《Far Away, In Another Place | Ruikasa》Part 6


Rui ❤️

Today 7:00am

Come meet me at the sekai

in 5 minutes



you didnt come again

sorry I was busy

*riiiiinnnnnnggggg riiiiinnnnnnggggg*

"What's the point in calling me."

"Tsukasa look I'm sorry, okay?" Rui sighed, "I've been busy uhm unpacking furniture."

"You told me that your dad was already there setting up the furniture last week when you were still in Japan."

"Oh yeaaa. I did say that ahaha. Whoops."

"So were you lying or not?"

"I wasn't lying then I just wanted to mess with you ahaha."

"You're not funny. Bye Rui."



I set my phone down. Rui didn't even try to call me again. It's now 9am. I should be at school, but why does it matter?

Ugh. Why is Tsukasa so mad? Its not my fault I forgot. Wellll, I guess it kinda is.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!" I yelled.

"You start your new school tomorrow," my mom said as she walked into the room.

"Oh yea... School..."

"Just in case, the have this student who is going to help you out. Apparently she knows Japanese so if you forget some English words, she can help you."

"That's greatttt."

"I'll drive you to school tomorrow morning okay?"


She left my room. A new school. It's probably way differently from Kamiyama. I checked the time. 8pm. I decided to go to sleep. Or at least try.

"Rui! Get up!" My mom yelled from the door.

"5 more minutes," I yawned.

"Get up NOW!"

"Ugh, fineee."

I got up and grabbed my stuff. Then, I unlocked my door and opened it.

"Your not gonna fix up your hair? You look like your homeless," she said fixing my hair.


"It looks fine," I sighed, moving her hand away.

"I guess so. Well come on. Don't want to be late for your first day!"


We went downstairs. I checked the time. 7am. Why does school start so early?

I got into my mom's car and she started driving me to school. I should tell Tsukasa the truth.

My Star ❤️

Tsukasa I'm sorry abt


the truth is I forgot so I'm

really sorry

it's okay dw

anyways wyd

going to my new school 😭

imagine lol

imagine not going to school

I just arrived 😭

good luck

thanks 😭😭😭

I got out the car and walked inside the building. I went to the front office to get my schedule.

"Are you the new student?" a girl asked from behind me

"Uhm yea," I said after grabbing my schedule.

"Wow, your English is pretty good for a foriegn student."

"Thank you?"

"Anyways I'm Amaria, and I will help guide you through the school for the first month, but we'll probably be one friends and hang out longer!" She smiled.

She seems nice. "Yea. Uh, my name is Rui."

"That name is really pretty! Well let's get started! From what I remember... Oh yea! Today I'm supposed to take you around the school and show you where your classes will be. You have the same classes as me so I can help you if you forget."

She then grabbed my hand and we started walking down the hall.

"Uhm, can you let go of my hand?"

. . .


"Hmm?" She stopped and turned to me.

"Uh can you let go of my hand? I won't get lost if that's what your worried about haha." I said.

"Oh come onnn. Are you shy because you've never held a girls hand before?"


"No- It just-"

She squeezed my hand tightly. "Let's go Rui!" She started walking again, pulling me with her.

"-makes me uncomfortable. Nothing important apparently," I muttered.

"Did you say something?" She asked.


We continued walking, and she showed me where all our classes were located. She still held onto my hand which made me feel sick.

"Hey Amaria? Where are the restrooms?"

We turned the corner. "Right here!"

"Thanks. Give me a minute."

She finally let go of my hand, and I went inside. I could feel something come up my throat. I went into a stall and threw up in the toilet.

After I cleaned up, I was going to head back out. However, I decided to listen to a conversation Amaria was having.

"So Amari, is the new guy cute?"

"He is really handsome! He seems kind and funny and-"

"I think he'd be perfect for you then!"

"He would!"

. . .

I felt sick again.

"See you later Amari!"

"Bye bye!"

I waited a few minutes before leaving the restroom.

"It's almost lunchtime, Rui, so let's start heading to the cafeteria."


I put my hands in my pockets. When she noticed she couldn't grab my hand, she grabbed my arm and pulled my hand out of my pocket and started walking.

This bitch.

I tried shaking her hand off, but she only gripped on tighter, so I stopped trying not wanting to hurt her.

Once we got to the cafeteria she told me to sit anywhere while she went to go get lunch food since I brought my own. It was pretty awkward.

I sat down at a table and opened my lunch. However, something felt off. I could feels eyes on me. Staring and watching my every move.They started whispering. Very badly because I could hear them.

"That's the new guy? Wow he's actually kinda cute."

"You owe me 20 bucks. I won the bet. He is so fine though."

"Like actually oh my god."

I ignored them and started eating.

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