《The blonde and the brunette》15: Closer than ever


I hid under the blankets, Scott tried to calm me down, it didn't work.

I wanted to stay quiet, but I knew that would make things worse.

I knew Scott would protect me, but... Travis has his ways.

Scott had my phone, I wasn't sure what he was texting, or anything.

I hid under the blankets for the rest of the night, trying to stop crying.

Scott eventually pulled the blankets away from my face, but I was already asleep.

Mitch didn't know, but I was closer than I have ever been.

I tap on Scott's bedroom window, startling Scott.

Scott gets up to check the window, leaving mitch on the bed alone.

I run to the other window, bang on it, hoping it would break. But it didn't.

Damn bullet proof windows.

Mitch wakes up, and Scott goes to him.

Mitch's face is all red, with tear stains.

Was he crying because of me?

I hope he's okay, Haha. Just kidding.

I see Scott grab Mitch's phone to text me back.

S: Leave him alone. What did he ever do to you?

T: You don't know what I've gone through.

S: You put Mitch threw hell, Travis.

T: I don't care, he deserved it.

S: What did he ever do?

T: He wouldn't... you know, you'll figure out soon.

S: what??

T: I'm coming for Mitch, and you won't be able to help him.

S: F-

My phone drops from Scott's hand and he instantly picks me up and runs to a closet, and locks the door. He takes his phone from his back pocket and dials a number.

What's going on??


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