《Charisma》~ one ~


I'm so excited for y'all to read this! Enjoy


I sighed as I walked out the shelter. So far, all the ones in Dallas were full. I walked to the back of a McDonalds and looked through the trash.

I found some cold fries. They'll have to work. I put down my raggedy blanket and sat on it. I quietly ate the fries. Thinking,

My life use to be so much better. My mom and dad had money. I use to eat three meals a day. I use to take warm baths for as long as I needed. I didn't have to wash up in public restrooms. I had nice clothes. Not two outfits, which I slowly wore holes into.

My father died, and my mom changed into a whole new person. She would verbally abuse me, sometimes physical. She made sure it wasn't known that she did this, dressing in expensive fabrics and acting like Mom Of The Year in front of her friends.

I'll never forget the day she kicked me out though.


"Kayla can you help me?" I asked my best friend at the time. We were heading out the the pool and I decided on a one piece. It covered the bruise on my back my mom gave me.

She helped get the strap over my shoulder. She froze, which confused me a little.

"What's wrong" I asked.

"Why is there a big ass bruise on your back?" Kayla whispered. I slowly turned around and looked at her.

"Was it your mom?" She looked at me. I looked down to the floor, which gave me away.

Kayla knew about my mom, and I begged her not to say anything, but I guess this was the last straw.

"That's fucking it! I'm telling my mom"


I widened my eyes. "N-no please don't!" I grabbed her arm, tears streaming down my face.

She stared at me. "No Rizzy! I'm tired of her doing you like this, let me go" She snatched her arm away and ran down the stairs.

I quickly ran after her, only to see her at the bottom of the stairs staring into the kitchen.

"What's wrong love?" My mom smiled at Kayla.

"You a real evil bitch" She hissed.

"Watch your time before I tell your mother!" My mom gasped.

"You can tell her, and why don't you tell her how you abuse Charisma as well, so she could call CPS" Kayla yelled.

"What are you talking about dear?" Ms Garcia stepped out the bathroom.

"Mom she abuses Charisma." Kayla said, not breaking eye contact with my mom.

Ms Garcia raised an eyebrow.

"Is this true, Charisma?" Ms Garcia asked.

I looked down.

"Get out of my house!" My mom screamed at them.

"Why do you do it?"Ms Garcia asked, not even taken aback

"I don't do anything, now get out!" Ms Garcia slowly hugged me, slipping something in my hand.

"You call me if you need anything" Ms Garcia whispered hugging me.

Kayla hugged me and stared for a long time.

"I love you bestie, never forget that" I nodded, My words were caught in my throat.

I watched them walk out, I thought about running out with them.

"You stupid bitch! Why would you tel her some shit like that!" My mom approached me.

"I didn't say anything" I whispered.

"Bullshit" She slapped me.

I quickly ran up to my room and put on a shirt, some jeans and laced up my nikes. I grabbed a bag, stuffing some clothes in it.


I looked downstairs, to see the coast was clear. I ran out, only to be stopped seeing her on the porch.

"Leave and never come back" She spat, literally,

I ran and ran till I couldn't run anymore, I sat by a tree and cried my eyes out. I forgot Ms. Garcia's number.

Flashback over

"Excuse me ma'am, but you can't stay here" I looked up at the male worker, who gave me a sympathetic look.

"O-oh I'm so sorry" I got up and grabbed my blanket and walked away.

I ended up in the rich neighborhood. I thought of a plan. The whole place was gated, but I quickly climbed over it, thank God for those athletic days in high school.

These people never locked their doors, and was always out partying or living it up.

I walked up to the house and looked around, only to see nothing. I jiggled the door knob


It opened and I stepped inside. I gasped at how nice everything was. I looked over to my right, which was where the kitchen was.

I went over quickly, trying to grab as much food as I can until I heard a voice.

"What the hell you think you doin'?" The voice belonged to a man. I turned around and made contact with him.

He looked extremely mad.

"Please don't call the police." I blurted, staring to cry.

"What the hell do you mean don't call the ops! You stealin' and let's not fo'get you broke in ma house" He glared at me.

"I-i'm sorry, I barely ate these past few days, please just let me go" I started panicking.

"You homeless or somethin'?" He studied me.

"Uh yeah" I rubbed my arms.

"I'm debatin' on if I should call da cops or not" He rugged at his chin hair.

"P-please don't, I'll just leave" I hurried out the front door. I silently prayed he wouldn't.

I ran to the nearest store, which was Walmart.

I decided to just sit in the alley and threw my blanket over me.

I hope he doesn't end up calling. I really don't want to go to jail. I'm trying to figure out how to get up on my feet. I really hate my mom.

I could've been in my third year of college by now. I could've had a job and my own apartment. My mom was sick, which caused family to never come around. They thought I acted like her, just because she was my mother.

I prayed, and sat for a few minutes, before sleep took over.


Oouuu. Do y'all think she ran into August's house?

Chapters will get longer, this is the beginning and I'm not cramming anything together.

What do y'all think about Charisma?

Her mom?

What happened to Ms Garcia and Kayla?

- Daysha 🧘🏽‍♀️

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