《What The Alpha Says...Goes (boyxboy) Bk 1》Chapter 2: Should have fed the damn goldfish...Karma
Chapter 2
Weeks had passed since that fateful day in the Alpha's quarters and things had changed quite a bit in the wolf pack. Many rules had been instituted where only a few had previously existed and the punishment for any beach was strict and unforgiving on the violator.
A few of the older pack members expressed their disapproval at the changes but everyone had to admit, they were effective, in the end our pack would arise stronger and more unified.
Carson was also proving to a a great asset to the pack, his leadership abilities were extraordinary, he ruled with a sharp tongue, a great eye for detail and an intelligence that far surpassed his father's. He was adept at settling any dispute that arose within our pack and he tolerated no form of disrespect to him or his beta. He was harsh but he was fair and so he was respected.
Things had also changed for me, I wasn't bullied as much anymore and I had a feeling the Alpha had had a little talk with the guys. There were still a few who didn't let up though but at least it wasn't as bad as before.
Carson also spoke to me a few times, nothing big mind you, he just tended to make small talk whenever we happened to be near each other, which was quite often now that I had to pair up with him while we hunted. That was also a new rule he had made, all the stronger wolves were expected to hunt with a partner weaker than themself so that they could motivate their partner to work harder.
It didn't surprise me when the Alpha picked me to work with. I supposed it would take a wolf with considerable skill to help me improve.
Now that were were on better speaking terms I had expected the intense 'looks' he had been giving me to stop, but if anything it had gotten worse and so I was always on edge around him.
How could he still hate me? I thought we weremaking progress!
I guess I was wrong.
At lunch I sat listening to Lyla as she droned on and on about the house party tonight, she had been talking about it for weeks now, it was going to be the "Party of the year' I think is how she described it and while I wasn't much of a party goer, I had to admit I was pretty excited. I opened my mouth to add my two cents worth but as usual before I could even get a word in, she changed the subject.
Boy could she talk!
"I swear there are no decent guys in this school! Every one's either, too short, too ugly or complete jerks!" she said throwing her hands up in defeat. Yeah my best friend was a crazy drama queen.
Cliché?... you don't know the half of it..
I felt a warm splash of liquid on my arm, wiping it off in my shirt, I turned to look at Matt who had coughed up the water he had just guzzled.
"Wha'd ya mean there aren't any decent guys? What about me?!" He asked in disbelief.
"What about you?" Lyla asked, clearly confused by his question.
Well is was about to get interesting, I thought, amused by the situation.
Matt's eyes widened as he looked at her as if she had lost a screw and I couldn't help but wonder the same, the girl was nuts, but that's why I loved her, she made me laugh.
Matt's mouth opened and closed a few times as if he wanted to say something but the words wouldn't come out...he reminded me of Gillbert; my pet goldfish.... that I hadn't fed in days...shit.
"Well for one I AM your Boyfriend!" he stood up as he said this, gesturing to his body as if it were a prize, he made a big show of it and I looked around hoping the entire cafeteria wasn't watching his little display. Turns out no one had noticed and I sighed in relief, that's what I got for hanging out with overly dramatic people...constant embarrassment.
"What? Matt...what does that even matter? Sit down before you hurt yourself" she fanned him off.
Matt slumped in his chair, pouting; "Why do you even care whether there are decent guys here anyway?' he mumbled under his breath like a child who had just been scolded.
"Ah duh! because we need to find Laken a boyfriend. Jeez Matt sometimes I wonder about you."
Now it was my turn to spill my drinks.
"Me? How'd I get into this?" I asked, looking from her to Matt and back. Matt looked considerably brighter.
"Because you really do need a boyfriend hun...that way you'll stop walking around with that sulky expression." she said a matter-of-factly, then bit into her sandwich.
"I do not, I'm perfectly happy without one" I lied.
She gave me a knowing look and I finally conceded. "Ok fine, so I'm not happy, but that doesn't mean I need a boyfriend." I said unconvincingly.
"Yes you do Laken, it's time you got over that Alpha of yours, he's clearly not interested and you're wasting your time." she looked at me seriously and my eyes shot up to look around the room to where Carson and his friends sat to the far end of the cafeteria. We went to the same school. He was a senior, as if I didn't have enough problems.
"Isn't an Alpha supposed to find a mate or something anyway?" Lyra went on "wouldn't he have told you if you were the one?"
Lyra knew all about werewolves, I didn't keep secrets from her so there I went breaking another pack rule, the punishment for which was severe. Everyone knew that telling humans about our kind put us at risk, but this was Lyra; my best friend.
She wouldn't tell anyone... except maybe Matt and Matt wouldn't tell anyone...except maybe his best friend Jared and Jared wouldn't... oh shit...yup I was screwed, but I figured since the Alpha was going to kill me anyway, the only thing telling this secret would do was to speed up the process.
In any case, it wasn't a big deal, Matt didn't believe her anyway, he thought she was crazy. I mean come on, me? Turn into a wolf? Ha-ha, even I had a hard time believing that one. When I changed I looked more like some kind of exotic dog type deal than a wolf. I shook my head at the thought. It was that bad.
"Yeah yeah let's just drop it ok? I'm over him." I waved her off but when she raised eyebrow I rephrased; "I mean I will be over him." I sighed knowing she wouldn't drop it until I admitted it.
"Don't worry Laken, you'll find someone and where better to search for your Mr. right that at the party tonight, there'll be plenty of guys there...ones who don't go to our school." She gushed.
I thought about it for a moment, "Yeah maybe you're right."
She squealed with delight and hugged me like the drama queen she was and I rolled my eyes, chuckling at her exuberance. At that moment the sound of the bell pierced threw the noisy cafeteria and we watched as Matt quickly jumped out of his seat;
"See ya later babe," he said kissing Lyla on her cheek, he flicked me in the head as he passed me "See ya dude." Then he ran pass the rows of tables and out the cafeteria door. He had gym this period. What can I say, the guy loved his sports.
"We'll go to my house after school, I want you to help me pick out my outfit." Lyra said as we gathered our things. I nodded, yup fashion guru at your service.
I knew nothing about fashion but Lyla was of the view that all gay people had a fashion sense. I shook my head; I was friends with a crazy person.
By the time school ended I was swamped. It had been a long day and all I wanted to do was take off my clothes and dive between my warm sheets, but Lyla had other plans.
Matt dropped us off at her house telling me to keep my hands to myself before he drove off in his expensive metal death trap. I rolled my eyes, he knew I was gay ( Lyla had told him awhile back) so I didn't know why he felt the need to utter the same warning every time I went to her house.
I didn't want my hands anywhere but to myself, not that there was anything wrong with Lyla mind you, I mean she was a beautiful girl and guys often commented on how hot she was and I guess she was...you know.. if you were into that sorta thing.
"Ok what do you think about this skirt?" she held up a hot pink mini, looking at me expectantly.
"Yeah that looks great." I answered with as much enthusiasm as a dead mouse.
"Hmm I don't know..." she began and I sighed in frustration. I just wasn't cut out for this stuff, why had she even asked for my opinion if she wasn't even going to wear what I suggested anyway? I just didn't understand women.
Or men.
Or anything for that matter. I pushed myself off her bed and proceeded downstairs to get us some drinks.
" You again?" I heard Lyra's sister say. As usual her voice was devoid of all emotion.
Did all Goths talk like that? I wondered.
Grabbing the sodas I let the refrigerator door slam shut then turned to face her.
"What? you homeless or something?" she continued in her bored tone.
"What? you trying to bore a whole to China or something?' I retorted, indicating her new piercing.
"Good one." she smiled, at least it looked like a smile.
"Thanks,I try." I responded with a smirk before making my way back up to Lyla's room, she held another mini skirt in her hand. I sighed, it was gonna be a long night.
At the party I sidestepped two people who were slobbering all over each other in the middle of the hallway and made my way to the table where they were serving drinks. I took up the glass of alcohol, downing it in one gulp, enjoying the warm feeling that settled in my stomach.
This was probably my third glass but I didn't worry about getting drunk. I had a high tolerance for the stuff. Taking up another, I had already put it to my mouth when it was snatched from my hand.
I looked up at the perpetrator and my eyes widened when I saw Carson towering over me, my drink in hand.
"Just because you're at a party doesn't mean you have to drink." he admonished before turning to glass to his head.
Yeah, way to set an example Alpha. I thought to myself.
He set down the empty glass, then reached for another. He was about to down it as well when he suddenly paused, looking at me like he wanted to say something but at that moment, his friend Tate, a guy from his class slung his hand around Carson's shoulder;
"Come one dude we got some college girls over there!" he shouted, he was clearly drunk. Carson looked at him then back at me, his expression torn, I watched as he took a sip of his drink then handed me the rest. I took it without a word, watching as he allowed himself to be dragged away by his friend.
College girls.
I sighed, not sure why I was disappointed, I knew he was straight. I slammed down the glass on the counter, liquid sloshed from the sides. It was time I got over him I thought and I went to find Lyra who was on the dance floor moving to the beat of the music, Matt by her side. I grabbed her hand.
"Boyfriend hunting remember?" I whispered, dragging her away from the dance floor and away from Matt who hadn't even realized she wasn't dancing with him anymore.
"Oh right! you are in luck my friend. I spoke to a few guys tonight and wouldn't you know, none of them were gay." I looked at her as if she'd lost her mind, was she drunk? How was I in luck if none of them were gay?
"But," she grinned at me, "I was just about to give up and bam! There came Mr. perfect and guess what? He's gay!" she shouted in excitement.
"Shh" I hissed, " not so loud!" she laughed.
"Hey Derek!" she shouted at a guy a few feet away who stood in the corner by himself, a bottle of beer in hand. He was tall and muscular, with short cropped blond hair. He turned around when he heard his name, not quite steady on his feet
"He's in college." Lyra whispered before pushing me towards him and disappearing from sight.
"H-hey" I said awkwardly.
"Sup." he said. nodding his head to the beat of the music.
"So- uh- you enjoying the party?" I asked. Man I was so lame!
"I am now." his voice had gone husky and a grin spread across his face "you gay?" he asked and I was so shocked by his boldness that I could only gape at him.
"It's ok, if you're not, I won't bite," he leaned in to whisper in my ear, "not much anyway" he was obviously drunk and I didn't want to have to deal with him in this state, I turned to leave only to feel his hand on my arm.
"Hey where you going?' he asked spinning me so that I had my back to the wall.
"You're drunk." I stated the obvious, then tried to sidestep him, only to be blocked by his bulky frame.
He chuckled, "Maybe we can have some fun,"
He leaned cloer to me and I felt my heart jump in my chest. No way was I getting my first kiss from some drunk who hadn't even asked for my name! I thought, but before I could turn away his mouth was on mine.
I pushed against his hard chest to no avail and his mouth continued it's assault. The panic had already set in my the time I realized he was no longer touching me and my knees went weak with relief when I saw Carson standing there, his eyes glinting dangerously as he shoved Derek in the opposite direction. He stubbled and fell, his beer bottle shattering on the tiles.
"We're leaving." Carson stated simply, taking my hand in his. It felt warm to the touch.
"Lemme just tell Lyla-' I started, twisting around to see if I could catch a glimpse of my bestfriend.
"Now." his tone broked no argument. I sighed in resignation and allowed him to pull me through the front door and over to his car. When we got in he started the engine and we sat in silence as he manuevered the car out of the drive way.
"What the hell was that?" he questioned. Anger seemed to radiate off him in waves. I pressed myself into the leather seat, my body tense.
"I-I don't know he just wouldn't let me go." I said, looking down at my hands which were clenched tightly in my lap.
"Imagine what he would have done if I hadn't been there." He gritted out, his hands clenched the steering wheel, knuckles white.
"Thanks you." I mumbled pathetically, trying to convince myself that his protecting me had nothing to do with liking me, he was simply doing his job as the alpha, protecting a member of his pack. This meant nothing.
I looked out through the window, praying we'd get there soon. I didn't want to be anywhere near him... it hurt too much.
" Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Carson asked gently, his eyes flickered to my face briefly then back to the road.
" I'm fine."
"I saw you go over there, why?' he said his gaze firmly on the road.
How did I answer this without lying?
I couldn't.
"I just wanted to get to know him-" the alpha's eyes snapped to mine and I rushed on, "A-as a friend..I wanted to make a new friend that's all."
He chucked, a harsh sound. "You're a terrible liar Laken." I blushed at the sound of my name on my lips.
"I'm not lying! I really did want to make a new friend tonight." I tried to convince him.
He remained silent and I bit my lip waiting for him to label me a liar once more. Instead he asked;
"You hungry?" It was then that I realized we had turned into the Macdonalds drive thru.
I shook my head. No. he turned to the lady at the window,ordering way too much food for just one person. When she handed him the bag he handed it to me.
"Eat." he ordered and I sighed in frustration, what gave him the right to order me around like I was a child?!
"I'm not hungry." I stated, my voice firm. He raised an eyebrow and I lost my courage, opening the bag and pulling out some fries.
" I'm only looking out for you Laken."
"Yeah right, you hate me." I said cynically.
I would never have dreamed of talking to the alpha that way but I was just sick of being treated like I didn't have a mind of my own. As if I was the scum at the bottom of the pack's shoe that they longed to flick off. Or maybe it was just the alcohol talking, who knew.
He chuckled, then sighed, a defeated sound, "Trust me, I couldn't hate you even if I tried".
He maneuvered the car around a corner and we came to a stop under a broken street light. I looked around confused.
"It's not safe to make assumptions, it gets you nowhere fast...trust me." he had turned to me as he said this .
Where was this coming from? We'd never once had a decent conversation and now he was giving me advice? And why were we parked on the side of the road? After a moment of uncomfortable silence he spoke.
"What do you think of me Laken?" he asked softly, his voice sounded loud in the quiet interior of his car.
"What I think- ahm..you're a good leader?" I asked not really sure hat he was asking.
"But what do you think of me ..as a person?" he persisted, his gaze bore into mine and I I had to fight the urge not to squirm in my seat.
"I- I don't really know you." I answered lamely, he seemed to think about it for a moment then he moved closer to me. I could feel the heat radiating off his body.
"Do you want to get to know me?" he whispered, his face now inches from mine. My eyes flickered down to his lips and I watched as his mouth turned up at the corners.The moment I looked up, his lips were on mine, his kiss was gentle and probing and all thought flew from my mind.
I could only feel as his mouth continued to move against mine. He moved over to my side of the vehicle without breaking contact, then he was on top of me, hands roving over my body as I groaned in pleasure.
He deepened the kiss then and I gripped his shoulders pulling him closer to me but the moment I felt his hand at my waist my eyes flew open. He was trying pull my jeans. I panicked breaking the kiss and shoving against him. I wasn't ready for this!
"Stop!" I shouted when he had made no move to comply. He immediately drew up, his breath coming in harsh gasps.
"What,What's wrong?" he asked, dazed.
"I can't do this!" I said frantically, this was the Alpha, the leader of my pack. I wasn't his mate, I shouldn't be doing this with him, what would the pack think? What would my parents think? Since when was he even gay?!"
"Laken," he began, his tone gentle. He reached out to touch my face and I slapped his hand away shouting the first thing that came to my mind;
" No! I'm not a fag, get off me!" I pushed against him and felt him stiffen at my words, his hands clenched into fists and he glared down at me before he climbing over into the drivers seat.
- In Serial68 Chapters
Magical Cosmic
Victor Petard Asterisk was just an explorer, like many others. Roaming unknown parts of the galaxy, seeking the answers to Humanity’s greatest mysteries among the stars. One day, he chanced upon an unnatural wormhole that brings him to another Universe. A Universe filled with magic and wonder! “Hah! With my advanced technology, who would dare challenge me?” “You there, savages! Still using bows and swords? Better go back to farming in the countryside!” "And you! What's with that backward magic staff? Use mine instead and witness its power." Filled with determination and experience, from years of exploring, Victor will seek out the unknown and unravel the deep mysteries held within this strange Universe. Follow Victor’s journey, as he lays down a legend that will echo throughout the Multiverse and last for eternity. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Science Fantasy story where technology will eventually change the civilization. The first few chapters might contain a bit explanation but it get better overtime. Kingdom Building is starting around 20s chapter. Although there is Comedy and Romance here and there, it wasn't the main focus of the story. The length of every chapter is around 1500++ words, might be longer but rarely shorter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: English is my second language! I will be trying to improve over time but it takes time. So please bear with me... Also, if you're going to point out any grammar mistake in the story. Thanks in advance.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New chapter will be released every two days. This time the art cover wasn't mine so if the owner want to take it down, just tell me. For anyone that want to join me on Discord: Magical Cosmic
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The Core, The Recordings of Raan - Fantasy LitRPG Story
The blue screens all around blink like crazy with red letters saying how I'm dead. I rage and wave my hands, but punch nothing but air. Then I remember what I was told, breathe in deeply, trying to steady my mind, smooth my anger, letting the blue vertigo take me with it, letting myself go...Hard-time convicts from a space orbital penitentiary are sent to a hostile planet where odds of survival are minimal. To make things even worse, their memories seemed to be wiped clean. But their killers' instincts are not, and they soon kick in.For a space wars old-timer Raan, it's all different. He remembers everything. And that's a problem. As others fight for survival, he remembers how most of them, himself included, should not even deserve to have a second chance.In a strange new world, as he fights his own demons, he is faced with new ones whose names he does not even know. But giving up is not inside his DNA and fight on he must. For to stop is to die, and to die means he failed, failed himself and all those who still desperately need him.***The Author's Note:This is another in the Core series, the first one being The Wardens of Destiny while there is also a side story The Memoires of Eisen that's exclusive on Patreon for those who would like to support me.The Recordings of Raan occurs after the events in The Wardens of Destiny, and it's a separate thread from the main story. Among other things, I separated it into a new book as it has elements of progressive LitRPG and a fantasy-world setting.Since I'll keep on writing The Wardens of Destiny, this will be one of my side-projects. Eventually in the future, I plan to integrate some of the protagonists in this story with the main storyline.
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