《Brunette》Part 6


She pins my arms above my head and I groan.

She pulls the flannel I have around my waist off of me.

She starts planting kisses on my neck and she taps my thighs.

I jump and wrap my legs around her waist.

She kiss down my neck and I moan as she finds my sweet spot and I know there will most likely be a mark left from her.

She was walking over to the bed when... knock knock

"Lauren come on we need to record"Lisa says through the door.

We really got cockblocked by Lisa!?

"Really"Lauren groans and places me on her bed.

The doorknob rattles and I grab my flannel placing it on her desk.

Lauren groans and unlocks the door.

"Ooh you broke one of Christina's rules!"Lisa yells.

I punch her arm.

"Ow!"She yelps.

"It wasn't that hard"I roll my eyes.

"And you attack us for having attitudes and rolling our eye"Lauren says.

"Okay that's because it's all of you"I say.

"Mhm Anyways come on let's go"She says grabbing my hand.

"The others are already at the olders house."Lisa says.

"Okay But I'm not driving I'm tired"I say.

"Okay I'll drive"Lisa says.

"Please don't kill me"

"I'll try not to"She responds sarcastically.

"I appreciate it"

Lauren rolls her eyes.

"Dork"She says.

She grabs my hand and we walk downstairs.

"We're taking your car Lise because I don't trust you with mine"I say.

"Where's Y/s/N?"I ask.

"With Christina And Kath"

I sigh.

We walk to Lisa's car and I get in the back not wanting to be in the front when Lisa is driving.

Lauren sits beside me and Lisa rolls her eyes.

"You really don't trust me that much?"Lisa asks.

"Yeah I'm too young to die!"

"Okay you could've been driving but your too lazy to so if anything happens it's your fault"Lisa says and starts driving to the olders house.


I roll my eyes.

"You're paying my hospital bill"I say.

"Okay Fine But I won't need to because I'm a very responsible driver.Right Lauren?"

"Ehh at times"Lauren says.

"Okay But at least I don't drive like a grandma"Lisa says.

"I drive more safely than you do"Lauren says.

"So what were you doing in your room with Y/N Lauren?"Lisa asks.

"Nothing we were um practice the guitar"

"Mhm it didn't sound like it."

"What did you hear?"Lauren asks.

"I definitely heard someone moan in there so there went two of Christina's rules"Lisa says.

"You better not tell Christina or Kathrine about this"

"I won't just Dani"

"No Dani will tell everyone then Christina is gonna give me and Y/N a lecture and then won't even let her come over ever again"Lauren says.

"You know Dani if you tell her something and you tell her not to tell anyone she won't your her favorite"Lisa says.

"That doesn't matter I'm everyone's favorite"Lauren responds.

"You aren't Y/s/N favorite"I say.

"I'm not?"

"Nope her favorite is Christina"

She rolls her eyes.

After about five more minutes Lisa stops the car and we get out.

We walk in and the first thing I hear is "Your late!"

"Yeah I'm aware"Lauren says.

"They were apparently practicing the guitar"Lisa says.

I shoot a glare at her and she smirks.

"Anyways come on we have to record"Christina says dragging the two girls with her to what I'm guessing is their recording studio.

I follow short behind and sit on the couch in the room.

"Lauren it's your turn to record"Christina says and Lauren gets up.

I take my phone out and text Sabrina.





I put my phone away and see Lauren still recording but she's messing up a lot.


Once she finishes recording she walks over to me and sits on my lap.

"Who were you texting?"She asks.

"Sabrina."I say.

She rolls her eyes.

"Her?Again?"She says.

"Yeah Lauren Sabrina again because she's going through a break up and me being the friend I am I'm there for her so yeah I'm going to be texting her a lot now.Im going to check up on her a lot"I say.

"Okay but you better not spend more time with her then me"She says and pecks my lips.

"Lauren your jealous."I say.

"No I'm not"

"So you wouldn't care if I went to Sabrina's and spent the night at her house"I smirk.

"You wouldn't"She says.

I pull my phone out and start typing but I don't send the test.

'Hey Brinabear I was wondering if you wanted me to spend the night'

I hover my finger above the send button but Lauren grabs my phone deleting the text and turning my phone off before putting it in her back pocket.

"Fine!I'm jealous!Okay!Why wouldn't I be?She beautiful and you always text her and before I went to your school you'd text me about her!So yeah I'm jealous"

"Number one I like you and only you.I love her like a sister we grew up together.Number two if you ever feel like I'm prioritizing her more than you just talk to me.Number three your gorgeous okay.Number four yeah you could be a pain at times you are the best person I know and no one can ever replace you not even Sabrina.Okay"I say.

"Okay"She blushes looking down.

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