《Game Of Thrones Texts {finished}》Princess party


Shireen created 'princess party 👸🏼'

Shireen added Myrcella, Arya, Sansa, Davos

Shireen: I invite you all to my princess themed birthday, my ladies and lord

Arya: why is Davos invited? He isn't a girl?

Shireen: Davos is mah homie

Davos: 👊🏻😎 #swaggahdavos

Arya: don't ever use the hashtag #swaggahdavos again

Davos: but isn't that what you guys say all the time?

Arya: in 2011, yes

Davos: for fucks sake, I am always late with trending slangs #poorme

Arya: please stop using hashtags over all

Sansa: how nice of you to think of us! What would you like to have?

Shireen: huh?

Sansa: as a gift?

Shireen: oh, eh, well I already got some books and a wooden stag #trash so I suppose I would like to get Justin Bieber tickets

Davos: what do you mean #trash? I made that for you! And Justin Bieber? You must be ill

Shireen: I ain't ill, bruh, I just don't like stags... and wood

Davos: a stag is the sign of your house!

Shireen: well that house will get me burned so nah dude, no stags

Sansa: am I missing something out? Who is Justin Bieber?

Myrcella: he is a famous singer

Shireen: and a total babe

Sansa: no way that he is hotter than my half brother, tho

Shireen: he is

Sansa: he isn't.

Myrcella: he totally isn't

Sansa: thanks Myrcella

Myrcella: no problem *suddenly dies*

Sansa: Myrcella?

Shireen: she is probably talking to her funcle

Sansa: her funcle?

Shireen: Jamie

Sansa: oh ok. Does she always die when she is talking to him?

Shireen: yeah

Davos: #thuglife

Arya: stop

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