《Just a bully(completed)》Chapter 2- you!



I was shocked to see Yoongi standing in front of me. He had a smirk on his face as soon as he saw me.

"Why are you here, don't you have to get ready for your basketball tryouts or something?" He looked at me with boredom," you're brother invited me over." He said impatiently waiting for me to open the door for him.

" y/n, who is it, you better not have invited anyone over or else you know what happens." Yoongi almost looked shocked for a moment then quickly replace it with annoyed.

At that moment Jungkook has come down and saw Yoongi, he shouted out to our dad that he invited some friends from school and they were working on a project. I nodded and move upstairs into my room.


As soon as all the boys came we headed upstairs to my room. I looked at y/n's door and figured she was sitting on her bed staring at a picture of our mother. Y/n took her death hard considering she had been very close to our mother

I was ripped out of my thoughts as someone grabbed my wrist and brought me into the noisy room.

" hey Jungkook where's your sister?"

" probably in her room jimin" he gave me a blank look before continuing to speak." I was thinking we could all go out for ice cream and we could bring her with us." I nodded and stood up to go to her room.


I heard a knock on my door before my brother came in.

"Hey do you want to come eat ice cream with us?"I thought about it for a second before slightly nodding and standing up.

"Yah, jimin cut it out." I laughed. He had been poking me and now he was trying to tickle me. I ran ahead and he followed closely behind.


" yah cut it out you two, I'm getting dizzy watching you guys running around."

" it's not our fault your an old grandpa." Jimin said as everyone burst out laughing. Yoongi's face was red with anger as everyone continued dying of laughter.

"Let's just go already." He said annoyed

Once we got to the ice cream shop, everyone had ordered and taken a seat at some nearby tables. We talked for ours and I became very good friends with jimin, he even considered me as his best friend which made everyone else jealous.

" Come on chim, your so slow." Jimin had decided to walk me home as Jungkook had gone to sleep over at hobi's.

We reached the front of my house and I could hear glass shattering inside." Uh oh." I quietly muttered but surprisingly jimin heard.

He also new about the problems with your dad.

" hey why don't I call the others and ask if they wanted to have a pajama party at my house. We could order pizza and watch a movie?"

He must of noticed the glum look on my face, but chuckled a bit as my face lit up and began smiling like crazy at what he had said.

" if you want you can invite some of your friends to?"

I didn't have any friends at this school but I had some at my old school. Lisa, Jennie, rose, and jisoo. I quickly dialed their number and game them the address in which jimin had given me.

" okay let's go then shall we?" He asked smiling brightly.


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