《Brunette》Part 25


It's been a week since I proposed.

Lauren and I have had more deeper talks about the future and our past.

I never noticed until now how much we didn't know about each other, yet we know so much about each other.

I talked to Lauren about how my family was broken, how I used to numb my pain by smoking and drinking until I met Ally and she helped me, about how I used to sneak out and go on long walks to forget about life itself. We keep pouring out things about our past.

Oh and Lauren hasn't been wearing her ring because we're telling her family today.

We invited them over for dinner.

Currently we are looking for stuff to wear.

I settle on a black shirt, blue ripped jeans, with vans, and a black belt.

I change into it and Lauren settles on a sunflower dress, with a basic necklace and white sandal like birkenstocks I don't know.

"I'm nervous,"Lauren says after changing.

"It's going to be okay. They all knew I was planning on proposing in Paris. A little change isn't bad. I mean I ended up proposing, you said yes."

"What if one of them doubt us though,"

I go behind her and massage her shoulders.

"Don't be so tense. It's going to be okay Lauren. I promise,"

"Somehow you actually know how to make me calm down,"

I let my arms drop and go around her waist.

She smiles.

"I love you,"She says.

"I love you more than you could ever imagine,"

She turns around to face me and she pecks my lips.

She wraps her arms around me and I smile.

My family is moving here next week and yeah.

There's a knock on the door and I groan pulling away from Laurens embrace.

I open the door.

"Hey Lise, hey Amy,"I say and they smile and walk in.

"I'm surprised this place isn't a mess,"Lisa says looking around.

"Well we actually clean after ourselves unlike you so,"

"Lauren you better stop your girl!"Lisa says.

"Babe,"Lauren says coming into the room to hug her sisters.

"I know you've lived here before and we've been here, but this place looks completely different,"Amy says.

Lauren comes up behind me and wraps her arms around me.

Lisa looks at Laurens hands.

She gasps.

"You're engaged!?"

"That's why we invited the whole family over. We're telling everyone,"

"Well take of the ring before everyone finds out before you tell them,"Lisa says.

Lauren takes off the ring and hands it to me so I can put it in my pocket.

There's another knock on the door and Lauren opens it.

"Hey Christina, Hi Nick,"Lauren says.

They each hug each other and then they hug me.

"Did you guys even cook anything?"

"Mom and dad said they would take care of the food. They didn't want us to burn the house down."Lauren says.

"Makes sense,"

I roll my eyes.

"I've never burned anything while cooking,"I say.

"You probably have,"

"I haven't,"I say.

"We are going to sit down like normal people now, continue waiting by the door,"Christina says.

There's another knock on the door and I groan.

I open the door and leave it open letting Katherine, Dani, and Y/s/N in.

Dani tries shutting the door behind her, but I stop it.

"Leave it open,"

Lauren laughs.

"What is funny about this?"

"You think it would take one knock and my whole family would be here it takes a while,"


It's been about two hours and everyone is finally here.

Laurens parents bring food. Thanks for that.

Currently we are all at the table and Lauren keeps bouncing her leg showing how nervous she is.

I rest my hand on her knee and looks at her.

"It's okay,"I mumble.

She grabs my hand off of her leg and she interlaces our fingers.

We already said prayer so everyone is already eating.

"Do you want to tell them now?"She asks.

"It's up to you Lauren. If you're ready I'm ready,"


"Do you want the ring now?"I ask.

She nods and I hand it to her.

She puts it on and gets up.

I get up too and she wraps her arms around me.

Everyone looks at us.

"We invited you over to tell you that... we're engaged!"Lauren exclaims.

"About time!"Dani yells.

Lisa smacks her.

"What?"Dani groans rubbing the back of her head.

"I'm deaf now!"Lisa yells.

"I told you it was going to be fine,"I say facing Lauren.

I wrap my arms around her and she smiles then pecks my lips.

"When are you telling the CimFam?"Christina asks.

"Whenever. I mean they should know,"Lauren says.

She looks at me.

"When do you want to tell them?"

"It doesn't matter Laur. We can tell them now, tomorrow, next week, next month. It doesn't matter. I'll still be marrying you,"

"Is this why you two have been together literally 24/7 talking about your past, and what you want to do later in life?"Alex asks.

Lauren and I nod.

"Lauren is the 6th child and she's the first one getting married?"Lynne asks.

"Actually me and Nick wanted to tell you something,"Christina says.

We all look at her.

"Nick and I are engaged!"

"Who's getting married first though?"Little Nick asks.

"It doesn't matter Nick. Just be happy,"Mike Sr. says.

"So you're okay with this?"Lauren asks.

"Yeah why wouldn't we be? Y/N clearly cares about you and doesn't want to hurt you. We know she's the one for you. You know she's the one for you. Welcome to the family Y/N,"Mike Sr. says.

"Thank you Mike, and thank you all for being a family to me since the day I met you."

"We got you Y/N,"Joey says.

"Thanks buddy,"I say and ruffle his hair.

"Wait. So the birthday twins are both getting married?"Christian asks.

"Yes Christian. Keep up,"Lauren says.

"Sorry I didn't expect two of my sisters to get engaged at the same time,"

"Okay kids, the food is getting cold,"Lynne says.

We all sit down and eat finishing the food and keeping conversations.

Once we finish the girls decide to play a few games.

"Never have I ever, liked my best friends sibling,"Christina says.

I put a finger down.

Lauren looks at me.

"In my defense Dani was my best friend and her sister is cute,"I say and she rolls her eyes.

"I forgot you knew my sister before you knew me,"

"Never have I ever, had the cops called on me,"Katherine says.

I put another finger down and all of the girls except for Katherine, Christina, and Lauren put one down too.

"You got the cops called on you?"Lauren asks.

"Long story short, I threw a huge party, cops got called because of noise and under aged drinking,"

"I was there! I was in my room peaceful sleeping them there's music blasting through the speakers and then there's cops!"Y/s/N exclaims.


"Woah I didn't know I was dating a dumb person,"Lauren says.

I pout.

"You know, I'm not that dumb,"I say.

"Are you?"

I groan and lay down.

"I'm kidding Y/N,"She says and grabs my hand.

"Why is Lauren always bullying someone?"I ask.

"She was born like that,"

Lauren rolls her eyes.

"With ten siblings you have a lot of chances to roast them, I take the chances,"She says.

I sit up and we continue playing.

Three hours later and everyone has left other than Dani, Y/s/N, and Lisa.

I look between Dani and my sister as Lauren wraps her arms around me.

"What?"Dani asks.

"Have you guys done it yet?"I ask.

Their faces heat up.

"Lisa you had one job!"

"It wasn't my fault,"

"Yeah it wasn't her fault she's always on FaceTime with your sister!"

"Lisa,"Lauren groans.

"It's not my fault her twin is cute. Addison and I have been planning our date okay,"

"For a while I forgot you were going out with my other sister,"I say.

"Yeah well how would you know, you and Lauren lock yourselves in a room all the time,"

"Where are you going for your date?"

"Why does that matter? It's my date not yours,"Lisa says.

"We should probably head home now,"Lisa says.

"Separate them!"I say indicating Dani and Y/s/N.


They get up and hug Lauren and I before leaving.

They shut the door and Lauren lays down on the couch.

"It's been a while since the whole family was in a room at once,"Lauren says.

I lay down on top of her with my head on her chest.

"About what my dad said. Clearly you're special. Anytime I've dated someone he always said 'I don't like him, he isn't good enough for you. He doesn't deserve you, you're to good,' so the fact that he said he knows you're the one for me. I think he grew a soft spot for you,"Lauren says and pokes my side.

I squirm and she smiles.

"Also we have to clean tomorrow cause they left this house a mess,"

"I'm not getting up early. It was a long day,"Lauren says.

"Come on let's go to our room,"She says.

I get up and she grabs my hand pulling me upstairs to our room after turning the light off in the living room.

Once we get in the room she lays down.

I look at her.

"Are you not going to change?"I ask looking at her dress.

"Nope I'm tired,"

I walk to the bed and climb on her lap.

She smiles.

I lean down and kiss her.

She reciprocates the kiss and I smile.

She pulls away.

She leans back in and pulls me down closer to her.

I kick my shoes off and she sits up.

I take her sandals off and she stands up to take off her dress.

She looks at me to unzip it.

Once I unzip it she let's it drop to the floor and she steps out of it.

She pushes me on the bed and climbs on top of me.

She connects our lips and her hands go down my body to my belt.

She undoes my belt without breaking the kiss and I lift my waist off of the bed slightly so she could pull the belt off.

She tosses it to the side and then she reaches in my shirt.

I wake up and smile as Laurens arms hold me tight.

I grab my phone and groan as I get a text from Y/s/N.

I put my phone down and try to get up.

"Five more minutes,"Lauren mumbles.

"I have to shower and stuff,"I say.

"We can later,"

"Lauren,"I groan.

"Do we have stuff we need to do?"She asks.

"Actually we do. You're family made the house a mess, we have to clean up. Around 4:30 I'm recording with Y/s/N, and you have to record today,"I say.

"I forgot I had to record,"She says.

"Yeah so we have to get up. Now, you have to be there in two hours,"I say and she groans.


She let's go of me and I get out of bed and walk to the closet in our room.

I grab a Up At Night shirt, black ripped jeans, and then for shoes I just grabbed black converse.

I grab a towel and walk to the bathroom.

After we showered Lauren dried her hair I just laid in bed because it takes hours for my hair to dry.

She walks back in the room with a black crop top, a black tank top underneath it, black jeans, and her blue demin jacket with a C on it.

"How would you feel if we tell the CimFam about us being engaged?"She asks sitting on the bed.

"If you want to I'm fine with it,"

"Can we do it today?"


"We should probably head to the olders house,"She says getting up.

"My hair is still wet,"

"I'm not waiting hours for your hair to dry,"

"That's not fair. Yours takes like 30 minutes mine takes hours."

"Go use the hair dryer,"

I get up and walk to the bathroom.

It still took me like 30 minutes before my hair dried.

Once my hair was finished I left it down.

I walked back into the room and Lauren looks at me.

"You ready?"She asks and I nod.

I go to our room and I lay down on the bed.

"I'm so tired,"I say.

"I'm don't judge you, I'm tired too. One video a day is enough,"Lauren says taking her shoes off.

She lays down and looks at me.

"Get your shoes off of the bed,"


"Just get them off,"

I groan and kick my shoes off.

"What do you want do now?"I ask rolling over to cuddle.

She smiles and wraps her arms around me.

"I don't care I'd prefer it if we just cuddled for the rest of the day, but with my family that's not happening,"

We cuddle for about an hour before there's a knock on the door.

"I'll get it,"Lauren says getting up after kissing my forehead.

I just grab my phone and scroll through instagram.

I overhear a conversation when Lauren opens the door.

"What are you doing here and how did you know I lived here?"Lauren asks.

"I just figured out, I asked some of your friends since they think know we ended it mutually,"A male says.

"What do you want? I told you I never wanted to see you again Christian,"

"I want you. I'm mean come on I was your first boyfriend you can't tell me some feeling aren't in there somewhere,"

"You're my ex for a reason. The relationship was toxic and super unhealthy for me. You lowered my confidence, cheated on me, made me even more insecure, you left me broken. Why would I want you back?"

"It's not like anyone claimed you already. You might as well give me a chance before I leave for college,"

"I'm engaged. I hate you, leave,"

"Come on baby,"

"Don't touch me,"

As soon as I heard that I got up and walked to the door.

"Who are you?"Christian asks.

"I'm Laurens fiance. Who are you?"I ask wrapping my arms around Lauren protectively.

"I'm her ex boyfriend. Christian Suray. I never knew Laurie was a dyke,"He says and tries to reach out to touch her.

I instantly let go of Lauren and step in front of her.

"Touch her and see what happens to you,"I say glaring at him.

"You're literally like 5 foot. What are you going to do?"

He puts his hand back out and I grab his arm and twist it turn him around and push his head against the wall.

"I could do so many things to you right now. Why shouldn't I?"I ask.

"Because I could easily call the cops right now. My dad's an officer and he will not hesitate to arrest you,"

"For what? Last time I checked you're the one that can't get over Lauren so you try to come and who knows? To rape her? We have cameras all over this house,"I say and push his arm against his back.

He reaches into his pocket and I grab his phone and throw it outside.

"You can call the cops. We have all of this recorded. If you ever go near Lauren again. You might not be able to walk,"I say and kick him out.

I shut the door and lock it.

"I didn't know you could do that,"Lauren says.

"I never had to,"I say.

"Thanks for coming when you did,"She says and wraps her arms around me.

"I don't think anyone would have just sat there and done nothing going Lauren. If he ever goes near you. Or looks at you or anything, tell me."

"It's fine Y/N,"

"No its not, no one should touch you without consent,"I say.

"I know how to defend myself,"

"Lauren I love you. I just can't see you get hurt. Or taken advantage of,"I say and walk to the couch.

I sit down and put my head in my hands and sigh.

Lauren walks over to me.

"I'm sorry he even came. I never wanted to see him again. My relationship with him was just toxic. I stopped taking care of myself, I completely changed who I was to satisfy his needs, I let him cheat on me because I wanted him to be happy, I let him use me for popularity and fame, I let him abuse me Y/N. I was such a people pleaser that I let him do anything, but have sex with me. He spread rumors about me, I let him. He cheated on me, I let him. He hit me, I let him. He used me, I let him. All of this is my fault. If I had boundaries we could've ended decently. I wouldn't be like this. He had power in the relationship. Compared to my friends relationships we would've had to be the most toxic. Christian constantly tried to get with Lisa and Dani. It disgusted me, but I let him. Y/N my relationship with you, it's the opposite of that. If he were to see anybody touch me like that, he would let it happen. If I needed space he would become more clingy even though he didn't care. My relationship with you is everything I need. I don't have to change who I am for you. You love me for who I am. I never thought anyone would. We can be transparent with each other. With him I couldn't tell him anything, but lies. You make me feel safe. You make me feel wanted, and loved, and worth it, and appreciated, and you make me feel as if I'm the happiest girl to ever exist. I love you Y/N,"She says and grabs one of my hands.

"You see this ring on my hand?"She asks.

I nod looking at her hand.

"I'm only wearing this because I'm ready for our future together I'm ready for what comes next, I'm ready for kids, I'm ready for anything with you. I'm wearing this ring because I love you more than anyone,"She says and kisses my hand.

I smile and rest my head on her shoulder.

"I wanted to surprise you with something,"Lauren says.

"With what?"I ask.

She gets off of the couch and kneels down.

"I know you already proposed, but I figured it's only fair if I propose to you and you get a ring as well. Y/F/N I have loved you since that first day I saw you five years ago. That day we didn't talk much because I was still that awkward teenager that didn't know how to talk to a cute girl. I remember that day you came home with Dani because you had to work on a school project and you parents were having problems. Y/s/N was in a sport after school so she didn't come, but you ran with Dani up to her room. You stayed at my house the whole day. We talked once or twice that day because I kept getting pulled away, but you tried to skateboard down the street for the first time. You being the dare devil at age 13 decided to go as fast as you could. I was the only one outside and I heard you crying. I remember instantly running over to you and hugging you in the middle of the street trying to make you feel better. After a few minutes you stopped crying and we walked inside. Me being the nerd I was knew how to bandage your leg because I wanted to be a doctor when I got older. During dinner you sat across from me and we just looked at each other and we would laugh. From there I knew that you were different. I knew I would never meet anyone like you. That whole day was one of the best days of my life. This and last week when you proposed, these are number one. Will you marry me?"She asks grabbing a box out of her jacket pocket.

She opens it and looks at me.

I nod crying.

She slides the ring on my finger.

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