《Brunette》Part 14


"That's a great way to meet her parents"She mumbles.

I roll my eyes and the next thing I know her lips are against mine.

I kiss back then realize she's not Lauren.I don't love her.

I instantly push her off of me.

"I'm sorry"She mumbles.

"Yeah but you know Lauren has to know.Both of them"I say.

She groans.

"I always mess everything up"She groans and lays down on her back.

"Hey Mila is anything going on with Lauren I noticed you two are sort of distanced now"I ask.

"No.She likes that other dude brad from the Vamps."She says.

"That's why you kissed me to distract yourself"I say.

She nods.

"I feel like such a bad person"She groans.

I climb onto her.

"Your not a bad person.It isn't your fault you deal with this type of stuff like this."I say.

"I know but out of everything.Like you just rant to someone when something happens"She says.

"Yeah but that's because ever since I was in elementary I always just ranted to my friends about my problems"I say.

"I'm really sorry Y/N"

"Hey Stop apologizing."I say and cup her face.

"But I am sorry"She says.

I lean in closer.

"You shouldn't be sorry."I say.

I kiss her head and she groans.

I get off of her since I was straddling her.

I grab my phone.

"Text your Lauren to come to my house and I'll text my Lauren to come over"I say.

"Okay"She says and gets her phone out of her back pocket.


I put my phone down and look at Camila.

She then puts her phone beside her and she bites her lip.

"She'll be here in about ten minutes"She says.

"Same with Lauren"

I sit down and Camila lays down with her head on my lap.

"So how's life other than what's going on"I ask.

"Well...Our manager told me I'll have to leave the band.Become a solo artist"She says.



"I can't be in the band anymore"

"Let me fight this bitch"I say.

She giggles and smiles at me.

"How's your life other than what's going on?"She asks.

"I mean it's pretty great."I say.

I play with her wavy dark hair.

"Yeah So how's lacrosse?"She asks.

"We won the game again.Like always."I say.

"Of course you did"She smiles.

"Enough of me though.I need to talk to your manager.Cause this dude or girl I don't know but they need a beat down"I say.

"He said I couldn't even tell the girls so when I leave they can't know he made me"She says.

"Wow Camila that's not okay.You've been in this band with the girls through everything.He's just going to take all of that away."I say.

"I know and I can't do anything.He also wants me to collaborate with Shawn first which gets me so mad because he knows about the rumors going around then he wants me to leave the band that I'm in with girlfriend then collar with someone who I have dating rumors with"She says.

"He probably doesn't like yours and Lauren's relationship if he want you to collab with Shawn.He knows that will have even more dating rumors"I say.

The door opens and there is Lauren C.

She scoffs and rolls her eyes as she sees Camila.

Camila instantly gets up and moves to the other side of the bed.

"What did you need to tell me?"She asks.

"Camila kisses me"I say.

"Did you kiss back?"She asks.

"Yes.Just for a second cause I realized she isn't you"I say.

"Thanks for the honesty"She scoffs.

"Lauren Listen I do love you.If you don't want me to hang out with Sabrina as much okay.You just have to tell me.I need at least one day with her a week though and the rest of the week I'm yours.Lauren just tell me"I say.

"Fine I don't want you to hang out with Sabrina as much.And now I don't want you to hang out with Camila as much either"She says glaring at Camila.


I groan.

"Babe"I say and she looks at me innocently.

"Okay fine but Camila is going through something right now.I need to be by her through it"I say.

"She has her girlfriend"

"Lauren she can't talk to her girlfriend about this"I say.

"Well that not my problem"She mumbles.

I push Lauren off of my lap.

She scoffs.

"What's going on?Between us."I ask.

She shrugs.

I roll my eyes.

She mumbles something and Lauren J. walks into my room.

"Camila needs to talk to you I need to talk to Lauren"I say.

She nods and sits down and I pull Lauren out of my room.

"What?"She asks.

"Talk to me"

"I am"

"Lauren.Stop.Talk to me.That's why Im here.We are supposed to trust each other"I say.

"Is that what you said when Camila kissed you"She says.

I roll my eyes.

"Lauren I told you already.I pulled away as soon as I thought about you.Because I knew it wasn't right"I say.

"I know you told me"She says.

I grab her hands.

She pulls them back.

"What can't she talk to Lauren about?"She asks.

"I can't tell you.I can't tell anyone"I say.

"I thought you said we have to trust each other"She says.

"We do But this isn't my stuff to tell and you of all people should know not to tell other people's stuff"I say.

"I have to go.Fuck you"She says.

I groan and sit on the floor.

The door downstairs opens and shuts.

I let it all out.

I break down.

Which I rarely do.

Why do I fuck up everything?

I bring my knees to my chest and cry in my arms.

The two girls I left in my room come out and embrace me in a hug.

"What's wrong?"Lauren asks.

"She just left and I don't even know if she want to continue with this relationship.I always mess everything up"I say.

"No you don't.She doesn't understand everything you've been through with us.Was She there when you had your first heartbreak?No we were.Was she there when you got told your grandpa past away?No we were.We were there.As long as you let us we are always going to be there.Always.No matter what happens."Camila says.

"I just realized she's probably gonna go talk to Christina about me.I just got her to approve of me.Along with her dad"I say.

"I can't be here I need to go out.I need to distract myself"I say.

"I have a way.Girls night?We Can go to Sabrina's."Lauren says.

I nod and get up.

"I need to change and shower and actually look decent now"I say.

They get up too and I go to my closet.

I grab a gray Aeropostale shirt and a blue jean jacket with blue high waisted ripped jeans and a belt.

I grab a towel and go to my bathroom.

After I shower and change I blow dry my hair then do my makeup.

I walk out of the bathroom and to my room.

I grab my phone and charger.

I grab an extra set of clothes and my toothbrush my hairbrush and perfume and deodorant.

I put everything in a bag and put my black converse on.

I walk downstairs

"You ready?"Lauren asks.

"Yeah"I say.

We walk to Lauren's car and she drives to Sabrina's place.

Once we get there I grab my bag and walk inside.

I put my stuff down and Sabrina looks at me.

She runs to me and hugs me.

"I got worried.Why weren't you going to come and why are you here now?"she asks.

I tell her what happened and she tells me "We are going to get your mind off of her".

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