《Just a bully(completed)》Chapter 1 meeting



"Yah, Jeon y/n wake up now, your gonna be late for your first day of school" Jungkook your older brother said with a hint of annoyed in his voice.

"Yeah,yeah I'm up and I'm going to get you back for that!" I teased.

"Uh,oh" he nervously ran out of the room while I was silently chuckling


I was outside admiring my new school when Jungkook spoke," take a picture, it'll last longer."

I asked Jungkook for directions to the principals office then started walking.

I arrived and looked at my class, math just great my least favourite subject. I thanked the principal than headed out towards my class.


"RING RING" the late bell rang. I just kept walking to my class.

5 minutes later I arrive at math class. I walk in and the whole class stares at me in aw.

"Oh you must be the new student, please introduce yourself" the teacher spoke calmly.

" Hello my name is Jeon Y/n don't mess with me." I said in a cold tone.

"Okay you can sit beside Taehyung, Taehyung please raise your hand." Taehyung raised his hand egerly while looking like a little child. I slightly smiled then hid it and made my way to sit beside Taehyung and let the teacher begin the lesson.

"Hey aren't you Jungkook's little sister?" Taehyung whispered careful not to be to loud cause the teacher was teaching," yes I am." I whispered back then we both focused on the board again.


After class I was about to go out of the classroom to eat lunch when I heard someone calling my name.

"Hey Y/n, come eat with us during lunch." I turned around to see who it was but they were already dragging me out the classroom.


He finally let go and I saw that it was Taehyung." What was that for?" I asked him coldly as we walked towards 2 boys.

"You remind me of Yoongi Hyung." One of the boys asked. He seemed very happy and cheerful.

"Yes, now lets go eat the rest will meet us there." Another one said.

Once we got to the cafeteria the boys led me over to a big table. I sat between Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Ok, once everyone gets here we'll introduce ourselves." I just nodded at them.

A couple minutes later a few more boys showed up and one came over and told me," move that's my spot."

I death glared him and said," really I didn't know you either, bought this chair, wrote your name on it, or got here before me, no? therefore it's not your chair."

"You lit......." he didn't have time to finish his sentence when Taehyung spoke." Okay everyone let's introduce ourselves."

"Ok so this here is Jin, Hoeseok but you can call him hobi, over there is rm, jimin and yoongi." Ahhh so that's his name ,Yoongi."nice to meet you everyone."


After a while we all headed to class. I walked inside and found an empty chair to sit in. I plugged in my headphones watching as one by one students showed up and took their sheets.

After a while the teacher came in and asked me to introduce myself.

I stood up," Hi my name is Jeo...." I couldn't finish when someone barged into the room.

" I'm sorry I'm late miss it won't happen again." The teacher nodded and turned back to me.

"Hi my name is Jeon Y/n, yes I am jungkooks sister, and don't mess with me." I sat back down and looked beside me, the last person I wanted to see right now


Min Yoongi

We death glares each other for a bit then I finally turned my attention back to the teacher. I could feel someone's eyes staring at me and I already had an idea of who. Min Yoongi. I just ignored it.


After school me and Jungkook started walking home. We were quite rich and didn't live that far away from the school. Are mother had died when I was 6 and my dad was the CEO of a big company. Jeon entertainment. He was rarely home but when he was, he would always abuse us. So a lot of the time me and Jungkook hung out in each other's rooms and watched movies together. He made me feel safe and I was grateful for that.

We arrived home but didn't see our dad. We quickly went to the kitchen to grab a snack and as we were making our way upstairs, we heard a booming voice.

" where do you two little rats think your going?" I cursed in my head slowly turning towards him with fear in my eyes.

" we were just headed upstairs to do our homework." Jungkook shifted nervously beside me.

" take out the trash and clean this house it's a mess." He said while turning away." But aren't the maids coming soon?" I questioned.

" do you want my hand across your face, if not, I suggest you do what I say." He walked away.


We had just finished cleaning the house when the doorbell rung. I ran to the door to see who it was and was quite shocked.

*yoongi pov*

I got home and flopped onto the couch. My phone suddenly dinged and it was a message from Jungkook.


Jungkook: hey Yoongi, I was wondering if you wanted to come with the boys to our house? Our dads home and we're kinda lonely.

Yoongi: sure, when?

Jungkook: now

Yoongi: okay bye

I texted everyone and headed out the door making sure to lock it. My mom would get home later as she worked really late.

I had known about Jungkook and y/n's troubles with their dad. Ever since their mom past away it hasn't been the same for them.

Shortly after, I arrived at the house and knocked on the door. The boys haven't gotten here yet as I was the first. Y/n came to the door and opened it looking shocked. She looked amazing just wearing a baggy sweater and shorts, her long brown hair tied up in a messy ponytail.

Wait..... what am I thinking? She stole my spot today at lunch and was rude about it. I cant be thinking about this. But why does my heart beat so fast when I'm around her? Whatever, it'll go away, I'm just nervous about basketball tryouts that's all.


Thank you everyone, this is my first time writing an ff so let me know how I did. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask. Thank you again I hope you enjoy. Also let me know if you want me to keep this series going. You can also lend me suggestions for the next part, it would be really helpful, but anyway. Byeee

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