《Lone Wolf (Tails x Male Reader)》That's the way it is


Y/n: *gasp* "-gah- The hell happened?"

Tails: "You were talking in your sleep.."

Tails couldn't look directly at him clearly after what happened last night. He began blushing thinking about it

Y/n: "Oh.."

Y/n starts to remember as to what happened and begins madly blushing but trying to avoid eye contact with Tails

Sonic: "Hey! Guys! HELP!"

Y/n looks over to Sonic only to realize that Sonic was being hugged by an old lady

The scene cuts to the Mountains during a bright and sunny day

Tails is carrying Sonic and Y/n together

Y/n and Tails were not talking to each other, they weren't mad but rather just embarrassed and they couldn't get the right words out of their mouths

Sonic: "Soo, how is it with you too?"

Tails: "Oh- uh- it's well- uh.."

Y/n -to Sonic- "Shut up.."

Sonic -with a giggle- "Okay, okay, I'm sorry, 'little brother'."

Y/n: "Shut up Sonic!.."

Y/n just looks back at Sonic with a 'are you serious? Right now?' Kind of face. While Sonic looks back at him a bit offended but more confused

Tails breaks the silent

Tails: "I pinpointed the coordinates. It's right up ahead!"

Y/n: "I'm sorry about that Sonic. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."

Y/n pov:

I realized what I said to Sonic and quickly apologized- what the heck?

Y/n's vision went yellow and he saw a deer eating grass slowly and it looked back at him

Y/n 'Huh it looks pretty.. Is this what the spirits meant? I have seen the deer before but never this clearly..'

Cut back to reality

Sonic: "Hello Y/n? You kinda spaced out there pal."

Y/n: "Huh? Oh. I'll be fine. I jus' was thinkin' 'bout something."

Tails began flying close to a mountain and dropped them off there in front of an entrance which was in the shape of an owl

Y/n: "Well.. I have seen weirder but this is still somewha' odd.."

They push in the door and walk in

They keep walking until they see a carving on the walls

Tails: "Hey guys, check this out."

Y/n: "Can you guys translate that?"

Sonic: "Tails?"

Tails: "I can translate that."

Tails: "Ages ago, a fearsome group of warriors, known as the echidnas, forged the seven Chaos Emeralds into the most unstoppable weapon ever created."


The seven emeralds circled aroud switfly before turning into the Master Emerald

Sonic: "The Master Emerald.."

Y/n: "Seems more dangerous than we anticipated.. Like lumbago.."


There was a single Echidna warrior on top of a cliff who is facing off an entire army. Green energy starts to form out of his hands

Tails: "With it, a single warrior could defeat armies.."


Y/n: "I bet I could with enough stamina (or DeadEye Stamina), focus, and bullets!" (Only chads get the joke)

The Echidna then destroys the entire army with a green wave that whipes out all of them. Out of nowehre owls swoop in

Tails: "Believing that no one should have such power, an order of heroes was assembled and they recovered the Emerald and swore to protect it from evil."

The echidna starts to fight off the owls until the owls took the Emerald away

End of flashback

Tails: "Sounds like the Owls and Echidnas have been fighting each other for centuries.."

Sonic: "Like Vin Diesel and the Rock."

Y/n: "Or a Cowboy and a Rat!"

Tails and Y/n then start walking

Sonic: "Wait for me. Okay, giant owl door, giant owl. Makes sense. Wait a second. I've seen these symbols before. Here we go. *scrolls the symbols* Well, that did something. Whoa. The compass!"

Y/n: "Huh, so 's that it? That all? That easy? Easier than other heists we've done."

Sonic: "It seems so. And this isn't a heist. Well, that's all I guess."

Tails: "Not exactly, now we gotta use the compass and have it lead us to the Master Emerald!"

Y/n starts to think about how he will plan things out with Tails when this adventure ends. Because Y/n did like Tails but he was just too nervous to say something with his own words.

Sonic: "Hey Tails you got a little something on your.. OH no! Tails, get back. RUN!"

Y/n grips onto hit hat with one hand on top of it and another hand near his revolver ready to draw it.

Robotnik makes his grand appearance once again

Tails: "That guy again?"

Robotnik: "Heads up, my little stalagmites. Someone call an Uber? Hey, thanks for doing all the hard stuff."

Knuckles: "But we'll take it from here."

Sonic: "Okay, we really gotta talk about your new look. It's like Professor X meets the Monopoly man. And what kind of genius shows up to Siberia in a convertible?"

Robotnik: "The kind of genius that can turn up the heat.. with a flick of a switch. *shoots something* I'm sure that wasn't important."

Y/n: "Bro looks like if Wario had a failed abortion with a girl."

Sonic points to an opening

Sonic: "Y/n, Tails, that's out exit! Come on let's split up *to Tails* you go high I go low, Y/n go with Tails I'm sure you both can make it out."

Y/n: "Careful, don't let the lumbago do anything."

Sonic: "Stay safe."

Sonic breaks some of Robotnik's drones and takes a part and jumps off

Y/n and Tails

Y/n starts to go into DeadEye and shoots most of the Drones in their center (red spot)


Y/n: "Stay back I'm sure that we'll get out of the mountain soon!"

Y/n and Tails soon run towards the exit of the mountain only for Y/n to get shot in his right arm near the shoulder and also near the gut

Tails: "Y/N!"

Y/n: "Gah! Crap!"

He quickly covers his wound on his chest with his left arm and uses his peft arm to cover his right arm

Y/n: "Go, I'll slow you guys down and I don't think I'll be able to hang onto you while we're in the air.."

Y/n grabs hit hat and puts it on Tails' head

Y/n: "Go! I'll distract the droids and Robotnik."

Tails: "No! There's gotta be another way! I can't just leave you! Not after what we've been through.. You've been a really nice friend and I hope that we become more.. I want you there for me."

Y/n: "I want to be there, I will be there, I promise I will, but if I'm not then tell Sonic to not get involved with revenge."

Tails notices how serious he was and realized the look in Y/n's eyes it was confidence but at the same time fear. Y/n wouldn't get out alive. But Tails couldn't just leave

Y/n: "Tails go!"

Tails: "No!"

Y/n: "We ain't gonna both make it.."

Y/n pulls Tails in for one last kiss before it all ends

He quickly backs away and then

Y/n pulls out his revolver and aims it at the fox. He hated every second of what he was doing but knew it was the right thing to do.


Y/n purposely missed his shots but it still hurt him knowing that he was shooting bullets near a friend that he cared about so much

Tails starts flying away fast trying to "avoid" the gunshots

Tails Pov:

Tails 'NO! Why! Why did he have to leave himself for me! But, was he really gonna shoot me? There's no way right? It can't be true I was just hearing and seeing things due to my heart and blood pressure right? Right..?"

I kept on flying to Sonic practically almost breaking down on Tears

Cut to Y/n

Y/n knew what he had to do and began to call out to Robotnik

Robotnik: "Oh what a sad little sight isn't it?"

Y/n: "Hehe, while you got Knuckles chasing Sonic he was just the distraction, I have the compass! You idiot!"

Y/n pov:

I was lying. I didn't have the compass. But I had to make him bring his droids away from Sonic and Tails

I then stood up and told him

Y/n: "I may be wounded badly, but I ain't dead, my journey isn't over.. yet.."

Robotnik: "Oh how heroic! Don't care! Blah blah! Ohhh noo the pity.."

Y/n then jumped out of the Mountain but quickly moved himself to the opposite direction of where Sonic was snowboarding and began snowboarding down there with a broken part from a droid

Cut to Sonic and Knuckles

Knuckles: "Surrender the compass! You are no match for me. I've been training for this my whole life."

Sonic: "And I had no training at all, yet here I am ahead of you. That must be embarrassing!"

Knuckles then pushed him onto the ground at the edge of a cliff

Sonic's rings fell out of his pouch and they all fell down onto the ground

Sonic: "My rings! No! Has anyone ever told you that you had anger issues?!"

Knuckles: "You mock me with your weak jokes, you know nothing about me Hedgehog."

Sonic: "Well, I know you Echidnas have a habit of showing up uninvited and ruining my life!"

Kbuckles: "Ruining your life? Another bad joke. I lost everything because of you."

Start of flashback

Knuckles: "My tribe was on the verge of it's greatest victory. The last of the owl warriors had been located. Soon Longclaw's Emerald secrets would be ours."

Knuckles but younger is shown holding a spear ready for battle

Knuckles: "But my father stopped me from joining the fight. He said my moment to honor our tribe would come, but it was not this moment."

Knuckle's father leaves along with the entire clan, leaving young Knuckles alone watching them as the sky turns darker

Knuckles: "Those were the last words he spoke to me.."

End of flashback

Knuckles: "I never saw him again."

Sonic: "We both lost everything that day."

Sonic then has a flashback of him and Y/n running out of there

Knuckles calms down but also lets his gaurd down, almost immediately he gets tied up by a rope that electrocutes him by Tails

Tails: "Y/n LEFT! HE WENT ON HIS OWN! He said he would distract Robotnik and most of his droids! He got shot in the arm and somewhere near the gut!"

Knuckles: "Deciever!"

Sonic: "No no it wasn't a trick!"

Sonic then realized as to what Tails said and his emotions changed, he looked like he has completely given up. His own brother who he practically had to raise by himself, basically going on a suicide mission


Tails: "I-..."

Sonic: "Tails, take the compass and run goddamnit! Fly wherever it takes you to just go, be safe!"

Sonic then throws the compass only for it to be catched by Robotnik who commands a few of his droids to shoot missiles at Tails only for him to dodge them, but he was too near the explosions and it knocked him out

Robotnik: "Later Haters!"

Knuckles then jumps onto Robotnik's flying machine? Or whatever it's called

Sonic: "Tails! Tails, come on wake up! I can't lose two in a day, GODDAMNIT! WHY!"

Knuckles: "He chose helping the fox over the compass."

Robotnik: "Of course he did. New friend, same pathetic weakness."

Sonic: "Oh, no. No, no, no. We're in real trouble here. Come on, Tails. I need you to fly us out of here. Time to wake up!"

Robotnik: "See ya kid, enjoy the powder!"

Well its not the longest but neither the shortest. Man was this chapter wild

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