《Sector B》2
"Okay, Rory, we're here." Jamison Clarke, a middle-aged brown man with graying short hair brought a young woman that looked similar to him but with curly sandy hair pulled into a bottom ponytail to the subway stop. The train connected the two Sectors, both A and B, and would take the young woman to Sector A with no problem. "Do you have everything?"
"Yes." Rory, the young woman nodded. She was more than excited. Although 24 years of age, It was her first-day attending school in person.
Jamison and Rory were a father and daughter that was from Sector B. But Rory was Valedictorian of her high school and one of the rare students chosen to attend Grandell. It was her final year studying, her major was in Engineering. Before, she had done all her studies in an online program. But because of the recent bombings, all students were required to meet at the school for verification purposes.
"Check again."
"Daddy." Rory frowned.
"Check your bag, Rory. Do you have your ID? Notebooks? Pens and Pencils?"
"I have all of that." Rory skimmed through her backpack one last time.
"What about your Doctors note and medication?" Jamison wanted to make sure Rory was equipped with all the necessary items she needed before he sent her off to the other side. Rory knew he was being protective because of her medical condition. She suffered from a kidney disease called IDS, Internal Damage Severe and it prevented her from doing physical activity, and eating certain foods and often caused nausea and shortness of breath.
As of now, her condition wasn't terminal, but he still wanted to make sure she was in great health before he sent her away to Astell. "I have those too."
"Okay. Remember to head to the Dean's office first before going to your first class. He knows about your condition, but make sure you hand the copy to him directly so he can put it in your file."
"I know, Dad." Rory sighed. She was growing impatient.
"Don't eat anything else but the lunch I packed for you. I don't trust Astellians and how they prepare food. And make sure to take 2 pills right after your lunch period. And after class, you can study or have fun at small shops near the school, but don't venture to the Outside gate. Come straight home. You have to be back by 10 tonight."
"Yes, I know." Although Rory was going to Grandell on a full scholarship, they wouldn't allow anyone from Sector B to stay in the dorms. She'd rather come back and sleep in her bed anyways.
"Them Astellians aren't like us Bracketers, Rory. They have completely different ideologies and outlooks on life. Most of them have never experienced suffering as we have. So if you hear them talking about the Brackets negatively, keep your mouth shut and mind your business. You're there to focus on your studies, not make friends. Don't start trouble, and don't share too much about your life here."
"But what if I meet someone there who wants to be my friend?"
"Astellians aren't our friends. They're there to get you the help you need so you can succeed. Understand?"
"Okay." Rory bit her lip anxiously.
"Don't talk about your ideas. Don't mention anything about your gadgets. No rambling about your inventions."
"I don't ramble!"
"Don't talk aimlessly about them." Her father quipped.
"But I—"
"Listen to me, Rory. Those people are crazy and will eat you alive out there. When you get there, try to blend in, and don't draw too much attention to yourself. The Astellian Generals will be keeping a close eye on all those from Sector B. The last thing we need is them suspecting you or harming you."
"Okay, I got it."
"And if you feel sick or the slightest bit nauseous go see the University staff immediately."
"I won't get sick."
"You've had to be taken to the hospital before, Rory. Don't try to act like you're fine if you aren't. I don't want your condition to worsen. Remember what the Doctor said? You have to keep up your condition to continue getting treatment."
"Okay, I know! Can I go now?"
"One more thing—"
"What is it? I'm going to be late!"
"I love you." He pulled her into a tight hug.
"I love you too, Dad." She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. She was anxious that he'd change his mind about going to Sector A. She had to beg him to let her attend school with other students for once. She was understanding because of how sick she was years ago but now was her chance to show him that she could handle herself on her own.
She felt bad because her father worked so hard to pay for her IDS treatments. He would stay overnight working at the Butcher shop to earn extra money to look for a cure.
"Take care, sweetie."
Rory pulled away from him and smiled. She turned around and stepped onto the train the moment it arrived. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you and send you off at the school?"
"I'm not in high school anymore, Dad. I can do this! I'll call you if anything is wrong."
"You're right." Jamison sighed and wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Enjoy it."
The doors closed and the train began to move slowly. Both Jamison and Rory watched each other through the windows as she was taken away. It soon went through a darn tunnel that connected the Sectors. When she could no longer see her father, she sat down on the bench and decided to put in her earpiece to listen to soft music to calm her nerves.
It was the first time she was crossing the border. She's only heard rumors about how the streets of Astell were made with gold, and the fountains filled with millions of tekels. But to see it for herself? She never thought that she'd ever see Astell. Most Bracketers, Sector B residents never could afford to glimpse at the wall that lead to Astell.
University was always a requirement for both Sectors after high school, but Rory being chosen out of 3 students from the Brackets to attend Grandell was a huge step. She knew she could probably change their living situation. If she became successful, she'd be able to get a job in Astell.
The tunnel faded slowly and the light peered inside their train cart. Rory squinted and blinked and finally gazed at the beauty of the city around her. The buildings were large, and built with strong blocks that looked like silver. The streets weren't of gold, but they were clean.
The roads weren't as stuffy or crowded with stalls as how they were in the Brackets. Rory was amazed by that. There were thousands of people dressed in formal business clothes like they had somewhere important to be.
When the train pulled to a stop, Rory quickly put her earpiece back in her bag and stood up. The moment she stepped off the train, she was bombarded by a group of Generals.
"Identification." One of them demanded.
"O-oh!" Rory fumbled with her bag nervously and took out her ID card. He snatched it out of her fingers and eyed it cautiously.
"A Sector B resident." He nodded at General 2. "Give us your bag."
"Why?" Rory frowned. She hadn't even done anything wrong but they were treating her like she was a criminal.
"Give us your bag." He commanded again, before snatching it out of her grasp. "All Sector B residents will be watched closely. If you think about doing any suspicious activity, you'll be held accountable to Astellian law. What's this?" He rummaged through her bag and pulled out her bottle of pills.
"It's my m-medication." Rory bit her lip.
"For what?"
"I'm sick. I have IDS. I can't travel without my medication." Rory confessed, ashamed.
"She's a Grandell Student." General 2 tapped General 1's shoulder. "It's listed on her ID. She's one of the chosen few Brackets. We were expecting her and one other person to come."
"Grandell Student, huh?" General 1 eyed Rory suspiciously. "Not sure when that University started accepting the sickly, but I'll let it slide since we were expecting you. Here are your things. Proceed with caution. The school is straight down this path that leads to the main city. When you see the first skyscraper, make a right and head down until you see a golden statue. That's where the University's main office will be."
"T-thank you." Rory sighed in relief and grabbed her backpack and ID. She followed their orders and headed down the long path while observing other students with similar uniforms to the one she was wearing. To see so many people around her age was very overwhelming. For most of her life, she only spent time with her father or the hospital staff.
She observed some of the students who were in groups. Some of the girls were walking arm and arm together and the guys were all nudging each other around and laughing and pointing at the girls. It looked exactly like how schools in the movies are portrayed.
She remembered what her father reminded her. But by observing everyone, no one seemed to be hostile. She made a right turn and walked past the two shops until she neared the Golden Statue of a man. He was one of the first council members. Ruphus Stern was a founder of Grandell. She stopped to read the plate, but she felt herself get shoved forward.
Fortunately, she caught herself and glanced at the person who bumped into her.
"Watch where you're standing, ruffian." A male student with brown hair, blue eyes, and a senior pin on his jacket growled at her. His group of friends approached him and eyed Rory in disgust. "Look at her, she looks lost. Don't you know what to say to a person you run into?"
"Oh! I'm sorry?" Rory blinked.
"Are you apologizing or asking a question?"
"I... um...I was apologizing?"
"Stop answering my question with a question! Do you have any idea who I am?"
"N-no. I don't?"
The group laughed at her. "You're standing in front of Grandell's founder and you don't know who his great-grandson is? Why are you even attending if you don't know basic manners?"
"You... bumped into me, though."
"What did you say?" He spat.
"I was trying to read the plate, and you bumped into me."
"Who are you? What's your name? I'll have you expelled today."
"I didn't do anything wrong." Rory quipped. "You want me to educate myself on Grandell's Founder. That's what I was doing before you ran into me. I was trying to read the plate. But I'm sorry if you took it as me being in your way. I'll make sure to be mindful next time." Rory gripped into her backpack and scurried away from the group of guys. She rushed straight to the Dean's office. She walked into the lobby and noticed how luxurious the room was. There were leather couches with golden arms and legs in the middle, a polished wooden wrap-around reception desk on the far end with a door that most likely led to the Dean.
She jogged over to the reception desk and waved at the lady sitting there tapping away on the screen. "Name?" The lady didn't look her way but knew she was there.
"Oh. Rory Clarke."
"What's the purpose of visit?"
"I'm here to see the Dean."
"You're that student from Sector B." The lady pulled up Rory's digital copy of her ID and eyed it. Then she pulled out a small digital card and slid it across the desk toward Rory. "The map of the school and your class schedule is there. You can go to meet the Dean in a few minutes. He's going to have a few words with you."
"Thank you." Rory took the card gratefully.
"Uh-huh." The receptionist waved her off.
She walked through the door and the Dean himself, Windel Risor a Caucasian man in his early 60s with wavy short gray hair, raised his head to see her. "Rory, I see you've made it safely."
"Good morning, Mr. Risor." Rory curtsied politely, as it was the Astellian custom for women to greet men. "I want to thank you again for allowing me to study here."
"Spare me your meek expressions, I've only called you to give you your senior pin. Come here and take it." Dean Windel placed the golden pin on his desk.
"Yes, sir. Oh! And my father told me to give you a copy of my doctor's note."
"There's no need Miss Clarke. We already have a digital copy. Would you like to be escorted to your classes by one of our school's medics?"
"No!" Rory huffed. She didn't want anyone to follow her around like she was a child. She wanted to prove to her Dad she could handle things. If not, he'd never let her roam free all because of her medical condition. "I'm fine. I don't need to be watched."
"Do you have your medication with you?"
"Yes. I have it. I'll be on my way to class. Thanks for the pin." Rory took the golden pendant and clipped it to her jacket. She looked at the card she was given, a transparent tablet-like device, and began scrolling through to see when her first class started.
She then glanced at the wall clock and followed the map that lead to her classroom. When she got there, she noticed how spacious the class was. The seats were all lined up in rows going to the back of the room. There were a lot of students already gathered inside and mingling with each other.
Rory took a deep breath and said a quick prayer before stepping inside. There were so many people, so many faces with different stories. And it was going to take some time for Rory to get used to it. She kept her eyes on her feet and found an empty spot near the front before placing her bags and things down. However, the moment she sat down, a red-haired girl sashayed up to her and looked at Rory with a scowl.
"Excuse me, you're in my seat."
"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know we had assigned seats."
"They aren't assigned. I chose this one." The red-haired girl spat. "Everyone knows I sit here. You must be new or something, or ignorant of your surroundings. But that's okay, you can move."
Rory bit her tongue. What was with these students and their aggressive tones? She grabbed her things and quickly stepped away, and the redhead took her seat. "I... um..."
"You're just gonna stand there and watch me sit? Go find somewhere else, bye."
Rory looked up and around. The only seat she saw available was an empty one next to a guy sleeping. She walked up the stairs and sat her things down, and noticed that the students were all sitting a good distance away from the guy sleeping.
He had medium-length black hair that was pushed back behind his ears, and he was dressed in all black. One thing she noticed is that he had no pins clipped on him. Maybe he was a freshman. She took her seat and began setting up to avoid the few students who were staring at her.
The teacher walked in with a stern glare and all the students inside rushed to their seats. Rory recognized him as Professor Mass, he was the one who taught the greater history of the Sectors. She was surprised to see that he was shorter in person than he looked on camera.
Professor Mass was a short man with gray long hair pulled into a low ponytail. He wore the Grandell Staff Uniform proudly as he placed his things down. Before he began his Lecture, he looked Rory's way and sauntered up the stairs right next to her.
Rory bit her lip nervously and her shoulders stiffened when Professor Mass stood beside her. She thought she was sitting in the wrong area again. The entire class was now looking at her.
"Y-yes?" Rory hiccuped.
"Not you. I am talking to the boy sleeping in my class. Tap him for me." Professor Mass grumbled.
Rory sighed in relief and tapped the guy's shoulder. He didn't budge, so she nudged him harder.
"What?" The guy opened his eyes and blinked when he saw Rory. He jolted up and sneered at her. The first thing she noticed was his eyes. They had no color. His pupils were black and they looked empty.
"You have SOME nerve sleeping in my class and acting as if you're right, boy." Professor Mass crossed his arms.
"Do you have a death wish?" The student responded under his breath. Rory's eyes widened when she heard him. Why was he responding in a hostile way toward the teacher?
"Excuse me? What's your name, boy?"
The student hesitated briefly, before answering nonchalantly. "Asher."
"Asher, what?"
"I don't have to give you my full name, do I?"
"Do you realize who you're speaking to, Asher?"
Asher shrugged. "Not really, no."
"Professor Maxim Mass, your lecturer."
"It appears so."
"Don't get smart with me! I don't tolerate this kind of behavior in my class! Our Generals hold higher respect for their elders, and if you plan on becoming one, you should too. If you do not wish to learn, then leave."
"I don't have to learn anything though."
"Hah!" Professor Mass snorted. "You have a lot to learn. The first lesson is respect! Tell me, do you know anything about our lecture today?"
"What's the Lecture?"
"You came to class without reviewing the material I had assigned?
"Who the heck reviews the material before it's taught?" Asher scoffed and the classroom laughed.
"My students do. Today we are going over the History of Astell."
"The basic crap?"
"Fix your terms, young man. We do not refer to our great history as crap. It isn't Basic either. There is a long line of events that lead up to our current day."
"The 5 Wars and Council successions? That's pretty basic to me. 2nd graders can grasp this information."
"What do you know about them? Can you name all 100 of our Council members since the beginning of the Walling?"
"I can't call them out but I can list all of them." Asher shrugged.
"Then do show the entire class how much you know. List all 100 of the council members in order from beginning to end on the board." Professor Mass pulled a remote from his pocket and aimed it at the front of the classroom. A digital holographic screen appeared in front of the entire class, and a list of 100 blank spaces appeared on it. Mass shoved a stylus to Asher and gestured for him to go. "If you get all of them right, you can sleep to your heart's content."
"Are you sure about that?" Asher teased.
"Worry about yourself. There is no way for anyone to memorize all 100 of them in order. I can only list 89 of them. And I've gained that knowledge over a long period. Go on and show us." Asher took the stylus and strolled down the stairs as if he didn't just get out on the spot.
"Is he actually gonna write them? He's nuts!" One student behind him whispered.
Asher winked at Professor Mass before beginning his task.
"You have 5 minutes."
"That's not fair. I can't write that fast." Asher grumbled.
"Then you'll have to call them out if you can't write the rest."
"Crazy old man," Asher grumbled.
"Crazy? No, boy. I'm proving a point. But go ahead and show that you don't need knowledge."
"Cleonius Ko. Axel Tane. Veram Aloe. Zeber Coinstantine..."
"Wait! What is he—" Mass's eyes widened.
"He's calling them in order, Professor." A student shushed him.
"You! Open your textbook!" Mass pointed at Rory, who quickly opened her textbook to the first page where it listed all 100 of the Council Members in order from the beginning of Sector History.
"You ready?" Asher chuckled mockingly. "Lindel Middleton. Withere Raul. Spaniar Loche." One by one as quickly as possible, Asher went down the list of all their council members in the correct order. Mass couldn't believe his ears or eyes as Asher read them off. When he got to the last 5 names, Mass was on edge. "Lastly, Jarvis Strout. He's the most recent council member."
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The Violet Dawn (a dark litRPG adventure)
The Central World of Grandemyr, the highest of magical worlds— limitless and inexplicable, its vast boundaries roamed by countless existences of arcane abilities and power. Experiencing betrayal and death, syndicate member Kiera Ashborn wakes up in a forest at a remote corner of Grandemyr— devoid of information, weapons, and acquaintances, with only a plain white dress covering her new small body. With her only tool being her new homeworld’s system, Kiera will learn the joy of adventure and battle, stroll through fields of death, cross colossal oceans and encounter mystical races, with a set goal driving her forward— become stronger. Note for new readers: This novel is a work of fantasy that includes magic elements, thus— I strive to implement the reality of a world where humanoids hold supernatural powers and construct hierarchies based on their power levels. Inevitably, such a novel includes many negative elements which may traumatize some readers, such as and not limited to: rape, profanity, detailed violence, and sexual acts. The Main Character is a former assassin and thus more of a villain than an anti-hero, she shall value only what grants her maximum benefits, even over the lives of others. She is antisocial and prefers to work alone, she doesn't consider others as comrades, only as means to an end, and will have zero problems discarding them herself. Schedule: two to three chapters per week.
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The world is at peace. The strong assert control over the weak guiding them into a life of responsibility and justice. The League of Nations ensures stability in the world with wrongdoers receiving their due punishment. And heroes who overcame great adversity and achieved great feats will without a doubt receive their Happy Ending. In this world a man with no foundation will meet a girl whose sole purpose is annihilation. And their twisted tale will commence.
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Incarnation of Ice and Fire
Full Genre: Dark Fantasy, Romance, Harem, Action, Adventure, Drama, Psychological, Seinen, Mature, Supernatural, Tragedy Additional Tags: Antihero, Politics, Aristocracy, Intrigue, War, Medieval Era, Isekai, Possession, Age Progression, Cautious Protagonist, Engagement, Hard-working MC, Cunning MC, Androgynous MC, Murder, Violence, Slow Pace, Fan-made series, Rise to Power, Devils, Multiple POVs, Beastmen, Elves, Religion, Cults, Orcs, Goblins, Demons, 1st person narrative, 3rd person narrative, Weak to Strong, Chaotic Neutral MC, Magic, Heterochromatic Eyes, Bloodlines, Abnormal Harem, Butlers, Maids (Will not mention more as it will be a major spoiler :P) SynopsisThis person regained consciousness with no memories to help him at the start. There was no generic cliché meeting with a god, no stupid cheat skills given, no chunibyo status window, no “I will give you what you wish” from an idiot water goddess, not even a reincarnation. Just straight waking up in another world and worse; possessing a body owned by an orphan child. And there’s another problem, he doesn’t know if which is the real him. Is he: >the orphan child that gained the memories of a man from another world >or the man that gained the memories and body of an orphan. Follow the tales of a person that later got involved in the conflicts between heroes and villains. The person whom in order to survive, continues to struggle and fight against fate, destiny, the World… fighting against what is already written.[Fan-Fiction OVERHAUL Series of the Original Japanese Webnovel: Falling in Love with the Viillainess]
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Min Kjære. -TordTom
"What the fuck have you've done?"-TordTom-Paultryk(I ship the characters only.)*Future AU. - lots of angst. enjoy. ʕ'• ᴥ•̥'ʔ
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