《Far Away, In Another Place | Ruikasa》Part 8


Tsukasas probably right... I haven't been speaking with him recently.

I sighed and walked out of the restroom.

"Amari? What are doing over here?" I asked after opening the door.

"Oh, I had to use the bathroom but the ladies room is occupied." She laughed.

"Did you hear my conversation?"

"I'm sorry! I only heard your voice, but I didn't mean to eavesdrop!"

"It's okay. I-"

"Rui if your sad, it's okay. Whatever your boyfriend said to you is probably a lie. He's probably just over exaggerating. Nevermind, I shouldn't pry, come one let's go!"

"Uhm- Okay."

We went to a small park and sat down on a bench near a fountain. She talked to me about schools things with her friends and drama. I didn't pay attention. Then she took me to her house because she said she had something for me. I didn't really care. I was busy trying to figure out what I had done that really bothered Tsukasa. Anyways, her parents weren't home when we got to her house. We went into her room, which was really clean, and I sat in the chair at her desk while she sat down on her bed. She started talking again about something. I was paying attention.

Why was he so mad? I mean, I was just hanging out with a friend. 'Then just go date her'. . . Does he think I'm cheating on him? I would never...

"Rui are you sure its ok?? You can talk about it if you want. Don't worry, you can trust me. I'll always be on your side and help you no matter what!"

"N- no I'm okay-"

"You can tell me anything Rui."

"Amaria, I'm f-"

"I'm your friend, I'll always help you."

I bit my lip. I guess I can hear her thoughts about the situation. She'll probably side with Tsukasa too though.


I told her about the conversation Tsukasa and I had. She listened well. After I finished telling her about it, I asked her for her opinion.

"Hmmm, like I said earlier, I think he's over exaggerating. You and I are just friends. I don't see why he's mad."

"I know, but-"

"It's not like you guys can go see each other."

"Right, but you see-"

"He should be happy you have a friend. He's just jealous. He probably thinks your gonna cheat on him because of his insecurities."

"Isn't that too far? Listen Amari-"

"It's not too far. Rui, you can't just let him walk all over you. Your a person too, so he can't just control who you can and cannot talk to."

"He's not-"

"It's not okay for you to think that. Just because you love him doesn't mean you can act like he isn't doing anything bad. Here, let me see your text messages with him."


"Don't worry, I won't send anything, I just need an idea of what he's saying so I can help you."

"Okay..." I grabbed my phone from my pocket and opened it to Tsukasa contact. I handed Amari the phone and she started looking through the messages. "Hand it back Amari, I'm just gonna apologize so we can get over this."

She looked at me. "Rui, you can't apologize, that's what he wants. I have an idea, we'll wait for him to apologize. If you dont apologize for a while then he will surely apologize first."


"I hold your phone for you just in case."

"Are you listening-"

"Anywayssss, I'm gonna go get the gift I made for you!" She slid my phone into her pocket and went into her closet. She took out a box and handed it to me. "Open it!" She smiled.


I opened it and it was full of candy. I thanked her and then she started talking again about how her mom won't let her get a car until she gets her grades up.

After a while I decided I wanted to go home. She handed me my phone and I left. My house wasn't that far from hers so I walked home.

It's been a while since Rui has left, so it's time for the next step in my plan.

I grabbed my old phone that I haven't use in a while and went to messages. I typed in Tsukasas number and started texting him.









All I have to do next is wait for a response.

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