《The blonde and the brunette》Avi :( (not an update)


Hey y'all... today, we got the news that Avi was stepping down from PTX.

I haven't cried at school, and today I sobbed. For three hours straight.

It sucked.

But we all have to realize, Pentatonix is not splitting up. Only Avi has left. And it sucks, but Pentatonix will not end.

We all need to stay positive and be happy for Avi. I know this is a hard day for every Pentaholic, trust me. I'm very upset, but... we have to be happy. We have to be happy because Pentatonix isn't breaking up. Mike (Mitch's dad) has said on Facebook that there will be another bass. I know we don't want to hear that they are replacing Avi. But that means that Pentatonix is still going to be a band. They are not spiriting up. Kevin, Kirstie, Scott and Mitch are going to make it work. Pentatonix is getting more recognized, and they have 3 Grammys. I do not think they will spilt up. Yes, this is a challenge for them. But everything happens for a reason. We need to realize something. Each member of Pentatonix, including Avi, love their fans. They are all still very young, and they still all want a career in music. Everyone will continue. Pentatonix will not spilt up. They will make it work. I know it. They always will. We all have to stay positive and agree to their choices. Everything will work out, and everything happens for a reason. Like the hashtag says, Pentatonix forever 💗 #ptxforever

Our faves are here to stay💗

Also, I'll update a chapter later 💗

Talk to y'all #soon 💗

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