《Sector B》3
"Decha, why have I been getting complaints from not only Grandell's Dean but also Professor Mass and other Grandell staff members?"
"I dunno." Decha shrugged carelessly.
"All I've been hearing is you disrupting a class, threatening to hurt another student, and not listening to authority. Are you crazy?"
"Listen, you asked me to attend the school, and I did."
"You're supposed to act like a student!"
"You didn't say that. The deal was for me to go undercover and investigate more about the bombings in Sector A. I'm not a student, Chief. I'm a General. I haven't been to school in a long time. So what do you expect me to do?"
"Good grief, you're absolutely right." Theodore grumbled and ran his hands through his hair. "I sent you in there with a different name and identity but forgot to tell you how to approach this mission. You're not used to dealing with people outside of the extreme crime activity."
"Bingo. Spot on. Couldn't have said it any better myself."
"Don't get snappy with me!" Theodore pointed a finger closely at Decha's face. "Common sense would've told you to read the room better! If you see students acting one way, you blend in!"
"I read the room. I didn't like it. And I'm not fond of acting like a prick for the sake of a mission."
"The Agency is paying you. The council is paying you. You'd better do darn well whatever the heck you need to for the mission."
Decha crossed his arms and remained silent. Was it out of humility? No. He did it because he didn't want to discuss the topic further, as it would only lead to a long conversation with loopholes and it wouldn't get anywhere.
Yeah, he was getting paid. But that didn't give the Agency the right to treat him as if he were a slave who could be bossed around. He didn't have to take the assignment. He was fine working on the Outside. The council practically begged him to join.
"You've caused too many problems on your first day. To combat that, we have to give you a partner to hold you accountable for your actions."
Decha laughed. "A partner? To hold ME accountable?"
"I can't have you wreaking havoc and drawing attention to yourself, now can I?"
"All I did was close my eyes in class. That Professor bothered me first. I showed him up. You don't expect me to do the homework and school work do you? I guard Sector B at night. You're expecting me to be on night watch AND wake up early and be at the school in tip-top shape? The Outside camps let me sleep. But now that I'm working on a case for the Agency, I can't get sleep?"
"I'm not saying you can't get sleep. Listen, we can make arrangements for you to get more rest. I just want you to keep a low profile. Observe in silence. Try not to kill anyone."
"Those students are overprivileged fools. No promises."
"Don't kill anyone. That's a direct order from your commander."
"Alright, I won't."
"Great. We can move forward. I'm going to pull up a list of candidates whom you can choose to work with you. You can even swap Nightwatch duty."
Theodore brought up the screen from his desk and began tapping around. 10 profiles of top Agents popped up in front of Decha, surprising him.
"Ugh, hated him." Decha swiped one away. "He's too weak, he's too sensitive."
"Just pick one. No need to whine about your dislikes."
"Amir isn't so bad. We've sparred in combat before, and had some good times on the Outside. He's very good at reading people more than I am."
"Amir. Is he your friend?" Theodore studied the profile closely. He's never heard of Decha complimenting someone else in such a way before.
"He's more than that," Decha admitted. "He's a brother to me."
"Is he your choice?"
"Eh. Why not? He's not bad. If anyone can get information from people, he's the best man for the job. But I'm not splitting my pay. And he doesn't like working for free."
"I wasn't planning on receiving free help from any of my agents. I'll provide him with funds to help you." Theodore walked over to his desk and pressed the call button on his phone. "Cheryl, Send AmirN95 to my office."
"Yes, sir." Cheryl's voice cut in on the other line.
Moments later, a man with black hair dressed in a navy blue uniform with a cap and 13 pins clipped to his hat walked in. His boots clacked against the tile as he had no hesitation walking into Theodore's office. The man nodded his head at Theodore.
"You requested to see me, director— wait a minute." The man took a glance at Decha in surprise. "Decha? Is that... you?"
"It is!" The man ran up to Decha and embraced him in a tight hug. "Ha! Look at you! You've grown tall! What's with all that hair? The Outside has been treating you unkindly." The man flipped off Decha's crap and rubbed his hair all over the place.
"Amir, release me." Decha shoved Amir off. "We're not cadets anymore. Stop playing around." He fixed his hair and placed his cap back over his head. Although he didn't mind the pleasantry, he wasn't fond of Amir's displays of affection. Amir was rough-handed. "You haven't changed."
"And you look like you've been through it. I haven't seen you since I was restationed here. What brings you back to Astell?"
"The council requested for his presence." Theodore cleared his throat.
"The COUNCIL? They asked for Decha? You lucky dastard!" Amir punched Decha in the arm. "Look at you taking official requests on the inside!"
"I'm not taking a request. They're paying me." Decha corrected.
"Same old as always. You never give away anything for free. There's always a price, ha! So why did you call me here? Not that I'm complaining."
"Decha needs an accountability partner on a case. And he thinks you may be the best man for the job." Theodore handed Amir a small transparent tablet and a list of all the case details appeared on it.
"The bombings? You're working on Sector A bombings."
"That's what it says." Decha quipped mockingly.
"I have a feeling that those Bracketers are the ones up to it." Amir hissed.
"Sector B Residents?" Theodore inquired.
"Those pieces of Bracket trash have been chatting amongst each other, speaking as if Astell deserves all the crime. One of them was protesting in the square about how they're 'oppressed' and crap."
"That's an interesting lead. I was looking through some Grandell students' records. 1 student from Sector B graduated last year, there are 3 more currently studying this year in person. I suggest both of you look out for any suspicious behaviors in the students."
"Wait. I know you want me to be an accountability partner, but are you asking that I go undercover?" Amir snorted, thinking Theodore was joking. He struggled to graduate from that school, surely the Agency wasn't asking him to go back.
"I'm asking you to help Decha on his mission. Actually, no, I'm not asking. I'm commanding that you. As an accountability partner, I'm expecting you to stop Decha from acting recklessly with the staff and students. I'll have to make some more arrangements with the Dean."
"Oh, no." Amir groaned.
"Welcome to the team, fatso." Decha punched Amir in the shoulder with a sly grin.
"Enough." Theodore opened his drawers and placed two guns on the desk. "It's almost 9 PM. Decha has to go on night watch and make sure to close the Sector Walls. I want you to go with him while he briefs you with more details."
Decha picked one of the guns up and tilted the barrel high. "Are they fully charged?"
"Just in case someone foolish tries anything on me. You know how snippy some of them get. I remember Bracketers don't like being rushed off the last train."
"They're still the same." Amir scoffed.
"I hope you won't be needing to use it on anyone. If it's the case that Bracketers are the ones threatening to blow Grandell to bits, you should be cautious in how you treat them. Keep a good eye out." Theodore tossed the other gun to Amir. "Suit up and get going. I've gotta get in touch with Dean Risor to set up your undercover story."
"Don't forget to tell him that I'm not doing any homework."
"Don't worry about that. You focus on getting to the Sector Gates."
Ending the conversation there, Theodore walked toward his door, opened it, and gestured for the two men to leave. Decha was the first to walk out, and Amir followed as they walked down a set of steps and through a hall toward a large garage full of slim-fitting armor.
After putting on the necessary gear, the two set off toward the Sector Gates which were 20 bus stops away.
"Decha, it's so good to see you again, seriously." Amir chimed and tapped Decha's shoulder. "When I was repositioned and commanded to go back to the Agency, there were rumors that you died on The Outside. I told the other Generals there's no way you'd be taken out so easily. I know you. We've been through some serious crap together and you've always managed to pull through."
"I guess I have."
"You guess? Darn, right you have! Yo, remember when we were cadets? During one of the training sessions, the Lieutenants took us to that forest."
"Yes! Barcelode! Gosh, that place was so musty and humid. Do you remember what happened to John? That day it was raining, and we were assigned to navigate through the trees to find a flag."
"The guy who fell in a ditch?"
"Yeah, that guy."
"That pain in the arse was difficult to help."
"You're telling me! I remember we had to construct a rope from leaves and pull him out of there when it was pouring! I swear that the rain was mixed with acid. My ears still burn whenever it rains."
"I haven't been to Barcelode in years. I wonder how it looks."
"Probably smelly and full of mud, now that Astell Council has plans on expanding that way. For both Sectors. Anyways, that pain in the arse we saved, he's married now. Has a kid on the way."
"Decided to settle down early?"
"Early?" Amir scoffed. "I remember there was a time you wanted to get with that girl back in Grandell. She was one of the professor's daughters. What was her name? Chai?"
Decha's face turned a bit red but kept silent.
"Yep, it was Chai. Look at you, you're red like a tomato!" Amir laughed. "Do you still keep in contact with her?"
"She... was stationed with me on the Outside. But unfortunately, we lost contact with her during a battle."
"Is she... dead?"
"I have no idea where she is." Decha shrugged. "She could be dead. I wouldn't know."
"The only girl who caught your heart, gone like that? Life is too cruel. Don't worry. If you apply through the council, you may be able to go through that matchmaking program. You may be able to get with a beautiful one of Astell's Bachelorettes."
"I'm not interested."
"Can't get over Chai?"
"I'm over her." Decha rolled his eyes. "I just want to focus on my job. The Outside has a lot more issues that need to be resolved. After I find out more about these bombings, I'll be able to leave the Wallings."
"You poor soul. Speaking of which." Amir signaled outside of the bus. "Now we have to deal with these trash rats."
They barely even left the bus completely when they spotted a drunken man stumbling toward the train as another general was commanding him to stop.
"Oh, boy, he's intoxicated." Amir groaned and slide-locked his gun. "We're gonna have to deal with him tougher than the others."
The two approached the train as we rest of the passengers stepped off.
"Back up, bum!" Amir shouted and aimed high for the drunk man. "Curfew is in place. You are not to step over this line or else you'll be fined for Trespassing!"
"I don't need a stupid Astellian wannabe prince telling me what to do." The drunk man slurred and flipped Amir off. "Get out of my way! My daughter is on there! And you won't help me find her!"
"Sir, remain calm. You're drawing unnecessary attention to yourself by screaming at us. If you want us to help find your daughter, step behind the line and identify her." Decha pressed his hands on the man's shoulder, but he was shoved aside. The man ignored Decha's warning and tried getting to the train.
The generals around them all struggled to try to hold the man back. He was beefier than Decha and Amir combined.
"I'm gonna shoot him," Amir growled.
"Remain calm!" Decha wheezed as he gripped onto the drunk man's arm and pulled him back across the line. The drunken man backhanded Decha suddenly, knocking the protective headgear off. A piece of it cut Decha's left cheek.
"Crap! Are you okay Decha?" Amir noticed the blood run down his cheek. Decha wiped it away nonchalantly, but fury stirred within his being. He was trying to be patient with the resident, but he wouldn't tolerate being harmed by a mere Bracketer.
Decha whipped out his gun, charged it, and aimed at the resident. "Step away from the train or I'll shoot." The drunk man stopped when he saw the empty void in Decha's black eyes and immediately recognized him. This wasn't an ordinary general he was dealing with.
"Find my daughter!"
"Step behind the line!" Decha spat, ignoring his pleas.
"You'd better listen to what he has to say. This guy won't hesitate to kill you." Amir warned. The drunk man was hesitant but backed away slowly. He went over the painted line that was meant to block others, but then grabbed a nearby traffic cone and chucked it at them. It smacked Amir, and he let out a curse as the man ran past them.
"Get him!" The other General shouted, and Decha spun on his heel before chasing after the man.
"You're messing with the wrong guy, today!" Decha snarled while sprinting after the drunk man, who ran back into the train. All his patience had run out. He ran back into the train cart and shoved the passengers leaving out of the way.
The drunk man pressed on, but just as he was about to touch the handle of the door to get to the other cart, Decha tackled him and shoved his gun behind the man's neck. "Move and I'll kill you." Decha snapped. "You're under arrest for assaulting a general and defying direct orders. Anything you say right now will be used against you."
"P-please! My daughter!"
"Daddy!" A little girl screamed when she saw the man pressed to the ground with Decha over him. Decha eyed the little girl and froze when he saw that she was crying.
"It's okay! Don't cry sweetheart, daddy is okay!" The man howled. The girls crying made Decha realize how horrifying the scene may have looked to her. He was on top of her father, with a deadly weapon pressed against the back of his throat.
Her wails caused his head to ache. And an image of a baby Avon crying flashed in his mind. The cry was all too familiar to him. The cry of fear, terror, and helplessness. Decha snapped out of it and placed the gun away in its holster before helping the drunken man off his stomach.
The little girl ran to the man's legs, and he scooped down and embraced her. "Daddy!"
"It's okay, I'm here. I found you." The man hushed the girl softly. Decha huffed and tapped the man's shoulder aggressively.
"You've found her, now get off the train."
"I thought I was under arrest."
"Get out, before I change my mind," Decha commanded monotonously. The man studied Decha's stand-off-ish demeanor and quickly spun around before walking toward the exit.
Amir and the other generals came onto the train with their guns firmly held high.
"Stand down!" Decha commanded, and pointed at the little girl who was watching.
"But he—"
"He's clear to leave. Move aside and let him through."
The men eyed each other cautiously before separating and making an opening for the drunk man to pass. He took the steps off the train, and Amir kept his eyes on him. He didn't care for the child. He only wanted this man to reap the products he sew. How dare a Bracketer like him put their hands on a high-rank general? And why was Decha letting him off so easily?
"Not bad for Astellian trash." The man mumbled as he crossed over the line to Sector B's border.
"What did you say?" Amir sneered and raised his gun again. Decha quickly pushed it back down.
"Let him go."
"Did you hear him—?"
"I heard him. But let him go. He has a child. Our job is not to harm them. Our job is to make sure that the curfew is enforced. We did our jobs, now it's time for us to head in position and begin night watch."
Amir kept his eyes on the drunk man.
"Put your gun away, Amir," Decha commanded. "He isn't worth our time."
"Fools like them wonder why we keep our borders secured," Amir grumbled and shoved his gun into his holster. "To keep dastards away from defiling Astell."
"Maybe so." Decha shrugged. "Let's get to our stations."
"Yeah, let's." Amir glared at Decha while he started walking away. It's been years. He wondered if something within Decha changed. If it were 7 years ago, he would've surely mopped the concrete with that man's face.
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