《The blonde and the brunette》24: Scömìche


I woke up in Scott's arms, and now, we were safe.

Travis is gone, and I'm still upset. But at the same time, I'm happy.

I never have to go back to that crazy hospital, I never have to be hurt by Travis again, I never have to fear that Travis will be there everywhere I go, and I don't have to fear of loosing Scott.

Scott means everything to me, and if I loose him, I will never be the same. Ever.

The only thing I fear now, is the fact that I'm still very dizzy.

Scott said it's nothing sorry about, and that if I calm down, and stop stressing, I'd feel better.

And I did, we cuddled for what felt like hours, and I was magically all better.

Scott has a secret touch, I swear.

Scott and I ended up going to our favorite restaurant, which wasn't really a restaurant. It was more of a café, it was kind of like Starbucks, but it was for music lovers.

That's where we made up an idea for a duo group.

Just him and I.

We would call it 'Scömìche'.

Both of our names, combined.

We sat at a booth, and both had iced coffee.

He leaned across the table, and kissed me.

I kissed back.

It was amazing.

"I love you, thanks for putting up with my crazy ass." I said.

"Mitch, you aren't crazy." He says.

I nod.

He shakes his head and sticks out his tongue, making me giggle.

After the café, we went to a park, and sat by a lake.

We sang a song together, since there was no one there.

And we held hands the whole time, like a married couple.

Except we weren't... we... you get it, we weren't married.




I want him to be my husband someday, but I don't know if he would want to be mine.

After all, he might not love me as much as I honk he does.

"Scott.. how much do you love me?"

What the he'll did I just say?!

It just.. it just came out of my mouth.

No... what did I just do?!

"Mitch, honey, of course I love you." He says.

"I love you so much, enough to do this."

And he picked me up and kissed me, making me smile.

I was still in his arms, and I asked him 1 bug question.

"Scott, I don't have a ring.. or anything but... will you marry me?" I asked, knowing he would probably say no.

But I was wrong.

"Yes, of course." He says, smiling and putting me down.

My jaw drops. "Really?! You... you mean it?!" I ask.

He nods. "Duh, Mitchy." He says, giggling.

And... just like that, we are married.

Kind of cool, right??


It's been a few months now, and I've saved up enough money to hug Scott a a wedding band.

I put it on a rose, set it on his pillow and waited down in the living room.

I herd his door to his bedroom door open, and as he walked in, I herd him gasp.

I already had my wedding band on, and I was just waiting for him to walk downstairs, and see the shock on his face.

About 2 minutes after I herd him gasp, he came downstairs, with tears all down his face.

Was he upset??

"What's wrong, scotty? Di...did I do something wrong??" I ask, getting up and walking to him.

He shakes his head still crying, and shows me his hand, with the ring on his finger.


A smile grows across his face, showing me that he was crying happy tears.

I smiled, and started crying too.

"I-I d...do" he says, hugging me.

I smile and hug back.

Scott never shows his emotions like he just did. That must mean that he's really happy, and so am I.

I love him so much.


A few months later...

"I do." Mitch says.

"I do." Scott says.

"You may now kiss your groom." The priest says.

And with that said, Scott and Mitch kissed.

Best friends by chance, married couple by heart.

The blonde and the brunette, were now married. They were Scömìche.


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