The only good thing about today was that McKenzie would be starting her first day at Miami Beach Senior High School.
Other than that, it sucked.
The weather sucked, and my period just started yesterday so I was cramping really bad. My second day is almost my worse.
"You girls ready?" I heard my mom shout from the bottom of the staircase. "Breakfast is to-go today. I have to be to work a little early."
As much as I wanted to stay home today, I knew I had to be there for my sister. So, putting my attitude aside, I grabbed my book bag filled with snacks before making my way downstairs.
"And lemme get a uh." I pulled at my chin hair. "Two sausage McGriddles and fo' hash browns."
"Okay, so I have two sausage biscuits, two sausage McGriddles, and four hash browns. Can I get you an any size drink for a dollar?"
I looked ova' at 'Mere who was shakin' his head. I ain't want nothin' to drink either. "Na, that's all."
"Okay, I'll have your total at the first window."
Afta' payin' and gettin' the food, I drove me and 'Mere to school. I started eatin' as soon as I parked in the student parkin' lot.
"So what's up wit' you and Dri?"
I cocked my head at the nigga. "What you mean? Ain't nothin' up wit' us."
"Who I look like? Booboo the foo? Nigga, ain't nobody stupid enough to believe that."
"Mane, what you talkin' bout?"
'Mere sucked his teeth. "So you mean to tell me y'all ain't got nothin' goin'? Nothin' at all?"
"I guess she lied to me then." Amere shrugged.
I scratched the side of my face. "What you mean she lied to you?"
"She told me y'all had somethin' goin', y'all was just tryna keep it on the l-o-w."
"Ah shit." I shook my head. "Look, bruh. She told me not to tell nobody, I ain't know she was gon' go tell somebody. Shit, she said she ain't even tell Kenz. I'on know why she told yo'-"
Amere busted out laughin'. "She ain't tell me shit, bruh. I just lied to see if you was gon' tell the truth. Lyin' ass nigga."
I mushed his dumb ass. This motha'fucka always got jokes and shit. Bruh know me too well though.
"Mane, you trippin'." I couldn't help but laugh. "But fa'real, bruh. You can't say shit."
"So y'all datin', but keepin' it a secret?"
I shook my head. "Na, we ain't datin' or nothin' like that. We just chillin', but that's my baybeh if you feel what I'm sayin'."
"So y'all only fuck behind closed doors?"
"Bruh." This nigga dumb as hell. "Ain't nobody fuckin nobody behind no closed doors."
"So y'all keep the door open? Ew, y'all nasty."
I smacked my teeth, laughin' at this dumb ass.
"Ain't no fuckin', my nigga."
"Y'all be kissin'?"
I looked him upside his head. "Do you and Kenz be kissin', bruh? I ain't questionin' you about what you and Kenz got goin'. Shit, I should though. What the fuck y'all got goin'?"
'Mere started smirkin'. "I fucks wit' her, but I ain't tryna' rush nothin' on her. Especially cause the situation she just got out of, know what I'm sayin?"
I nodded my head. She did just get out of some fucked up shit, but I'm glad they got that shit handled. Don't nobody deserve to be livin' like that.
"Na, I feel that. You'ca tell she feelin' you though."
He popped his colla' makin' me shake my head.
He a foo'.
"I'ma just let her come to me. I ain't rushin' nothin', but if I see her wit' another nigga, I'ma beat both they ass."
I dapped him up, agreein' a thousand percent. "Hell yea, bruh. Lemme catch Dri wit' a nigga, I'a knock they head off they shoulders. Shit, I still owe that nigga Cedrick a ass whoopin', but-"
"Speakin' of the devils." Mere nodded his head, motionin' towards the front of the school.
Sho'nuff, Dri and Kenz was gettin' out they mama nice ass Mercedes. Shit, if I ain't know them, I'a probably follow ha' mama somewhea and jack ha' shit.
But, I know 'em so I ain't gon' do dat.
"Good mornin', ma." I felt a pair of arms wrap around my neck and a body press up against me. Already knowing who it was, I didn't bother to turn around.
Instead, I kissed his hand that dangled in my face. I did it quickly though so nobody would notice.
"Good morning, Angel. I'm glad you guys are here." I said, seeing that Amere was with him. "Here, Amere. You can show Kenz where her locker is. Your lock is on the second floor, right?"
He smirked. "Sure is, but even if it wasn't-" He took the locker number and combination out my hand. "I would still show you. Come on."
He put his hand on out for Kenz to take, which she gladly did. As they walked away, she turned around and sent me a big smile.
You're welcome, sis. You know I got you.
As soon as they disappeared up the stairs, Angel pulled me into the nearby bathroom hallway. He cupped my face in his hands, smashing his lips against mine.
Slightly deepening it, I stood on my tip-toes and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands found my butt, giving it a squeeze which caused me to laugh against his lips.
"Mm, girl." He smirked, licking his lips playfully.
I shook my head, giggling. "Let's go to class before this minute music starts playing."
As bad as I wanted to hold his hand and flaunt him off, I knew it wasn't the best choice or the best time. I wanted to make sure this is what we really wanted before getting everybody in our business.
Hell, I haven't even told McKenzie about... whatever this is. I know she's going to kick my ass when I eventually do tell her, but she'll understand.
Low key, I think she's doing the same with Amere, but I won't intrude. I definitely ain't one to talk.
Going into Mr. Tane's class, Angel and I took our usual seats next to each other.
"It's about time." Dayna rolled her eyes. "I've been wanting to talk to you about my birthday in, like, ten days."
Dayna and I were "cool" again, I guess you could say. When the adoption was official, I posted about it on Instagram. She reached out to Kenz and I saying how happy she was for her, it sparked up a conversation, and, well, here we are.
"You're about to be seventeen." I stuck my tongue out. "So what do you feel like doing?"
"I've been thinking about renting a hotel and doing a sleep-over. I don't have a lot of friends though."
Angel stuck his nose in the conversation. "I'a be thea'."
"You're not invited." Day smirked.
If I'm invited, he's coming.
"Why I ain't?"
"It's an all-girls sleepover."
"All-girls sleepover, I ain't comin' to sleep. I'm comin' to get lit." Angel said in a "duh" tone, making me laugh.
Day didn't find it too funny though. It's Angel, of course she didn't find it funny.
We've been cool, but she's been acting real stank towards Angel. I didn't like it, but he told me not to speak on it because if she got disrespectful with me in front of him, he'll "knock her big ass head off her shoulders".
"Nope, sorry." She shook her head. "But anyways. So far its you, McKenzie and Nicole."
I cocked my head. "I didn't know you were friends with Nicole."
Last time I checked, she was upset with me for being "too close" with Angel. But now she's friends with Nicole.
Something ain't right, sis.
"Yea, we have our fifth period gym class together and we got pretty close."
"Oh... okay."
Angel and I gave each other a look that only he and I would understand right now.
"You guys are coming over tonight, right?"
Angel nodded. "We'a be thea'. My mama can't make it though. She gotta-"
"Yea, she already told my mom."
"Oh aight." Angel looked around the student parking lot, making sure the coast was clear before leaning in and giving me a kiss, which I gladly reciprocated.
"I'll see you later, okay? Drive safe, let me know when you guys make it to your house."
He nodded. "Aight, ma."
He mouthed the words "I love you" so I blew him a kiss before walking over to the front of the school. Just as I made it, Kenz and Amere were walking out of the building together.
"Well, hello you two." I smiled, hugging the both of them.
"Where yo' long neck ass boyfriend at?" Mere asked me, knowing damn well Angel wasn't my boyfriend.
"He's not my boyfriend, but he's already at the car waiting on your green bean head ass."
Mere chuckled. "Oh you tryna ride? Don't make me get on yo' ass."
"Bye, Amere!"
He gave Kenz a hug before running off. "Aight, I'll see y'all later. Aye, dick nose, be safe aight." He laughed, pointing at me.
I flicked him off since he was already too far for me to even try to say anything slick back to him. I'll handle that later though.
"So, how was your first day?"
"It was pretty good. I had two classes with Amere today and I have one with him tomorrow."
"I bet you're happy about that, huh?"
She rolled her eyes at me as we walked to the truck once my mom pulled up.
"Hey, my babies. How was you guys' day?"
"Mine was straight."
"Mine was good." McKenzie smiled.
"Hers was good because she has classes with Amere." I laughed, gaining a slap in the back of the head from her.
My mom smirked at her through the mirror. "Is that right? Y'all better make sure each of you stay on top of your work in those classes."
"Of course, mom. How could you expect anything less than?" Kenz smiled before flicking me off.
About another 30 minutes later, we finally made it to the house in what should have been 10 minutes. The traffic always sucks around this time though.
My mom was already preparing for the little dinner we were having tonight in celebration of the adoption. It was going to be, obviously us three, on top of my uncle Michael and my aunt Trinity, Angel, and Amere.
If my uncle didn't find a way out of being under the same roof with my aunt again.
Angel's parents and Amere's mom were supposed to come, but it was a last minute thing so they couldn't get off from work in time for it.
Putting my phone on my bed so I could change, I groaned once it began to vibrate as soon as I sat down on the other side of the room. Getting up, I was more irritated when I seen it was just a notification from someone liking my picture of the adoption and, that same person, following me on Instagram.
"I have so much homework already." Kenz whined, coming into my room without knocking.
"You would have been mad if you would have walked in and my ass was all out."
"Mad? No. Disgusted? Maybe."
I smacked my teeth, throwing my make-up brush at her.
"Hey, give that back. That's my favorite one."
She chucked it at me, hitting me right in my temple.
"Alright, hoe. Keep playing with me." I laughed as she was doubled over dying laughing, holding her stomach due to the fact that she hit me.
"So you like Amere and you like Angel, but you guys aren't dating yet. What's the point of liking each other then?" My aunt Trinity asked, shaking her head and sipping her pink Moscato.
"It's not that simple." Kenz whined.
Trin shook her head. "Why isn't it?"
Just as Kenz was about to say something, Amere and Angel walked back into the den where we were hanging out.
We were waiting for my uncle Michael to get here so we could eat.
"What y'all talkin' bout?" Mere questioned, sitting down next to Kenz and putting his arm behind her.
Crazy because Angel did the same exact thing to me. Even more of a reason for my aunt to talk.
"You guys."
Kenz and I gave her a "please don't" look, but she ignored it. That was expected of her.
"Trin, don't do that to them." My mom tried to intervene, laughing because we all knew what my aunt was capable of.
"Word? What about us?" Mere asked, already intrigued.
"I'm just trying to figure out why you and Kenz, and why Dri and Angel, aren't dating yet."
Angel and Amere both started laughing like she had just told the funniest joke.
"What you said, Dri?" Angel interrogated with a sly smirk on his face.
I quickly shook my head. "I didn't say anything."
"What was yo' excuse for not bein' wit' me?" Amere inquired, playing with Kenz's hair. "Cause honestly, I'on see nothin' wrong wit' me. I'm a good lookin' nigga."
Kenz rolled her eyes, laughing. "There's nothing wrong with your looks, Amere."
Cutting into the conversation, my phone started ringing. I could see the relieved look on McKenzie's face.
She hates confrontation when it comes to things like that.
Looking at my phone, I seen it was a video chat from the person that was blowing up my Instagram earlier, .
I don't know who they are, but they've been liking all my pictures and dm'ing me since I accepted their follow request earlier.
This isn't the way to stay off the block list, bud.
Going on his page, I checked to see if maybe he was from MBSHS. Squinting my eyes, he looked familiar, but it definitely wasn't from school.
He actually looked a lot like the guy from the airport that asked me about my dad. Speaking of that...
"Mom." I called out, getting her attention. "I didn't tell you about my airport incident."
"No, you didn't. What happened?"
"This guy asked me about dad. He asked me something like "aren't you T's daughter?". I told him yea, but then I asked him if he was family because nobody calls dad 'T' except for family."
My mom looked as if she was nervous. Almost like the same look my uncle had when I explained the characteristics of the boy. "Isthat all that happened?"
"Yea, pretty much. He didn't answer my question, said he was going to miss his flight and ran off."
"Oh okay."
I furrowed my eyebrows as she got up from the couch, exiting the den as she was typing away on her phone before putting it to her ear.
McKenzie gave me a look and I simply shrugged my shoulders, letting her know I had no idea what just happened.
I honestly didn't.
- In Serial24 Chapters
Second Chance
Coralina was the pack warrior and best fighter in the pack. When her mate turns up she falls hopelessly in love with him. Yet that all changes when she finds that he lied and wasn't who he said he was. She runs away and goes to her brother who is the beta of a powerful pack. There she meets the most feared man and wolf ever. Paxton Brooks. Could he be her second chance mate?Paxton has been looking for his mate for years. He was beginning to get worried that he would never find his mate and would have to get an arranged marriage and mating. However, when his betas sister shows up, his world is flipped upside down.
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The Archon's Legacy: Forgotten
The return of the forgotten king. I am pride, wrath and greed. I bow before none. The heavens themself are my throne. I have been called devil, demon, lord, master, savior, destroyer but who am I? *This novel will have everything from kingdom building to massive battle scenes hopefully. ***This is my first novel. ***Proof reading and editing starts at chapter 5. I will be going back and edit as well as revising every 5 chapters
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Transmigration: Operation Don't be a Martyr!
Blare Hawkins is a college freshman. A normal student in a rarely known University. There was nothing to complain about her life, in fact, there was nothing she could complain for. "So, why do I have to die?!" "Moreover, I need to save these unfortunate women from their terrible love and obsession!?" A/N: This is not historically accurate, so, if you feel that the information is wrong, know that this is a fiction. If you're offended that it's wrong, I'll gladly change it (if it doesn't hinder the plot), or just don't read it. Credits to the creator/artist of the cover photo used in the story.
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Romance - plus Judgemental Powers? Completed
Blue was a red headed boy who desperately wanted a girlfriend. So he asked the class beauty to walk home with him. She very nicely refused him. So he asked another girl in the same class, one with an average rating in the social status ranking. She also refused him. So, still desperate, he thinks – “I’m probably at the bottom of the ranking for boys in this class, so how about I ask the girl who is also at the lowest ranking?” The girl’s name was Pink. She said yes. Gulp. “What do I do now?” was his reaction. Well, obviously, have a romance. And, along the way, they get one hell of a lot more than they bargained for. Like, for example, supernatural Judgemental Powers. How did they get those? And that was only the start. The two most insignificant students in their class become famous. Not just in their class or even in their school, but to the population at large. They end up breaking and making the top politicians and rulers of their country. But finally, of course, they get what they wanted. A committed relationship. This is an Esmeralda the Angel of Death story. It follows on from my previous novel “Maybe it would have been a good idea not to wish for a harem?”, however it is a totally separate story with only a minimal overlap in the characters. There is no need to read the first story to enjoy this one. Although you just might enjoy the first story also… This story has multiple characters and multiple Points of View. Every POV change is clearly marked with a new header. Inside each POV section, the POV character’s thoughts are in italics. This story has about 105,000 words (about 380 RoyalRoad pages). It is fully written and proof read (the poor man’s proof read using Word). It has 25 chapters, and will be published at the rate of roughly one chapter per day. The front-page photo is by Valentin Antonucci from Pexels
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The Alpha's Girl
Bailey Scotts just wanted to find love again. When tragedy strikes her family, they move to a small town to live with her grandparents. While there, Bailey realizes something strange is going on. Her sight enhances, her smell is stronger and her hearing is unbelievable. She didn't think anything of it, until she met Chance Hayes.Chance Hayes is the Alpha of the Black Wolves Pack. All he ever wanted was to find his mate and finally have a Luna of his pack. But when he sees Bailey for the first time, he doesn't know what to do. He knows she doesn't know about his kind, but he just wants her to be his and he'll do anything to have her, no matter who gets in the way. With Bailey's past always catching up to her, will she ever be able to have a future with Chance? Find out by reading, The Alpha's Girl.Completed Copyrighted 2015-2021 ©All Rights ReservedCompleted
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Haunting Me (A Completed Steamy, Romance)EDITING
Shorter chapters so don't let the amount of chapters keep you from starting this story. Joey Lattire was offered to a man at a young age. Knowing this she was caught off guard when she met and fell deeply in love with Hudson Engle.Joey is free-spirited, beautiful and popular while Hudson becomes Quarterback and they became the sweetest couple in their high school.Hudson came to town at seventeen and swept Joey off her feet but there was one huge problem. A marriage contract. After many years of separation and a huge secret kept from Hudson, can they find their way back to each other as adults?https://www.wattpad.com/677863854Copyright © 2020 by Grace Madden All Rights Reserved.
8 176