《Charisma》~ twelve ~


"Uhn Uhh, why you walking funny" I said, looking at Kai.

She looked at me and scowled.

"Let me find out you and Chris been doing something" Tiana said.

She simply flicked us off and continued walking, well limping.

Me and Tiana snickered.

"Y'all childish" She muttered.

"You need crutches?" I laughed.

She rolled her eyes. Me and Tiana was in tears laughing at her.

"Can't stand y'all" She rolled her eyes.

"Shit you can barely stand" Tiana said.

"Ahh you wrong" I said through laughter. We walked into Walmart. I grabbed Kai a basket and smiled placing it in front of her.

She shook her head and snatched it.

"Rude" I laughed.

"rUde" She mocked me.

"You would've thought after getting some dick you would be happy" Tiana muttered.

We walked through walmart, we just came to get some new comforters for Tiana, but when you go in Walmart you always end up with some unnecessary stuff.

"Girl what's the tea on you and August?" Kai nudged me.

"Girl it's nothing" I smiled.

"Yeah what you smiling for if it's just 'nothing' let me find out y'all fu-"

"Nooo" I said. Which was true. We were just taking things day by day.

"Mhmm" She corner eyed me. I just shook my head and picked up some skittles.

I placed them in the basket.

"Yeah Aug gone taste yo rainbow" Tiana said.

I threw my hands up. She been in rare form since this morning.

"Tiana don't come for me now"'I chuckled a little.

"Ight lil Aug"

Charisma and her friends walked out of Walmart. They headed to their car, deciding on going to get some food.

"This weather still hot as hell" Kayla said, getting out the car.

She had a few events to attend in this city, so she would be back for a while.


She looked up and saw her bestfriend.

"Charisma!" She squealed.

Charisma looked up at her and frowned a little.

"Give me a minute y'all" She said to Kai and Tiana.

They nodded and headed to put the things in Kai's car.

"What's up?" Charisma glanced at Kayla.

"What's up?" Kayla scoffed. "You don't miss me?"

Charisma raised an eyebrow. "Why didn't you tell me you left?"

Kayla sighed. "I got offered an amazing modeling opportunity. It was so all of a sudden that I didn't tell anyone. I just left"

"You could've told me though, I'm your bestfriend" Charisma folded her arms.

"I know I'm sorry." She poked out her lip.

"Okay" Charisma sighed.

"You not mad at me?" Kayla said, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Nah" Charisma shrugged.

"Yay" She hugged her, and the two shared a laugh.

Charisma couldn't hold a grudge. It was something she never was good at.

Kayla knocked on the familiar door, and smoothed our her clothing.

The door knob turned, and she smirked at the fine man before her.

"Kayla?" August asked, a little shocked.

"In the flesh" She said.

"What'chu doin' back hea'?" He scrunched his eyebrows.

"Just a few little events" She shrugged. "You gone let me on orrr" She chuckled.

"Oh um yeah" He moved out her way.

Kayla walked in the house and looked around. It looked a little different.

"August you use vanilla candles now?" Kayla laughed, picking it up.

"Nah" He smacked his lips "Those Charisma's."

Kayla scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.

"She still don't have her own place yet?" Kayla asked.

"She do" August nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"So why is her stuff over here then?" Kayla said, getting a little upset.


"Cause it can be, why you worryin' bout it?" August said, getting slightly irritated.

"So y'all together now" She chuckled getting closer.

In all honesty she was jealous. August wouldn't even let her spend the night or anything.

"Why you worryin' bout it?" August repeated again.

Kayla was getting upset at his short answers.

"Why you got her ass stayin' here August! You said you wasn't for that relationship stuff remember?" Her voice pitched slightly higher.

"First of all, back up" He said, nudging her back. "Second of all, what I do, is none of yo' bidness" He said, irritated more than ever now.

"August I like you" Kayla blurted.

Kayla, started getting feelings for August, she tried to ignore them, but ever since her and her boyfriend broke up, they intensified.

"That's dead" August shrugged, going back to his laptop to finish up some work.

"You know you like me too" Kayla said, following behind him.

"Well I don't so" August muttered.

"Yeah okay" Kayla said, getting annoyed. She thought August was lying, but she was determined for him to return the emotions she felt for him.

She traced the nape of his neck with her finger. She noticed he stiffened. She let out a sigh and got down to his ear level.

"You know you want me Aug" She whispered.

"You know I don't" He shrugged her off. He was trying to get some work done and now he has to deal with her.

"You don't have to lie, baby" She purred.

She moved his laptop out the way and he snatched it back and rolled his eyes. Jesus better get her He thought, attempting to do his work again.

She kept touching him, and he continued shrugging her off.

Neither one of them heard the door open, Charisma through the hall to kitchen.

"HEY BIGHEA- oh" She said, with a confused look. She saw Kayla touching August, and saw August who looked highly irritated.

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