《Game Of Thrones Texts {finished}》Game of Thrones barbecue


Tormund Giantsbane created 'Game of Thrones cast in da houseee😍🎉'

Tormund Giantsbane added Jon Snow, Ygritte, Jamie, Cersei, Tyrion, Sansa, Arya, Oberyn, Ramsay, Hodor

Tormund: aye, fellahs. What about that barbecue we discussed about earlier today? Is that going to happen anytime soon? 🤔

Jon Snow: Idk, maybe

Ygritte: I am a vegetarian.

Tormund: No, yah not

Cersei: who in seven hells put me in this worthless chat?! Remove me from this group chat, this instant!

Tormund: If you incest

Jamie: 😑😑 did you really have to bring that up?

Ramsay: Look at this beauty I catched in the forest today! Already skinned, ready to be presented to my wifey!

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Tormund: that is disgusting, dude! 😖

Ramsay: oh oops, wrong chat...

Tyrion: a barbecue, huh? Isn't that an event where you have to be nice and actually speak to others?

Tormund: uh, yes?

Tyrion: oh no, that is not really my type of spending my precious free time, brr...

Sansa: brb, Ramsay's dogs are chasing me again... *sigh*

Ramsay: 🐶🐶 woof

Tyrion: speaking of dogs, why isn't Clegane in this?

Tormund: ain't got his number

Tormund: guys, are we going to have a barbecue or not? You guys are all ignoring the question...

Oberyn: a pary is not a party if Oberyn isn't there

Tormund: you just said something completely random. That was not the answer I was looking for

Oberyn: keep looking, my friend

Hodor: Hodor

Tormund: Is that a yes, Hodor?

Hodor: Hodor

Tyrion: how did he managed to send a text message?

Hodor: Hodor

Tyrion: ah yes, I see... 🙄

Jon Snow: I am a bastard

Tyrion: ...

Sansa: ok

Tormund: good for you

Jon Snow: I thought I might just say it

Tyrion: we already knew

Jon Snow: really? Oh, that explains a lot


Ramsay: me and Ygritte would make a perfect couple

Jon Snow: NO

Ygritte: why?

Ramsay: we are both very good at hunting with our bows

Jon Snow: I am very good with my fists 😊😌😤

Sansa: wow thanks

Tormund: GUYS! barbecue yes or no?

Jamie: I don't even know you

Tyrion: no, sorry

Jon Snow: I am not allowed to leave the wall

Tormund: 😒

Ygritte: I am allergic to meat and men with red hair

Cersei: a barbecue, how disgusting!

Tormund: your face looks disgusting

Oberyn: my friend, I will only come to that barbecue if you bring a few wildling women

Jamie: Oberyn having weird fantasies be like

Oberyn: says the incest brother

Jamie: auch

Hodor: Hodor

Tormund left the group chat

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