《Brunette》Part 7


I hear a click and look at Lisa who has her camera pointing at me and Lauren.

"What you guys are cute!?"Lisa exclaims.

Christina walks in as Lauren leans in.


Lauren groans and pulls away.

"Y'all are not making out on my couch or in general"She says.

Lisa smirks.

I grab one of the pillows and throw it at her hitting her in the face.

Lauren laughs and Christina groans.

Lauren rests her head on my chest and Lisa throws the pillow at me but I catch it before it can hit me or Lauren.

"How did you catch that!?"Lisa exclaims.

"With my hand"I say sarcastically.

"No really"

"Yeah you asked and I answered"I say.

"Your a rat"She says.

"I'm not Dani"I say.

Dani walks into the room.

"Hey I'm not a rat!"

"Raise your hand if you think Dani is a rat"I say and everyone raises their hand.

Christina tells Lauren she needs to talk to her about something and Lisa sits by me.

"So your totally in love with her"Lisa says as I watch Lauren walk out the room.

"I wouldn't say love"

"Yeah your in love with her"

"Okay How could I not be?She perfect with her hair her eyes her personality she's shy and reserved until you get to know her and she opens up to you then you get to know the real her.How could I not fall in love with her?"I say thinking about the brunette.

"Your the first person to say anything about her personality everyone else that wanted to date her just talked about her appearance other than what make her,her.No one notices her personality"Lisa says.

"Honestly that's their lost because she's a great person and anyone who meets her and gets to know her is so lucky.She's amazing and she's the best person I know"


"Awe!"Lisa gushes.

"Shush"I say.

"Nah I'm good."Lisa says.

I roll my eyes.

"Just so you know I recorded that and I'm sending that to Lauren"Lisa says.

I glare at her.

"You'll thank me later"She says and walks away.

I chase her and she runs upstairs.

I continue chasing her and grab her phone.

"Your a rat!You didn't record it!"

"I know but I still can tell Lauren everything you said"Lisa says.


"Okay fine"Lisa says.

"Your still going to tell her aren't you?"I ask.


I roll my eyes and walk back downstairs.

"Why'd you run upstairs?"Lauren asks.

"Lisa was being annoying"I say.

"Which made you chase her?"

"No but she lied to me"I say.

"About what?"

"Me confessing my love for you.She said she recorded it but when I grabbed her phone it wasn't there"I say.

"Awe you confessed your love for me to my sister.I didn't take you to be that kind of person"Lauren says.

"Yeah well I am that type of person"

"You love me?"Lauren asks.

"Yes I love you.I love you so much Lauren.You are the best person I know and the only one that can ever make me feel the things I'm feeling"I say.

"I love you too"She smiles.

I connect our lips and Christina walks in.

"Cockblock"I mumble against Lauren's lips.

"I heard that"Christina says.

"We all have really good hearing"Lauren says.

"You could've warned me"

"Or you could use common sense and not say anything"

"Or you could've warned me"I smile.

"Hey my parents are coming over today so try to look presentable"Lauren says.

"Damn I feel attacked"I say.

"And definitely do not cuss"She says seriously.

"Okay I promise and I rarely cuss I only cuss when I get like really mad or something"I say.


"So what was the point of saying 'Damn I feel attacked'?"She asks.

"I don't know"


"I do rarely cuss though"I say.

"Okay good"She says.

"Anyways go change and let me choose your outfit"She says dragging me upstairs.

"Okay.But if I end up looking like a mom I'm not talking to you"I say.

"Your gonna look basic"She says.

She sits me on her bed and I smile.

She pecks my lips and walks to her closet.

She pulls out blue jeans with a rip on the knee.

She looks at me and I grab the jeans.

"Okay for a shirt your just gonna have a basic white shirt"She says and hands me a plain shirt.

"No hand me a flannel"I say.

She looks through her closet.

She pulls one out and I take it.

I walk to her bathroom and change.

She looks at me and nods.

I smile at her and she opens her mouth to talk before getting cut off.

"Lauren Y/N come down here"Christina yells.

Lauren grabs my hand and I peck her lips before we walk downstairs.

I look at Christina.

"What Christina?"Lauren asks.

"Mom and Dad should be here in about an hour and I just want to make sure you cover those on your neck"Christina says to Lauren.

"Oh yeah I forgot about those"I say smiling.

Lauren hits my arm and I groan.

"Go cover them up and I'll talk with Y/N "Christina says.

Lauren rolls her eyes and runs upstairs.

"You wanted to talk to me?"I ask.

"Yes I know your friends with all of the girls I mean your dating or sister but I just want to know how far you're willing to go and if you really care about Lauren.I want to know because she's only ever been with f boys and I don't want you breaking her heart"Christina says.

"I understand"I say because I do this with who ever likes my sister.

I do have another sibling but their in Florida with my aunt.

"Okay why are you with Lauren?"Christina asks.

"Because I love her.She is perfect.I didn't think I would be lucky enough to be with her and honestly those guys are dicks.They should've gave Lauren everything because that's what she deserves.She deserves someone who will treat her like a queen and cares about her for who she is not because of her looks.It's all of those guys lost because they're missing out on a great girl.I would never dream of hurting her ever Christina.You Can trust me.I promise"I say.

"Okay that's all then and thank you don't let her get hurt"

"I won't"

Lauren walks down with her hickeys covered with makeup.

"She's a keeper"Christina says.

"I know"Lauren says.

Christina goes to the kitchen.

"If Christina says your a keeper your obviously special"Lauren smiles at me.

"Yeah I didn't think she would leave me alone but now I understand it's because she doesn't want you to get hurt"I say.

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