《Charisma》~ two ~


I trudged around the hot city of Dallas, I earned a few stares from people but I quickly shrugged it off. I made it into a small family-owned restaurant and went in the bathroom.

I locked the door and opened my little book bag, I looked for my soap, before coming across a picture of my father.

I picked it up and looked at it, smiling. I missed him so much. When I was younger, every Friday, me him and my mom would go bowling or any fun place to have quality time.

He'd buy me whatever I wanted. My eyes watered a little bit. I put the picture back in my wallet, and I quickly washed up, slicking my hair into a neat bun in my head.

I put everything in my bag and stepped outside. I made my way to the front, only to be stopped by this girl.

"Um hey, your like really pretty, and your body is nice. Would you be interested in becoming a dancer?" She asked.

I glanced her over. She had on some expensive outfit, with these cute red bottoms and her fresh weave hung down over her bottom. The sunglasses she spotted were big as hell, and I'm guessing probably expensive.

"You mean as a stripper?" I asked.

"Well yes, but you can only dance, you don't have to do anything else" She smiled at me.

"I-I don't have any outfits though" I said.

"We have all that covered love. Just be at Club Charisma at 10 tonight.

Oh what a damn coincidence, a club that has the same name as me. I took the card and decided why not. Maybe stripping could help me get up off my ass.

"I'll see you there" I smiled, she strutted out. I hope this can help change my life. I quickly ran in the back to check to see if there was my food.

Much to my dismay, there wasn't.


I stepped foot in the back of the club. I looked around before the same girl from earlier came up to me.


"Oh hey love- I never caught your name" She greeted me.


"I'm Jayla"

"Well what a coincidence" She laughed. "Follow me"

I followed her to these double doors, before she opened them and we walked in. The man sitting in the chair, turned around and glanced at me before looking at Jayla.

"Jayla... What is she doing here?" The man belted out.

"She's a new worker, You told me to hire some and I found her" She grinned.

"You danced before?" He asked.

"I-" Before I could fully answer she cut me off.

"Of course, she has! I wouldn't pick up anyone out of nowhere."

He looked me over, widening his eyes. He probably noticed my dingy clothing.

"Well okay then, if she fucks up, both of y'all are out of here" He nodded.

"You won't regret it" She smiled. We walked out his office into this nice changing room.

"Okay so this is your room, you have some outfits i. there, make sure you don't put on anything to boring, you need to make sure to collect the cash, make sure you grab the bag, and if you would like, you could wear a mask if you don't want anyone seeing you"

"Thanks- but why are you helping me?" I asked. I was confused.

"Because something told me you needed it. Oh and don't forget to put powder on your hands for grip."

She smiled "Anymore questions, Charisma?"

"No, I think I got it" I smiled back. I watched her walk out the room, I looked through the clothes, deciding on a silver two piece, and some matching red bottoms, slipping the black mask on, I let my hair out the bun, Thank God it wavy.

I looked at my self in the mirror. I can't believe I'm doing this

I walked out the room, seeing two girls look at me.

"New here?" One of them asked.

"Yes" I nodded.

"We'll stick with us, there's a lot of rich niggas out there, and we will show you the hotspots" The second one spoke up.


"Um okay" I smiled and we all walked out to the front of the club.

"Oooh lets go over there" The shorter light skin one said.

"Come on lets go" The other one pulled my arm.

I heard Rihanna's Pour it Up.

We walked in front of these men, who were looking uninterested in the girls that were in front of them. I would be too if I was them, they were built weird as hell.

They eventually gave up, since the men weren't throwing any money.

We walked in front of them and I watched Kai, the lightskin one, swirl her hips and twerk, I decided to copy their movements, and soon money was being thrown left and right.

Throw it, throw it up

Watch it fall off from the sky

Throw it up, throw it up

Watch it all fall out

Pour it up, pour it up

That's how we ball out

Throw it up, throw it up

Watch it all fall out

Pour it up, pour it up

The one taller skinnier man, grabbed my hips, at first I froze, but then I remembered where I was working. I slowly grinded on him, sticking out my tongue in the process.

I felt his member get hard under me. Which egged me on. I threw it back some more and he grinded into my backside.

"Aye I gotta private room, you wanna come?" He asked. I don't know what came over me, because I damn sure wasn't gonna fuck him, but I agreed.

He walked me back to this room and he sat down. I sat down next to him.

"You ain't gone enta'tain a nigga" He asked a little amused.

"S-sorry, I'm not comfortable with doing anything sexual" I muttered.

"Well then, What's yo name?" He asked. I looked up at him and froze.

It was the mans house who I broke into.

"Tanya" I said, choking a little.

"Well Tanya, I don't really wanna fuck ya, I need to relive some stress, so talk to me"

I stared at him surprised.

"What do you want to know then?" I asked.

"You really propa', so whea' you from, 'cause I know you ain't from down hea'." He asked

"I'm actually from D.C" I gave him a small smile.

"So what brings you dahn hea' ta Dallas?" He asked.

"Sensitive subject" I sighed.

"Sorry" He quickly apologized.

"No your fine, you don't know"

We talked for hours, and hours, I learned his name was August, like the month. His family lived in a different state. His mom had lots of money, but raised them so they were down to earth and enjoyed life lessons.

He tended to be a little rude, but it wasn't too bad. I was getting hot, so without thinking I slipped the mask off my face, He stared at me with his mouth slightly agasp

"You dat broad that's homeless and broke inta' my house" He said.

"Oh shit- I'm so so sorry" I spoke quickly.

"Man whateva' it's over" He waved me off.

"So you work hea' in dis club. I respect you fa' gettin' ya grind on, you'ca lay me back for them chips ahoy you took" He chuckled.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Sorry again, August"

"Tanya how you end up homeless"



"My names Charisma, I ain't wanna tell you in case you tried to cal the police."

"I'm over dat, back ta my question" He asked.

"It's a long story" I sighed. I don't know why I could open up to August this easily, it was crazy.

"Well I got all night, you wanna come back to my place" He smirked.

No not really "Sure"

And with that, we left.


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