《The blonde and the brunette》16: Trapped


Mitch and I were hiding in the closet.

Travis was outside the window with a gun.

I called the police.

"Hello?! Yes, there is a crazy man... w-with a gun!! Ou-outside my window and he i-is trying to kill my boyfriend and I-I. P-Please h-hurry!!" I yelled into the phone.

The cops came a bit too late, and Travis already was in the house.

We didn't know it though.

We didn't realize our front door was unlocked.

All of a sudden, the closet door swings open.

Mitch starts crying.

I don't know what to do.

We're trapped.

Where do I go?

Mitch jumps out of my arms and runs out of the closet, running past Travis.

Travis chased after him, and I chased after Travis.

Mitch ran out of the house and locked himself in his car, and started driving.

Leaving me at the house, alone with Travis.

Mitch calls me.

"Scott, I-I'm not Le-leaving you... I-I have a pl-plan..." he stutters. "T-tell T-Travis to meet m-me at S-Starbucks. P-please." Mitch says and instantly hangs up.

"Travis, Mitch is going to Starbucks." I say.

"And? Why should I care?"

"Because you came here for him."

"No Scott, I came here for you." He says, locking the house door behind him.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask, scared.

"Mitch loves you, more than he ever loved me. And I want that to change." He says.

"T-Travis, we can work things out... p-p-..." he put his hand over my mouth and grinned.

The cops got here and broke down the door.

Travis pulled up a fist and punched me square in the face a couple of times, making everything feel dizzy and weird. It felt like I was drunk.

Like I was going to black out.


The cops offered to help, but I resisted.

I had to get to Mitch.

The cops took one of Travis's hands and tried to get the other. But he swung at me again, this time making my vision blurry.

I ran out of the house, stumbling into my car and driving to Starbucks.

I finally got there to see Mitch crying, at an empty table.

I get out and run to him.

"M-mit...Mitchy.. t-Travis is... is gett-getting arrested.." I stutter.

I can't feel my face at all, but I'm hoping Mitch is okay.

"Scott!! What happened?!" He gasped. "Travis?! Did he do this?!"

I nodded. "But I-I'm okay.. I promise. He's getting a-arrested. I think..." I say.

I see a man run, it looks like Travis. Oh no...


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