《Sontails: Truth Of The Heart》Bad timing


Sonic felt cold inside and were stiff in all his bones as he slowly waked up. He forced his eyes to open, but he felt way too sleepy and tired. His mind were filled with memories from yesterday, but he didn't feel cold wet snow around or under him. That was when he felt a familiar scent, a feeling of something comfortable. He tried to sit up, but was too stiff in his back to do so. Sonic slowly layed down again and turned his head to the left and saw a bright fire inside of a fireplace. Knowing that he was inside of someone's house. It was warm to be inside, but Sonic still felt cold. The blue blur took his hand to his head and felt a cold ice bag on his forhead. It wasn't helping much, but he felt warm to his head and not his body. Maybe he catched a cold. Sonic layed on a comfy dark green couch with a dark blue blanket and a white fluffy pillow. His shoes and gloves hang over an oven to dry. He took a deep breath and let it out.

'Am I home?'

He thought to himself. 'and if I am. How did I get here?'

In the middle of his thinking, Sonic heard footsteps and shook his thoughts away. Tails came inside of the main room and sat down some kind of soup and a cup of hot chocolate, and it smelled wonderful. His love sighed, like he yet haven't noticed that Sonic was awake yet.

"Tails? ..."

He jumped of surprise and Tails stumbled and fell over the table. Landing on the carpet that was under with a little 'dunk'. Sonic tried so hard to keep his laugh, but it was way too funny and he started to laugh. Tails sat up and rubbed the back of his head. By looking at Sonic, he started to laugh too. Trying to figure out how stupid he looked like when he just fell over the table. Both of them relaxed after a good laugh and Tails hugged Sonic who still layed on the couch. Sonic felt a warmth inside of his body that couldn’t be described and he hugged his loved one too, dragging him on himself. Of course both of them blushed. Tails sat up and spoke.


"Sonic. Why did you go alone? Did you just thought you could do this yourself?"

His two-tailed buddy looked like a mix of worried and annoyed on him and Sonic felt a cold shame wash over himself. Without an answer, Tails continued.

"You could've gotten killed! Freeze to death! And I would sit here, without information on where you were or when you went!"

Tails had his ears lowered and his eyes were too adorable when they were sad, but too heartbreaking for him. Sonic just smiled and sat up meeting his loved one's nose with his.

"But it didn't happen. Didn't it? I'm fine, you are fine. We are both fine. Thanks to you~. You are way too smart to let me die or freeze to death~"

Tails blushed of Sonic's words, but were still sad.

"But, let me come with you next time, ok?"

Tails looked at Sonic straight in the eyes. And he just smiled.

"Of course. But I will take care of you. Even if it will cost my life."

The blue blur spoke with a serious tone. And the two-tailed fox smiled.

"And I will do the same to you my hero~"

When Tails said that. He licked Sonic in his ear. Causing him to blush and purr a bit.

"Tails, stop, it tickles"

Sonic said as he chuckled and itched his genius behind his ears.

"Ok, it's enough"

Tails said as he sat up with a little blush, on his hero's lap while Sonic sat up in an up - right position. The ice bag fell off his head and landed on the pillow.

"Are we cool now?"

Sonic wondered and looked innocent on his two-tailed love.

Tails raised an eyebrow and chuckled a bit before he answered.

"Yeah. We're cool, but don't do anything so stupid next time, 'kay?"


He said with a worried tone and Sonic just nodded as an answer. Tails smiled warmly and gave a quick kiss to his love on the lips. That surprised Sonic and he blushed.

"You should eat. After that fight. You must be really hungry. I made chicken soup for ya"

Tails said and pointed on the soup he brought earlier. He walked away with his tails swinging back and forth, whitch looked really cute to Sonic. Tails disappeared inside of his workshop and Sonic sat up and began to eat. He blew a little on the soup to cool it down and took the spoon inside to taste the soup. Filled with surprise, the soup tasted amazing! His eyes widened and smiled as he ate every bit of it up.

After he was finished. Sonic layed back on the pillow and frowned because of the ice bag. He pushed it down annoyed and put his head on the comfy pillow with a full tummy. Sonic sighed happily and Tails walked in the room with dirty gloves. Like he have been tinkering with some machines that were dusty or parts that were dirty.

"Did you enjoy your meal? To me it looks like you've been eating 20 chillidogs"

The twin - tailed fox simply smiled and chuckled as he sat down beside his blue hedgie. Sonic simply grinned and looked at Tails with one eye half - closed and smiled.

"I didn't know you could cook so well Tails? Where or when did you learn that?"

He asked and heldt his face. His genius just simply smiled and had his eyes half - closed.

"I have more interests than only tinkering with machines you know"

Sonic grinned and sat up again. He looked Tails deep in the eyes. Thinking that they were beautiful. He leaned towards Tails and took off his gloves. (Since Sonic's were already off) Tails' eyes widened as Sonic leaned towards him for a kiss. And their lips met. Feeling the soft taste of each others love. They both drowned in the love that they shared at that one moment. Tails wrapped his twins around Sonic to give him more warmth. They stopped kissing and they looked at each others eyes. Sonic smiled and had his eyes half - closed and stroke Tails' cheek.

"My little genius~"

Tails smiled and blushed lightly.

"My hero~"

They both leaned in for another kiss, but stopped by the sound of footsteps. Their eyes widened and they both turned their head around slowly to see who it was.

"Is this a bad timing for a visit?..."

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