《The blonde and the brunette》18: lost in the dark (short chapter)


I got up in the middle of the night, because I kept waking up.

I grabbed my phone and decided to take a walk.

I thought Travis was locked up, so I felt safe.

I took a walk around our neighborhood.

I felt safe, but then I started to feel like someone was following me.

I got back to the front door of Scott and I's Apartment and right as I open the door, cold hands wrap around my waist, and a hand goes over my mouth. I see bright orange pants.

It was Travis. He must have escaped from the jail.

Oh... oh no...

I screamed, making sure Scott hears.

"Mitch, be quiet. I'm not going to hurt you as bad as I can. Calm down." He says.

I kick and scream, as he picks me up.

"Scott!! H-help!!" I yell.

Scott hears and runs downstairs.

Travis starts running with me, and Scott follows behind.

Travis lead Scott down a path, and made Scott trip and fall over a branch.

Since it was dark, Travis kept running and Scott couldn't see us.

Eventually, I didn't see Scott anymore.


Travis stopped running, and I was full on screaming and sobbing.

He threw me to the ground and ran a different way.

He wanted me to be alone.

He wanted me to feel scared again.

He didn't love me.


I had my phone on me, and tried calling Scott. But there was barley any signal.

I called anyway.

"S-s...Scott..." I said, taking a breath.

I couldn't breathe because Travis threw me to the ground and hurt my ribs.

"H-help... pl-please. H-he le-left me somewhere... p-please he-help." I mumbled.

"I'll be there soon, I promise. Hang in there." He says.

I lay my head down on the cold, hard ground and pass out.

Scott will find me...

I know it...


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