《Sontails: Truth Of The Heart》Vacation, or...


The bright sunlight hit the blue blur's face slowly as the sun was getting up from it's long time sleep. Sonic opened his eyes slowly and pulled himself up from the cozy bed. Streching his arms in the air and let out a big yawn. His eyes were still tired as he sat on the end of the bed. 'Man. I must have slept great. The sun is already up'

The blue blur looked over to his side seeing his little kitsune sleeping. He wasn't THAT little anymore though, but still cute. Sonic couldn't stop smiling and moved some bangs from his two-tailed love's eyes. His soft breath hit Sonic in the face and he heldt Tails' hand. "Sleep well my love" He said softly and got out of bed, careful to not make any loud noises as he walked out of the room. Closing the door after him with a last look on his sleeping furball.

Sonic began taking out stuff to make the tasty chillidogs that he always have. He knew Tails loved them home made and decided to make this day really special. Nothing was going on anyways, so why worry?

Sonic had cooked the sausages and mixed in the chilli powder to get the extra taste of chilli. They are called dogs, what do you expect?

Tails was sleeping in his and Sonic's room quietly. He was dreaming. His body didn't move, he was lost in the dream.

Tails was walking around Emerald Hill Zone alone. The wind and the trees was swaying back and forth, but not to much. He thought he was alone, but wasn't. Tails found Sonic sitting on the end of a cliff, looking out at the sunset. Tails smiled widely when he saw his blue hero and ran over to him, hugging him from behind. Sonic flinched a bit, but smiled when he saw Tails. He ruffled his head and Tails laughed. Sonic lifted him up in his lap and kissed his nose. Tails smiled a blushed a bit. "Beautiful day isn't it?" Sonic said and looked at Tails. "Y-yeah" He simply said back.


Somehow, the dream didn't turn out the way Tails thought.

Sonic grinned and heldt Tails over the cliff. Tails thought this was a joke, until he saw Sonic's face. He had a huge grin on his face and that scared him. Badly. "-to die?" Was Sonic's last sentence before he let go of Tails, making him fall. Fast. His tails was tied in a knot, so he couldn’t fly. Tears streamed from his face and heldt his eyes tight together. 'Please make this end!' He cried in his head.

Tails woke up by falling on the woodfloor. He shook his head awake and eyes was widened. Tails had cold sweat and was breathing heavy. 'Why did I dream this? Sonic would never do this to me. Right?' He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear the footsteps coming towards his room. The door opened and Sonic stepped in.

Sonic thought he heard something from the room where he and Tails were sleeping, so he decided to check it out. When Sonic came in the room, he saw Tails looking scared at the wall. Sonic immediately took his little ball of fur in his arms and hugged him close. Tails were sweating. Sonic petted his head and made him relax. Tails came back to reality and hugged Sonic close. "It's ok babe~ It's ok now" Sonic did everything to make Tails feel better. Tails had small tears in his eyes and Sonic kissed his tears away. Tails smiled and looked at him. Sonic had the most warming eyes Tails have ever seen. His emerald green eyes looked at his little kitsune with love and comfort. Sonic smiled and petted his head. "Let's eat some breakfast babe. I made chillidogs" The sound of Sonic making chillidogs always cheered him up and did it now as well.

When both of them have eaten themselfes full, they relaxed on the couch in their treehut. The windows were open and they could hear the ocean waves. Sonic's little ball of fur cuddled into him and purred. Sonic couldn't stop smiling. 'Can this day ever go wrong?'


After a tasteful breakfast, Sonic decided to take a morning run with Tails. It's been a while, so why not? Sonic and Tails got ready by trying to get there first. The start was always a race. Sonic usually won, but Tails loved to fly through the wind with him and finally feel free. They started and as usual, Sonic was in the leading position. Tails flew some meters behind and laughed. He flew past Sonic and flew around in circles and zig-zaged around the trees. Sonic grinned and took, what Tails did, as a challenge. He ran around and zig-zaged in the same places as Tails and soon were by his side.

When they arrived at the finish line, Sonic won by one meter. Tails just smiled at hugged Sonic and he hugged back.

Both of them sat down and relaxed and Sonic closed his eyes. A second went by and they heard a huge crack. Knowing it was a tree that cracked they both turned around and saw a robot. It didn't stand there for long, so he attacked Tails and scratched him across his chest. Tails screamed out in pain and heldt around his belly with both hands and tails. Sonic who saw this, got pissed and started spindashing through the robot. Destroying every piece of metal from its body. With one more punch, kick and spindash, as well as a homing attack, the robot got destroyed. Leaving some pieces of metal on the ground. He turned and ran over to his kitsune, who was hurt. Badly.

Tails woke up in their bed, hurt. He tried to sit up, but only to lay down again because of the pain coming from his belly. He bit his teeth together to reduce the pain. Sonic walked in and put a piece of towel in hot water on his head. "How are you feeling Tailsy?" He were calm in voice, but it was love hidden there too, and worry. Tails only smiled and nodded slowly. The blue hero looked at his lover's belly and saw the three claw marks and lowered his ears. 'If I only were faster...' His mind stopped thinking when he saw Tails looking at him. Long. It looked like he were trying to find something. "Can you come closer?" He were casual in his voice. Sonic just leaned forward to his face, so they touched noses. Without a second thought, Tails kissed him. The blue blur got surprised and blushed pink on his peach cheeks. Tails reached his hand on the back of Sonic's head and grabbed something, but it did hurt a bit. "Ouch!" Sonic broke the kiss and heldt his hand on the place where Tails got something out. He held it in front of Sonic's face and he saw that it was a red glowing, tiny ball. "Tracker" Tails said in a simple way. "I knew something were up"

Sonic looked confused at Tails for a moment and couldn’t understand what he meant. Tails had it in between his fingers and crushed it. "Hope that does it" Sonic smiled at Tails. "You little genius of mine" Tails blushed a bright pink of those words and Sonic held him close, but just making Tails squeak in pain from the scars on his chest. Sonic heldt his hand instead and smiled at Tails. He smiled back and kissed his blue blur on his nose. "Thank you for saving me Sonic" Their eyes looked deep into each other's soul and found a burning love that would never extinguish.

Red eyes watched them trough their window, seeing how close they are. Holding hands and kissing. He were too distracted to even hear his communicator, but got back to it. ""

"Report: collected new information about Sonic the hedgehog"

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