《What The Alpha Says...Goes (boyxboy) Bk 1》Chapter 4: I must be dreaming
Chapter 4
I watched him as he exited his quarters and proceeded to the platform. All conversation died when he cleared his throat and everybody turned to look at him. He stood with his feet apart and his arms crossed. In front of me too girls were whispering to each other ,arguing really, over whether the Alpha or his beta was more handsome, I rolled my eyes; they were acting like some crazy sex-crazed fan girls.
“Laken, are you planning on joining us or do you plan to stay plastered on that wall all day?” My eyes shot up to the platform, shocked that he had addressed me in front of the pack. I pushed off the wall reluctantly, my cheeks burning with embarrassment as everyone turned to look at me. As I looked around at the many curious faces I caught my father’s disapproving look.
“You know better.” he mouthed and I shrank under is gaze.
The Alpa strikes again…
I had described my hatred of him to Lyla in so many ways since that night and at that moment I could think of a few more colorful words to describe him.
He was nothing but a bully, no different from Daryl and his cronies, preying on the weak just because he had a little…okay a lot of power. I hated him for what he was doing to me. It was eating me up inside, the thought of being alone forever because who knew if he meant no relationships for now, or no relationships indefinitely.
Did I mention how much I despised the jerk? I had thought about it for days now and the only way I could get out of this obligation was to turn rogue and leave the pack, oppose the alpha and get myself killed or kill him, none of those prospects were tasteful and so here I was stuck in this godforsaken place with a bunch of people who couldn’t stand me and no hope of ever finding love.
“Have you found her Alpha? It’s drawing near to the full moon.”
My eyes shot up at the question. Someone had just addressed Carson with regards to is mate, or rather lack of a mate. The full moon was right around the corner and it was expected that the alpha find his mate to perform the mating ritual on the night of the coming full moon, otherwise he would have to wait until the next and everyone knew an Alpha was stronger when he had his mate by his side.
“She will come in time, don’t trouble yourself with that.” his gaze travelled through the crowd and our eyes locked. I looked away.
So the Alpha gets to find his mate and live happily ever after? Talk about hypocritical.
What surprised me was the fact that the thought of him finding a mate saddened me more than the prospect of me being alone and I couldn’t believe that I still cared for him after everything that had happened.
How pathetic!
Before long the meeting had ended and I hadn’t even heard a thing that was said. It was like math class all over again. I turned to leave and I felt a hand on my arm.
“Laken the next time you let the Alpha call you out in a meeting like that-“ my dad began but I cut him off.
“Yeah yeah yeah... I know…won’t happen again.” I mumbled and freed myself from his grasp.
“Laken.” We both looked up at the sound of my name.
It was the Alpha.
“A word.” He continued and stood waiting for me to go over to him.
Instead I turned away from him and rolled my eyes. If he wanted me he could come get me, I mean what did he take me for anyway, like if he asked me to jump I’d ask him how high...
"Bloody tyrant.” I mumbled.
“Laken get your ass over there, are you crazy, u can’t ignore the alpha!” my dad hissed, then proceeded to push me in Carson’s direction.
“We’ll talk about this attitude of yours later.” he said quietly before heading off in the opposite direction. I thought briefly about following him, but then he’d just drag me right back, if Carson didn’t do it first that is. I sighed, shoving my hands deep into my pockets and made my way over to where he stood.
“Hey.” he said simply when I stood before him.
I cocked an eyebrow and responded with a curt hello.
“Let’s go for a walk.”
“I thought you said you only wanted a word?” I said clearly annoyed, why couldn’t he just leave me alone, hadn’t he caused enough trouble?”
Rather than answering, he turned away from me, walking in the direction toward the forest. I knew he expected me to follow, so with a sigh I grudgingly did as he expected. When he reached the begining of the forest trail he took off running and after standing there for half a second, my mouth agape, I pulled my hands from my pockets and took off behind him huffing and puffing as I went.
I had almost lost sight of him when he stopped suddenly on the crest of the hill. He pulled his shirt over his head and my heart sped up. I watched in awe as he raised his hands above his head, stretching up until he was on tip toes. Then he went down into a crouch and in an instant the man changed into the wolf.
My breath caught as it always did when I witnessed such magnificence, his wolf form was absolutely breathtaking. I couldn’t decide which of his forms I loved more. He looked back at me, his eyes piercing mine, the look was far more intense in his wolf form, it was as if they were calling to me and I couldn’t help but to take a step closer and then another, my eyes never leaving his. When I was close enough to touch his soft fur, his head turned and he was off. I stood there looking after him, dumbfounded.
What was he playing at anyway?
I quickly shed my own shirt and shifted into my “dog” form, racing to catch up with him, which wasn’t easy, the fact that I still had him in my sights meant he was moving slowly so that I could keep up.
After a while I decided the break neck speed I was going at just wasn’t gonna cut it so I slowed my pace considerably, instead taking in the wind as it caressed my face and the different smells that assaulted my senses. I loved the smell of nature; it always made me feel at home.
I noticed that Carson had also slowed down, he was not far in front of me, shifting uncomfortably on his legs as he watched me approach. His eyes darted in front of him then back to be and I could tell he wanted us to speed things up…
Pushy much!
I sighed, or tried to but it came out in a sort of choking sound, the Alpha shook his head and again he was off, not as fast as before but I still had trouble keeping up. As we ran I had to wonder what this was about, hadn’t he said enough the night of the party?
Even though he said he wanted us to go for a walk, I knew there was going to be talking involved and I couldn’t help but be slightly nervous, this wasn’t the first time we were going to talk since the incident. He’d approached me a few times since but that had been about our hunting schedules, strictly pack business.
I was somewhat relieved he hadn’t brought it up again, but I knew we wouldn’t leave here today without addressing it. The look in his eyes had been one of determination and I also planned to put in my two cents worth, even if it was just to beg him to release me from his order.
I was starting to get a bit irritated; I mean how far were we going to run anyway?
Was this where he would kill me and bury my body? I joked with myself…
We crested another hill and he came to stop at a lake below. I looked around, my eyes taking in its beauty; it was a huge lake, surrounded by tall trees that seemed to go on forever. The place was filled with weeds but somehow even the weeds added to its beauty.
Why had I never seen this place before?
“I like to come here to think.”
I looked up when he spoke, he had changed into his human form and was stooping at the edge of the lake, swirling his hand in the water. I shifted back to my human form but chose not to respond. Nor did I move any closer.
“I’ve never brought anyone here before.” he continued softly, looking up at me expectantly.
“Why me?” I whispered, fidgeting with my arm band. I wished I hadn’t discarded my shirt back there, there had been no need to really since our clothes came with us when we shifted, but the pack males usually did this, it gave a greater sense of abandon…freedom.
“Why do you think I brought you here?” he asked.
I hated when people answered my question with another question. His eyes bore into mine from where he crouched and I hugged myself.
“Can we just get on with this? I have homework.” I said.
I just wanted to go, I couldn’t stand him with his mixed signals and his bossy attitude and his hot body and his beautiful, piercing eyes…
I knew I was being rude...to the alpha no less, but all he did was to look away from me and toward the lake in silence. After a few minutes he stood up and made his way over to me. I swallowed hard when he stood right before me, we stood chest to chest…well that’s how it would have been if I wasn’t so bloody short, so it was chest to face I guess and boy did I get an eye full. I was almost tempted to reach out and touch him…almost.
“I'm sorry Laken.” he whispered and my head snapped up. I hadn’t expected that!
“W-what are you sorry for?” I wasn’t going to make this easy for him.
He let out a breath which ruffled my hair slightly, then dragged his hand through his dark curls.
“The way I acted the other night, I was a jerk, no...Worse than a jerk. I shouldn’t have said those things to you.”
My heart leapt at his admission and hope flared, was he saying what I thought he was saying? Was he going to release me from his orders?
“So...I can date?” I asked in excitement, a smile blossoming on my face. When he saw my expression, his brows furrowed and he bit his lip, he looked almost…guilty.
“I can’t do that.” he said gently.
Of course not, the son of a bitch was exactly what I thought he was, a heartless tyrant who preyed on the happiness of others. I shook my head, angry with him for trying to ruin my life. I turned to go but stopped when I felt his hand on my shoulder.
“Laken please, I’m not doing this to hurt you, I- this is how it has to be.” he pleaded with me. I had never seen him like this. He always seemed so in control, so commanding.
“What do you mean? Why does it have to be this way?” I asked in exasperation. This made absolutely no sense!
“You wouldn’t understand.”
I pushed his hand off my shoulder, upset, “I’m not a child Carson!”
It was the first time I had ever spoken his name out loud, but I was too angry to care.
“Why are you doing this? What’s so bad about me dating? It was never a problem before so why now?” I demanded, my eyes blazing with anger.
“It- it just is...” was his only answer. I glared up at him. So pissed off that if I spoke I was sure to say something I’d regret. Once again I turned, dying to get him out of my sight before I did something stupid. And again he caught my arm.
“One day I’ll tell you everything…I promise.” he said and when I looked up at him, I froze. He was looking at my lips, is mouth slightly open.
He began to lower his head to mine and all I could do was watch it all play out. My eyes drifted close when his lips touched mine and it felt like my whole body was on fire. His kiss was gentle, yet demanding as it moved against mine, his teeth grazed my bottom lip and I groaned in response, my mouth parting under is expert ministrations.
I groaned in pleasure when his tongue trailed across my lower lip before it slipped into my mouth and my knees almost buckled. This was incredible; I had never felt so alive! I turned in his arms, my hands sliding up his bare chest. My fingers dug into his shoulders and he groaned, deepening the kiss a little before abruptly pulling away.
Our breaths came out in sharp gasps. I leaned forward intending to continue where I left off when I heard him chuckle. I opened my eyes, taking in his amused expression. A blush crept up my cheeks and I couldn’t meet is eyes. However I looked up again when his hand cupped my cheek and he leaned in to plant a kiss on my forehead. My heart melted.
“Let’s go for a swim.” he grinned, then turned and ran toward the lake chucking his clothes as he went, giving me a full view of his tight behind.
“Laken don’t make me come get you.” he teased. I couldn’t believe the alpha was treating me this way. Me the nobody. A grin broke out on my face and in no time I was cannon balling into the water. He ducked under the surface of the water and when he emerged he was laughing. It was a beautiful sight.
The sun had set by the time we dragged ourselves out of the water. We had spent the day horsing around. It was the most fun I’d had in a long time and now I was exhausted.
“What are you thinking?” I heard him ask. We were lying on our backs in the grass in front of the lake, naked except for our under wear.
I smiled, “Just thinking that I must be dreaming.”
He chuckled at that.
“What about you?” I questioned.
When he didn’t answer right away I turned my head to look at him, but I could only see the outline of his face in the darkness.
“Just that…I wish I could be free.” his voice was low and I had to strain to hear what he said. My brows furrowed in confusion.”
“Free from what?” I wanted to know, I just didn’t understand, he was the Alpha, he answered to no one, he had more freedom than anyone else in the pack.
I heard rather than saw him get up, I could tell he was pulling on his pants and I got up and did the same, it was a bit damp and I shivered at the feel of it dragging against my skin.
“Shift, we’re going home.” Was all he said.
I guess every good thing had to come to an end. I looked back at the lake, barely able to make it out in the darkness, then I shifted and we headed back to camp in silence.
I was lounging on his couch, stomach full and feeling happier than ever before, what a day it had been! Spending the day with their long time obsession would leave anyone feeling euphoric. Not even the fact that he hadn’t released me from his orders could dampen my mood.
When we’d gotten back I had planned to just go straight home, but he’d invited me to stay for dinner, and we’d talked, not any huge in depth conversation, just light topics like my friends, and about school and why I didn’t do sports, stuff like that, but I couldn’t have asked for more.
The day had simply been perfect. After dinner he had handed me a shirt, so long that if I put it on it would reach me mid thigh. He’d told me I could take a shower. So now I was lounging on his sofa waiting for him to finish up with his. It didn’t take long.
He entered the room, his hair dripping wet, I smiled shyly up at him as he made his way over to the chair where he sat facing me without saying a word. I began to feel self conscious under his scrutiny but before I could say something to dispel the tense atmosphere, my phone started to vibrate. I dragged my eyes away from his and checked the screen.
“It’s my mom.” I sighed. He simply looked at me, his eyes travelling down the contours of my body. I swallowed as I felt the heat coursing through my body. I tightened in response and bit back a groan.
“I-I better get going before she starts to worry.” I chuckled nervously, rising from my seat, careful to hide my ‘little problem'.
“You can stay here if you want you know.” he said, his voice was husky, sending tremors up my body.
“I can?” I cleared my throat “O-ok that’d be-great.” I answered giving him a timid smile, he didn’t smile back, but instead he said;
“Just know that if you stay tonight, it’ll be in my bed and you won’t leave here the innocent boy you are now.” his eyes had now moved done to my waist, he licked his lips and my body tightened further. My heart sped in my chest and images of us in his bed ran through my mind causing my hand to shake when I looked down at my phone to dial my mom’s number.
She answered on the first ring; “Mom, I’m staying the night at Lyla’s.” I lied before ending the call and dropping my phone on the couch.
I watched him as he stood up and closed the distance between us. He took my chin between his forefinger and thumb and tilted my head up to his, looking deep into my eyes. When his face moved closer to mine my eyes drifted close…
i'll be giving the shoutouts to two readers rather than a fan and a reader this time because I honestly don't know who fanned me for this story since I have two stories. So if you're a fan and you want a shout out lemme know in the comments below :)
sHoUt OuTs: To Tatallytasha and 313lol for your dedication and support! Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!
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