《Game Of Thrones Texts {finished}》Game of Thrones kids


Arya created 'the kiddos of Game of Thrones'

Arya added Bran, Rickon, Shireen, Lyanna, Tommen, Myrcella, Sansa, Olly

Arya: yo kiddos

Olly: who are you? Wildlings? I do not trust wildlings

Lyanna: imma eat yo ded papa and ded mama

Olly: f you that hurts

Arya: Lyanna, you don't have to roast this kid

Bran: that's right, he is gonna die anyway

Olly: huh? Why would I die? I am one of the major characters!

Sansa: you're really not

Olly: whatever, they still don't have a reason to kill me off. It is not like I'm going to stab Jon Snow or something

Tommen: ....

Shireen: LIAR the whole fucking fandom hates you

Myrcella: you are more hated than Ramsay and Joffrey combined

Sansa: ye little shit

Rickon: Sansa being honest be like

Sansa: someone has to be

Olly: You guys are mean 😭😭

Shireen: you are annoying

Sansa: they call you CRYBABY

Olly: wow, chill out

Bran: sorry mate, but u fucked up, like really bad

Rickon: you remember that Dornish guy? That prince that got his head smashed?

Olly: yeah? ....

Rickon: like that bad

Bran: maybe even ten times worse

Rickon: yeah, rt

Olly: well those wildlings did eat my parents

Arya: my fathers head got chopped off and my mothers throat was slit

Olly: oi, you also turned into a revenge beast

Arya: well okay, but... This is not about me!

Sansa: you killed my halfbrother!

Olly: what's it matter? He will be alive in season 6 anyway!

Arya: yeah, that is true

Sansa: never mind Olly, let's get pizza

Olly: oh yes I am craving some pizza

Shireen: I actually can't have any, because greyscale and everything

Sansa: shame tbh

Shireen: I know

Arya: 😻😻🍕🍕🍕

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