《What The Alpha Says...Goes (boyxboy) Bk 1》Chapter 8: Are you starting to see a pattern here?
Chapter 8
It was the longest night of my life, by the time I drifted off to sleep at about 6:a.m the next morning, the guard still hadn’t returned. When my dad had practically dragged me home last night I had stayed up all night sitting by my window, looking for any sign of their returned.
My tears had subsided after the first hour so I had just sat there staring out into the night, praying they’d all return safely. When I woke up in my bed at 9:a.m that morning, dad’s doing I guessed. I was surprised no one had thought to wake me up for school, which started an hour ago and equally surprised to see my parents sitting around the table having breakfast at this hour.
“Don’t you guys have work?” I asked in confusion, taking a seat opposite my dad.
“The Beta announced that no one should leave the camp today, you want some tea honey?” my mom replied. I immediately perked up, no not because of the tea.
“Does that mean they’re back?!” I was almost out of my seat, fully prepared to run down to the courtyard at that very second.
“Sit your ass down Laken, the Beta didn’t go last night and no they’re not back.” my dad announced.
I sunk into my seat and stared sulkily at my food.
“I know you think you need to prove to everyone that you can handle what the stronger werewolves can, but sucking up to the Alpha won’t get you anywhere. I don’t want to see a repeat of last night. Do you understand?” my dad was serious now, glaring at me from across the table.
Sucking up to the Alpha? If only he knew.
“Yes sir.” I answered my head downcast. I was trying to look repentant but it only worked on my mom. As usual.
“Stop being so hard on him Michael, he just wanted to prove himself, at least he has drive, can’t say the same for some of the other teens in this pack.” she said this shaking her head. My dad remained silent. Instead choosing to drink his coffee.
“So Laken do you have any-“ my mom’s question was downed out by the sound of the Alpha’s horn.
“They’re back!” once again I jumped up only to be stopped by my dad.
“No, your mother and I are going to the courtyard, you’re going to stay here and do some chores, the garbage needs to be taken out, the dishes need washing and don’t even get me started on that room of yours…get it done before we get back.” He ordered.
“But dad come on!” I whined, it was times like this I wished he’d just disappear!.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” Then they were off.
I can’t tell you how close I came to breaking everything in sight! I couldn’t believe this! I had to know if the Alpha was ok, it was his horn that was blown but the Beta could have easily done it. I gripped my hair in frustration at my predicament, then ran up to my room to get my cell phone quickly dialing the number.
“Hey Kristina, are you at the courtyard?” I asked anxiously.
“Yeah, what’s up? Where are you?” she asked. I could imagine her looking around.
“Is the Alpha there?”
“Yeah, he’s talking to Thomas why?”
“Does he look…ok? I mean...he’s not hurt or anything is he?” by this time my heart was pounding in my chest and my grip on the phone tightened.
“uh..nooo...he looks ok I guess. Are you ok?” she asked.
“Ok great thanks!” I hung up the phone not even realizing I hadn’t answered any of her questions. I was just so relieved. I set about doing the chores I’d been assigned. The quicker I got it done the faster I could get to the courtyard but just as I was running back inside after emptying the trash my phone rang. I glanced down at the screen. It was my mom
“Hey hun, you’re going to need to come out to the courtyard right now, they said the meeting is mandatory for everyone so hurry up ok?”
When I got to the courtyard, for once all was completely silent and the meeting hadn’t even begun. The Alpha was on the platform, conversing with Thomas, who was seated due to his injuries. The guard stood off to one side of the courtyard.
They looked tired as hell but otherwise unhurt and once again I heaved a sigh of relief before focusing my attention on Carson. Like the guard he looked exhausted, but I couldn’t see even a scratch on him.
“There you are…What was that about earlier?” Kristina asked when she came to a stop beside me.
“Nothing just curiosity.” I blushed but I could tell she didn’t buy it and would have went on if Carson hadn’t spoken up.
“As some of you may know, three rogue wolves from the Obetta pack were chased onto our territory last night by the Obetta guards. One was killed, one was injured and one of our very own was also hurt in the chase.” He put a hand on Thomas’s shoulder.
“We’ve provided a safe haven for the injured man and his son. They will stay here for as long as they wish and as long as they agree to obey our rules-“
“But wouldn’t housing them put us at risk?” someone spoke up, cutting off Carson’s words when he did. Carson ignored him and went on. You did not interrupt the Alpha.
“Taking a practical approach to the situation, we must expect that the Obetta pack will send out more guards to find the rogues which is why we patrolled the area last night. We didn’t recover the body of the dead wolf nor did we come across any member of the Obetta pack but I’ve stationed guards at the border who will alert me if that changes.
“I’ve tried to set up a meeting with the Obetta Alpha but he has refused. We are taking this refusal to mean, we are now enemies with this pack. As a result, no one is allowed to enter the forestry. All hunts are postponed until further notice and any member caught in violation these rules will be dealt with severely.”
His eyes roamed over the members before him.
“Questions?” he called out.
A hand went up and he nodded; “Why are we offering refuge to these rogues? Why are we putting ourselves in danger to help two people we don’t even know?” a male member questioned. It was Daryl’s father.
Why am I not surprised?
“They could be killers!” someone else shouted out and a bevy of murmurs went up in the crowd.
“This pack will not turn down anyone who needs our help. Despite the risk we should strive to give aid to those who need it and I’m appalled that anyone would be selfish enough to ask me that.”
Carson was now glaring at Daryl’s father, who suddenly became interested in a stain on his shirt.
“Aren’t you being selfish when you ask us to risk our lives and the lives of our families for two rogues who could be criminals?” another person asked, but I couldn’t tell who it was.
“Ok it’s a fair question, but answer me this. If there was to be a raid on our pack and we all had to evacuate the camp and search for a place of refuge to get away from the raiders, is it that you want the other packs to say they won’t aid us because it’s a risk they can’t afford? Then where would we be? Would you be content with their actions? Would you be ok with your children left starving? Hunted down and killed simply because another pack was afraid of the risk?”
There was complete silence at his words, a few people even hanging their heads in shame.
“We’ll vote, everyone who agrees that we should give aid to the rogues say ‘Aye ”
A chorus of Aye's went up but Carson didn’t even crack a smile. He went on as if nothing had happened.
“We’ll complete a thorough investigation of the rogues, if it is found that they are wanted by their former pack for a crime within reason, I will escort them back personally. Otherwise, they stay here and it is expected that you will all treat them with respect.”
He perused the crowd of silent werewolves once more then dismissed us.
“Hey Laken what was that about with the Alpha last night bro?” I looked past Kristina to see Mitch and Alex walking towards us, you could call them my pack friends I guess. They were cool.
“Nothing just me making a fool of myself as usual.” I mumbled.
“Looked like you were about to cry or something man.” Alex said giving me one a those ‘manly’ hugs in greeting.
I ckuckled; “Yeah right.” relieved when they dropped it.
“What’re you guys up to today?” Kristina pitched it.
“Video games.” Alex and Mitch looked at her like she had asked a stupid question and I rolled my eyes.
“Think I’ll just hang out here for awhile.” I answered, looking up at Carson from the corner of my eye.
“Suit yourself, later.”
“See ya bro.”
“Bye Laken.”
I don’t even know who said what, but when I looked around none of them were there thankfully. It’s not that I didn’t like hanging with them but I pretty much saw them everyday being that we live in the same camp, sometimes a guy just needed a break you know?
Okay okay so maybe I just wanted a chance to talk to Carson without them looking on. Sue me.
Too bad he was bent over a map with his Beta, seemingly lost in whatever it was that they were doing. I let my eyes drift and I spotted the kid from last night exiting the alpha’s quarters . I made a split second decision to go talk to him, because I knew if I had been in his situation I’d want someone to talk to for sure.
He looked up when I approached and stopped in his tracks.
“Hey.” was all I said, with a friendly smile.
“Sup.” he replied, he certainly looked in better spirits than the last time I saw him, gone were the pale cheeks and red eyes to be replaced with the most intriguing grey eyes I’ve ever seen. Now that he had some color in his cheeks he was really quite handsome, not as much as Carson but certainly on track.
“I’m guessing your dad’s a little better?” I ventured.
He smiled showing off perfect white teeth; “Yeah he’s talking now, the doc’s moving him to some infirmary. He said he’ll be up and walking in a few days.”
“That’s great!” I was truly happy for him; “Yeah the infirmary is right next to Dr. Brody’s house so I guess it would be more convenient.”
“I wanted to thank you for last night, and I would have done it earlier but…” he chuckled ;“guess it was just an emotional moment.”
I grinned. “No prob.”
When he continued looking at me without a word I went on, “So… which school do you go to? I’ve never seen you around before.”
“That’s because I’m home schooled. My pack doesn’t like the idea of us ‘consorting’ too much with humans, they think we’re not old enough to keep our mouths shut about what we are.” he shook his head when he said this, then his eyes grew sad “or should I say former pack” he rephrased.
I wanted to ask him why they left, but I really didn’t want to pry. So instead my mind dredged up a million different scenarios, each of them more ludicrous than the other.
“Anyway I’m gonna go back to my dad, I just came out for some air.” he turned to go and I put a hand on his arm to stop him then pulled it away when he looked at me. “Sorry I didn’t catch your name.” I voiced.
“It’s Neil.” he answered with a smile.
“Cool...I’m Laken.”
He nodded then looked to the door once more “You can come and say hey to him if you want, he won’t mind.” he invited. I took a step forward then paused.
“Actually, I’m not allowed to go into the Alpha’s quarters without his permission, but I’ll visit when they move you guys.” I answered and he nodded, entering the house and closing the door softly behind him.
I smiled and shook my head; I loved making new friends, despite the fact that I didn’t have many. I looked to the platform where Carson was still deep in a discussion with Thomas. Heaving a sigh of disappointment I decided to head home. I was tired from the three hours sleep I’d gotten plus I had chores to do.
Carson was fine and that’s all that mattered. Turning on my heels I made my way slowly down the street toward my home, completely lost in thought. I wasn’t aware when Carson looked up from the map and spotted me walking away, nor was I aware of his own disappointment and frustration at not being able to discard pack business for a second to go talk to me.
It had been a little over 3weeks since Neil had arrived and during that time, Carson and I had had no alone time together. I mean NONE. The tension from that first night had long since died down but Carson was always on the go.
Who knew running a pack could be such hard work! We were able to meet for brief periods of time to pretty much say hey, we exchanged clandestine kisses and the looks between us were crazy intense but that was it. I went to bed missing him every night; I bet he wasn’t even going through the same.
The Obetta pack hadn’t made any trouble yet but Carson had warned us not to let our guards down and we still weren’t allowed to go into the forest. The ‘No Hunting’ rule pretty much took its toll on everyone because it was our way to pass the time and as a result, the pack’s enthusiasm had dwindled a bit.
These last few weeks haven’t been a total loss though because despite the short space of time, Neil and I had gotten pretty close. Carson had him enrolled in our school and we had all the same classes so that was great.
We were pretty much inseparable, who knew we’d have so much in common? That being our lack of sporting tendencies of course. Not surprisingly the girls at school and in the pack had been going crazy ever since he got here but for some reason he hadn’t really shown much interest.
Maybe he was shy.
On another note Carson had said I didn’t have to sign up for martial arts until the end of the month which gave me more time to get used to the idea.
I would never get used to the idea of getting my head punched in on a daily basis while in a ‘controlled’ setting.
At the moment Neil and I were lounging around camp just chatting about random nonsense when he brought up his pack again. The last time he had done this was the time he’d told me the reason he and his dad had been forced to leave.
Apparently he had knocked up the Alpha’s daughter and they weren’t even mated, long story short the Alpha had put him on trial, he was to be hanged for his ‘crime’ and so they ran.
I mean hanged? Did they even know what century we were in? Nobody hanged people anymore.
“I’m going back Laken.” Neil was now saying, looking at me with such a serious expression, I had to wonder if he was the same Neil I’d been laughing with just minutes before.
“Ok you mean you’re going back one day? How are you so sure she won’t find a mate by then?” I asked. he wasn’t going to abandon his kid he said.
“No I’m going back today, now. I know I never said this before but...I love her Laken and she loves me and I need to be with her.”
My eyes widened. “What do you mean now? And they’ll kill you if you go back you said it yourself!”
“Not if they don’t catch me, I’ll get her and we’ll run, far away enough that they’ll never find us.”
He was talking like a love struck crazy person and I shook my head in disbelief. It was his next words that stumped me however. “I would never ask you to risk your life for me Laken, but I’m desperate and I need your help.”
He was looking at me with pleading grey eyes and I had to turn away lest I agree to his pleading without thinking it through.
“Neil, I’m all for love and all that glorious shit but we’re not allowed to go into the forestry or even leave the camp unless we’re going to school or it’s an absolute emergency and even then we’ll need permission from the Alpha.” I explained to him.
“So you don’t think this is an emergency?!” he jumped up, I guess he didn’t like my answer.
“Ok ok calm down, we’ll go to Carson and sort this whole thing out and I’m sure he’ll help you-“
I watched him as he shook his head and took a step back. “Forget it, I’ll do this myself…some friend you turned out to be.” he hissed and then he was off tearing down the empty street and into the woods.
“Neil!” I shouted after him.
What was I supposed to do now? The Alpha’s quarters were on the other side of the camp, by time I got there Neil would have been long gone and who knows what kinda shit he was gonna get himself into?
I looked towards the woods and back up the street then up at the heavens...Was it me or was I getting myself into some dangerous situations lately. I was starting to see a pattern here. Everything that went against the rules I eventually ended up doing it and boy would I be punished. Why the fuck did I leave my phone?!
I heaved a sigh and turned to run the way Neil had gone not stopping until I was gobbled up by the shrubs and trees.
ShOuT oUtS: To Evilgoth and DahliaSamaha. Thanks my lovelies!
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