed at which I was going the thought of joining the track team at school managed to cross my mind.
They said extreme levels of fear brought on hallucination; that must be why I was thinking about school at a time like this. I darted through the trees, ducking under low hanging branches and jumping over roots.
The creature never slowed its pace and for whatever strange reason I could still hear its breathing. I looked behind me for a second and tripped over something, falling flat. I was greeted with silence. I held my breath and looked around but there was nothing there. Cursing my luck I pushed up to my knees squinting through the darkness to examine my burning palms, they were scratched but not bleeding.
For the millionth time that night I debated changing into my wolf and quashed the idea. If an enemy pack saw a wolf they’d attack but if they saw a human they would try to stay clear (at least that’s what I’d heard) and so that was the reason I was still in this form. Not that it just did me any good since I was just chased by the biggest wolf I’ve ever fucking seen!
A twig snapped close by and I froze when I felt a presence behind me. I could also hear soft breathing, just picture one of the worst horror movies you’ve ever watched, that’s how it sounded to me in the silent forest.
My heart pounding in my chest I slowly turned around, still on my knees and came face to face with sharp white teeth which were attached to the large white wolf that was staring down at me. I let out o squeal and scrambled back on my hands and ass, only stopping when I felt the solid oak at my back.
Oh shit! This was it, the wolf was gonna eat me! Eaten by one of my very own, what a way to go.
By now my breath was coming in harsh gasps and I was trembling to the point where everything around me blurred. When the wolf took a step forward I whimpered and it stopped, tilting its head to the side. I found this strange. It’s as if it was trying to figure out why I was afraid. I looked clearly and noticed its stance was…weird.
It wasn’t crouched to spring, he wasn’t even growling. He was just standing there with his head tilted, looking at me. I didn’t want to let my guard down but something about this wolf eased my fear.
I had never seen a full white wolf before and it had me wondering for a brief moment if it was a werewolf, but I decided against it. Its form wasn’t that of a werewolf, but upon closer inspection I realized it wasn’t that of a wolf either. Not really. You could see it in the angle of its legs and the shape of its head. Not to mention the intelligent pair of eyes that looked up at me. This was no ordinary wolf!
I watched as it straightened its head and took a step closer, slowly as if gauging my reaction. It must have sensed that I was no longer afraid because it came right up to me and after a brief pause it licked my face.
Licked it! Like a dog. I couldn’t help but laughing at the situation. I was trapped in the woods, freezing my ass off with a wolf-dog type thing licking my face. How could you not see the humor?
I patted his head awkwardly, my legs were already cramped from my position against the tree so I got up with a groan and proceeded to brush off my clothes.
I looked down at the wolf-dog-thing and once again it tilted its head.
“What are you?” I asked and of course I got no reply. I looked around and sighed. “I gotta get outta here.” I said to no one in particular. I felt the animal brush against my pant leg and I looked down. It nodded its head to the right and I raised an eyebrow as it walked in that direction.
“Maybe I’m losing it.” I mumbled to myself and followed it. I didn’t really have many options now did I?
I’d been following the animal for about an hour and a half during which time I’d fallen twice and bumped my head on at least six low hanging branches. Just as I was starting to have my doubts I found myself on a familiar trail.
He’d actually led me back to camp!
When I saw the houses through an opening in the trees I could have jumped for joy. I ran towards the camp but stopped when I reached the first building. When I looked around, there was nothing there. My savior was gone.
“Thank you.” I whispered into the night then turned towards camp, relieved no one was out to see my return.
Despite my relief at being back however, my heart still ached at the thought of what happened to Neil. Was he safe, did he find his girlfriend? Or had he been captured? It was these thoughts that were running through my mind when I found myself at his father’s door. I had to tell him what had happened to his son and as much as it hurt me to deliver such terrible news I raised my hand to knock on the door. It swung open making me gasp in surprise.
“Laken? Where you been man, I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” he was holding a garbage bag in hand and pushed pass me to take it down to the trash can at the front of the yard.
I stood there gawking at him.
“Me? I’ve been searching for you! When- Where the hell were you? I went into the woods like a minute after you and it’s like you disappeared!”
“You did? Shit…thanks man” he patted me on the shoulder, grinning like the idiot he was. “I’m pretty fast, if I’d known you were gonna help me I’d have waited.” He said.
I had to take a deep breath to calm myself I couldn’t believe my ears. “I thought they bloody kidnapped you, you have any idea what I went through in those bloody bushes?!”
He put up his hands as if trying to ward off an attack; “Chill bro, like I said I didn’t know and it was a waste of time anyway.” he broke off with a sigh.
“What do you mean?”
“Your Alpha’s crazy! Do you have any idea how many guards he has surrounding the damn border? A fucking rat couldn’t get though that! I had to turn back.” he shook his head then went on, “I’m gonna have to find another way to get to her and now that I know you’re willing to help this should be a piece a cake.” he grinned.
“Hell no! Count me out, I’m done with your craziness.” I turned to go.
“So you couldn’t find me what’s the big deal?!” he shouted.
I was tired, cold and I just wanted to go home, I’d had enough drama for one day I wasn’t in the mood for anymore of his; “Like I said Neil I can’t help you…our Alpha isn’t like yours, he’ll hear you out just-“
“Forget it, I’ll do it on my own!” he crossed his arms and glared at me. It was at that moment that I realized what a child he was.
“To tell you the truth Neil, the way I’m feeling right now, if you told me you were going to jump off a cliff I wouldn’t even try to talk you out of it.”
I knew I’d regret it in the morning but I just wasn’t in the mood to care. I left after he stormed inside and slammed the door.
As I walked down the street my mind drifted back to the wolf from earlier, it was just the strangest thing. How did it know I wanted to go back to camp? How’d it even know where my camp was? How could something so large be so friendly and what was it even doing on our territory?
If the guard had patrolled the area like they should wouldn’t they have found it and reported it to Carson? In normal circumstances wild wolves were obviously allowed on the territory, they were just animals, but nothing about that ‘wolf’ was normal.
When I came to a stop in front of Carson’s door I stepped back in surprise. I must have unconsciously come here because my original inteniont had been to go home and submerge myself in a warm bath of water. I shook my head, yup I was losing it. Turning from the door I looked up the street, I’d actually passed my house to get here.
“Leaving so soon?” I whipped around to see Carson standing in the open door way with a smile on his face. Just like every other time I’ve seen him my heart constricted and my face flushed. He was just so gorgeous, so…absolutely perfect. I could feel the heat pulse through me at the sight of him and I licked my lips.
He chuckled, then turned and entered the room. When I didn’t follow he looked back at me with a raised eyebrow, “You planning to stand there all night?”
I smiled, closing the door behind me when I entered. In an instant I was enveloped in a tight hug “God I missed you.” Carson said against my ear. My heart soared at his words and I hugged him tighter, reveling in the feel of him pressed against me.
“Jesus Laken your freezing!” he exclaimed breaking contact only to start rubbing down my arms.
“Yeah it’s cold out, should’ve brought my jacket.” I said lamely.
He paused and a mischievous glint appeared in his eyes before he grinned and bent down to whisper; “You know I’m pretty sure I could do a much better job of keeping you warm than your jacket.”
My heart sped up at his words and I felt myself tighten in response. I lounged at him, shocking us both when I brought my lips up to meet his. It was the first time I had ever initiated a kiss between us and as usual it started out gentle and sweet, but I didn’t want that tonight, I wanted it hot and heavy, I wanted him pressed up against me and panting.
I just wanted to forget the stressful day I’d had. I wanted him, I needed him! I grabbed on to his shirt pulling him closer while I practically devoured his mouth. He let out a loud moan and I felt myself harden. He began running his hand down my side, but for once I didn’t want him in charge, I didn’t want foreplay, or gentle touches, I just wanted him inside me.
In no time I had pulled off his pants and I touched him boldly, once again he moaned and I broke off the kiss long enough to hear him gasp out; “What’s gotten into you tonight?” and I was on him again, body pressed against body, heat rising between us, hands roaming roughly against heated flesh and lips sucking and trailing. Tongues licking, breaths hitched and panting.
We did it right there on his carpet without a care in the world, just the two of us, drowning in the pleasure that had consumed our very beings and when we were done, we lay side by side and panting, trying to catch our breaths before we were on each other once more, this time gentle. This time sweet. This time perfect.
Hours later we lay in bed, spent. He lay beside me on his side, using his hand to prop his head up as he looked down on me. With his other hand he drew invisible circles on my chest. I sighed in satisfaction, talk about a great way to end a crappy day. I lifted my hand to brush the hair from my face and he paused. He was looking at the fresh cuts on my palm.
“Fell.” I said moving my hand from sight. He nodded and resumed his ‘drawing’.
“Didn’t see you around camp all day today.”
“Yeah...I was uhm…helping mom with stuff so I pretty much stayed in all day.” I lied.
“Helping your mom?” he queried.
“Yup.” I was going to hell. I could already see the place the devil picked out for me.
“All day?” he asked again, looking at me intently.
“Yeah.” I chuckled nervously, “What about you?” I tried to sidetrack him.
“This and that, but you know it’s funny, because I spent the day with your mom and a few others drafting maps…” he said looking deeply into my eyes.
I fidgeted under his stare; “Ok so I wasn’t with my mom. I was…I was...” I searched my brain for a plausible excuse but drew a blank.
Carson remained silent, waiting for my answer. “If I tell you you’re gonna be mad…like really mad.” I said, suddenly wishing I wasn’t lying naked beside him. I sat up only to be dragged back down. His hand firmly secured around my waist.
“Tell me.” He said. He didn’t look angry but I knew that would change soon.
“Can I at least put on some clothes first?” I asked, trying to move his hand from around me.
“Fine, but you have to promise me you won’t get mad.”
“Laken.” He said it as a command this time so I let him go and looked away from him as I spoke. I told him about Neil and the reason I followed him but left out the part about the wolf.
His hand tightened almost painfully around my waist and he buried his face in my neck, took a deep breath then said through gritted teeth; “What is it with you and rules?” he was looking at me when he said this.
“I couldn’t help it Carson, Neil needed me!”
“There is a reason for rules Laken, what if you had been hurt?”
“Well I wasn’t.” I answered pitifully.
“Do you have any idea what I would have been forced to do if the rest of the pack had seen you leaving the forest?” he spat.
“Can I just put on some clothes? Please?” I pleaded. I felt way too vulnerable lying here while he was pissed at me.
“Jesus are you even listening to me?!” he shot up from the bed, grabbed my jeans off the floor and flung them over to me.
I sucked in a breath. He’d been pissed with me so many times before but I couldn’t remember him ever shouting at me. I quickly jumped off the bed and pulled on my jeans, bracing myself for the onslaught.
He dragged his hand over his face and sighed. “Laken, you broke a pack rule and in turn disobeyed your Alpha do you have any idea what kind of punishment awaits someone who does that? If the pack had seen you today I would have had no choice but to punish you. Do you realize that?” He asked trying to modulate his tone.
“I can’t have members of my pack going around blatantly disobeying my orders simply because they can, if I allowed that to happen no one in this pack would take me seriously. An Alpha cannot lead a pack that has no respect for him.” he pronounced each word like he was trying to force it into my very being.
“I didn’t set out to disobey you, I…I just wanted to help Neil. I’m sorry.” I bit my lip and waited.
“If this happens again I can’t help you Laken.” He said. I nodded.
When I realized he wasn’t going to say anything else I walked over to the window, resting my head against it and looking out into the courtyard. I almost gasped when I saw the wolf from earlier standing in the middle of the courtyard, its head tilted up to where I stood.
What was it doing here? I watched in confusion as it nodded its head toward the forest, much like it had earlier when it had wanted me to follow. I just didn’t understand it, where did it come from? Better yet what was it? Because if I hadn’t been 100% sure before, I was now. That was no ordinary wolf and it definitely was no werewolf. It nodded its head to the forest again, its eyes seemed to be pleading.
When I felt Carson come up behind me I looked around at him then back out the window. The courtyard was empty. I felt Carson’s arms wrap around me.
“Promise me you won’t do anything like that again.” he said.
“I promise.” I whispered in reply, knowing very well that it was a promise I wouldn’t be keeping. There was something strange about that wolf and I was going to find out what it was.
TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH WHEN I'M WRITING THE STORY I'M USUALLY SAYING TO MYSELF... OMG Damnation IS SO GONNA LOVE THIS CHAPTER, OR Sevenfoldsfan iS GONNA FLIP WHEN HE SEES THIS ( and yes Svenfoldsfan..I checked out your profile and dude you sure love werewolves! most of the books I read come from your list lol) OR queenw IS GONNA FEEL BAD WHEN THIS HAPPENS TO LAKEN (yes i know you have a softspot for him) OR Xtian91 and AHOPELESSROMANTiC ARE GONNA TRY TO GUESS WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT (you guys are really perceptive) AND THAT goldielou, Beautiful_Dirty_Rich, KathleenJMBassick, Myusernameisusername, Omnipotentsadist and ShadedPain are gonna read it and they never fail to let me know they want more. LOL YOU GUYS ARE GREAT AND I KNOW I LEFT OUT SO MANY OF YOU BUT TRUST ME I KNOW YOUR USERNAME AND I KNOW YOU'VE COMMENTED AND I APPRECIATE IT!!
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