《Indelible Affairs》⚜️Chapter 16⚜️
"I'm so sorry darling , but you can't leave with the van tonight." Evans informed me while closing up his office. "Harry will be transporting some outfits to Massachusetts and he's leaving tonight, he's required to arrive there by tomorrow before noon to deliver the purchases."
"Why can't he use the other cars?" I asked as we walked to the elevator.
"There's an important fashion event in Las Vegas in a week time. Most of them are carrying designs to arrive in Vegas by Saturday sweetheart." Evans explained.
I was getting so used to leaving work with that van. Using the bus can get a bit annoying especially when its crowded. I feel so suffocated when squished in between passengers.
And the van had been so convinent when getting to work early the next day. Ubber can get very expensive since NYU is far from work.
"I guess I'm taking the bus today." I sighed while rubbing my temple.
Evans and I got into the elevator.
"Oh don't worry about how you'll be getting home today darling." Evans wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"You're dropping me off?" I said with a high pitched voice due to my excitement . If Evans is giving me a ride then thank God.
"Not me cupcake."
Then who? Did he get someone else to give me a ride?
"James offered to take you back to campus." Evans mentioned.
"He came here a few minutes ago looking for Inez surprisingly, but I informed him she already left. Since he was getting back to NYU I asked him to take you along with him."
A loud pound echoed from the inside of my chest.
What? James is here!
Why does taking the bus seem like a brilliant idea now? I haven't seen nor spoken to James for two weeks and I don't want things to get even more awkward between us than they already are.
I'm trying to get over James but him constantly showing up in my life is making it really hard for me.
I sometimes wonder if he's doing it on purpose.
"Are you okay dear?" I felt Evans's hand on my back. "You suddenly look pale."
"Yes......I'm fine." I said blantly. "I'm just tired Evans. Thanks for asking." I rubbed my face in frustration.
Evans looked at me with pitiful eyes. "You work too hard. Take the day off tomorrow."
"No!" I quickly responded. I don't want to take advantage of the fact that Evans and I are friends just to get special favours. It doesn't sit right with me.
"I'm perfectly fine so don't worry about it. I'm already used to this."
"You clearly need it Betty , so don't lie to me." He warned. "You're taking the day off tomorrow and that's final."
Once Evans makes up his mind, no one can change it.
I nodded in acceptance.
"Good." He cheered.
We got out of the elevator as it holted on the last floor.
As soon as I stept out, my eyes quickly land on James who was sitted comfortably at the lobby.
"Oh there he is. Looks like he waited for you. For a while there I assumed he'll leave you to me." Evans snorted. "Now have a good night cupcake."
He gave me a tight hug and walked towards the exit after giving James a quick goodbye.
I took a deep breathe to calm myself.
I walk steadily towards James and notice everything about him. The way his eyes were bent low as he reads the magazine, the way his long fingers move to flip the pages gracefully, how his knees are parted as he leans on the coach. Even the faint glistening of his eyes when he reads something interesting.
I notice everything he does and doesn't do. Like how he doesn't tap his left foot constantly on the floor as he usually does when he is concentrating. Meaning he is thinking about something else at the back of his mind.
How he doesn't address how cold the lobby is because of the air conditioning. He always hated the cold. So I watch him tolerate it.
As I approach him, he quickly turns to my direction upon sensing someone coming close to him.
I notice the twitching of his lips when his eyes land on mine, as if a smile was about to form but that smile never came. I try my best not to frown at this.
He's holding back.
"Evans mentioned you're offering to take me back to campus." I never knew my voice could be so cold.
He put down the magazine and stood up on his full height in front of me. But he wasn't too close. I put an average distance between me and the coach when I approached him seconds ago.
"I see you and Evans are getting close." He ignores my previous words.
I guess I'm not the only one who notices the other.
"He's really nice." I commented. "It was easy getting along with him."
"I see he's still the same." James took a step forward. "Always the sociable one."
His cologne wasn't the same one I remember. That scent he carried before was ingraved in my senses. I could've smelt it from here. Why did he change it?
What do I care? Why should I care?
"I didn't get the chance to thank you for getting me this job James." I began. "I'm very appreciative of the help and_"
"Don't mention it." James cut me off. "Anything for you."
And another loud pound hit me.
"We probably should get going." He takes another step forward as I stand my ground.
He pulls forward his hand to tag a lose strand of my hair that covered my right eye to the back of my ear. For a second his green eyes connect with my wide ones.
I was shocked by this. This is the first form of physical contact that James has intiated with me since our split. His fingers lingered on the side of my ear for longer than necessary causing me to flinch from nervousness.
As if only releasing his mistake then, he quickly puts his hand to his side. The tension between us was beginning to get thicker and thicker as he dropped eye contact.
"Sorry...force of habit." He turns around to walk out.
I could still feel his fingers on the side of my ear. I need to stop letting him affect me like this. For my own sake I must try and forget how he makes my toes curl.
I followed his led out as he walked a few steps ahead of me. I resisted the urge to wrap my arms around him.
Ugh......stop thinking of all this nonsense Elisabeth.
"Lizy....." I heard the voice of someone I wasn't expecting to see here calling out for me as we exited the building, causing both I and James to turn to his direction.
A few days ago, On a Skype call, I mentioned to Callum where I worked when he asked me about it. But never in a million lifetimes did I ever imagine that he'd show up here this sooner.
Callum leaves the side of his black maserati to approach me.
Red and white beautiful roses where tangled in between Callum's fingers. What's going on?
My eyes quickly flip to James whose expression I couldn't decipher.
As much as I'm flattered that Callum just brought me flowers, this is not the right time for this. Especially with James here.
Why do I have a feeling that having Callum, I and James in the same place ain't a good thing?
But James wouldn't do anything to his best friend right? Though I see a hint to anger in his eyes by the sight of Callum.
"Hey....." Callum greeted the both of us casually as he stood next to me. He sounded calmer than I expected him too.
I assume James hasn't told Callum anything about us yet. Why am I even surprised? he said he wouldn't tell him anything.
"I didn't know you guys are this close. Why keep this from me?" Callum asked with a hint of confusion in his voice. He didn't sound accusing, he sounded curious. "You didn't say anything when Adrian showed you that picture, nor when I talked to you about that night James, I'm sure you recognized Elizabeth." Callum's gaze was fixed on James.
Callum has been curious about James and I ever since I accidentally brought him up. I refused to tell him the dynamic of our relationship because it wasn't my place to tell. I see he's taking advantage of the opportunity given to him by finding us together.
"I don't owe you an explanation." James was bored. "And I sure as hell don't answer to you or anyone for that matter." He was obviously being rude to Callum who seemed unfazed though slightly shocked.
"Did I do something to you?" Callum's question made James scoff.
What should I say? This conversation might taken a wrong turn if I say anything merely provacative.
How does one even act when the man you're trying to move on from is standing right next to the man you're trying to move on with? And neither of them know about this fact.
Callum isn't aware that I and James had an affair and James doesn't know that I and Callum might be getting closer than before.
"Callum_" I try to ignoring his question as I pinch the corner of my hand to calm my nerves.
I couldn't help but notice how good Callum looked though. I mean he always looks great but today there's something a bit extra.
"I wasn't expecting to see you here." James intruded. "And with that in your hands." He pointed at the roses. "I thought she's just a girl you encountered once. Now you're bringing her flowers." James didn't sound pleased and he didn't sound nice either.
"Unless they aren't for her." James added.
"And I don't see how that concerns you." Callum said unmoved by James tone of voice. "If I choose to see Elisabeth that's my own business."
The tension was thick.
"Think again." James's attitude is seriously alarming.
Callum addressed me. "So I guess James is the friend that landed you this job then. I suspected it as soon as you told me its this specific fashion house, but I preferred not to ask."
Before I could respond, James bit me to it. "And what if I am? Is there a problem with that."
Callum remained silent.
James scoffs. "I see you got your pants twisted from sleeping with her once." He was obviously trying to get on Callum's nerves with that sentence.
What on Earth is wrong with him? He knows I and Callum didn't have sex. Why bring it up even?
James is being very disrespectful and I won't stand for it.
"James stop it.." I place my hand on his to warn him. The last thing I want is a fight right infront of my work place. James stared at my hand for a second before facing Callum again.
"Why should I stop? Isn't it true? He got himself hooked after having your naked body pressed to his and now he can't keep it in his pants."
What the?
"Say some trash like that about us again and I may just forget we're brothers." Callum stepped forward looking less calm now. James took one too. The look on both their faces is too alarming to ignore.
"Why is he here anyway? Is there something going on between you two?" Callum turned to me and I paniced.
"I should be asking you that question." James spoke and then turned to face me. "How long have you been seeing Callum behind my back?" He asked me maliciously.
He did not......
Behind his back? What?
"Tell me." James demanded.
He can't just speak to me this way!
"Excuse me? You have no right to even ask that especially after tossing me aside. How dare you put a claim on me like this and attempt to cause a scene here? As if I owe you some damn explanation, as if I can't see whoever I want, as if we're still involved with each other. You lost all that when you threw me aside like yesterday's trash." I rambled at him with a raised voice. I couldn't just stand there and watch him scream at me while he was the one who called it quits.
"Don't you dare raise your voice at me Lisa." He warned. "Do that again or I might just..."
"Or what? Or you might what James?" I pushed.
I forgot that Callum was standing right there.
"Don't test me." He pointed a finger at me. I could see how hard he was trying to control himself, his green eyes were alarming and dark and threatening. I haven't ever seen James act like this, looking like this. It's like he was ready to fucking snap. I've seen him upset before, but this is different.
So I didn't try to push him again.
"There's nothing going on between I and James." I shift my gaze from James to Callum . "Nothing ever was."
James chuckled bitterly at my words and suddenly pulled me to his side while holding my wrist.
I think I pushed him.
"I'm taking you back to campus." James affirmed.
Callum seemed shocked and so I yanked my hand out of James's grip taking him by surprise, but that doesn't stop James from pulling me back to his side again. He held my wrist more tightly this time.
"James let go of me." I said under my breathe in attempts to lower my voice. "Don't cause a scene here. Please."
"We're leaving." He said to my face not bothering to lower his voice.
"Don't talk to her like that. Isn't it clear to you that she doesn't want to go anywhere with you." Callum raised his voice as well sounding more threatening than I anticipated.
"So you think she'll rather leave with you?" James came back at him. "Please don't make me laugh."
His hands tightened around my wrist to the point they almost hurt.
Why is James even acting like this? I thought he said we're done and nothing. He always confuses me like this.
"Then why don't you let Elisabeth choose then." Callum suggested. "You're holding onto her as if she can't make her own decisions. If she really wants to go with you then let her make that choice."
James let go of my hand and took an angry step forward standing a few inches from Callum's threatening glare. Neither of them showed any signs of backing down.
"Both of you stop this." I spoke out but neither of them paid any attention to me. It's like I'm suddenly squeezed to the back ground.
"Of course it's her choice. You saw us exit that door together. Was I holding onto her then?" James reminds.
"I'm here now." Callum tried to reach for me but James stood between us and blocked my way.
"And I'm planning to take her out." Callum added. "To a proper date this time. So you standing between us is pathetic."
An actual date?
The defense Callum provided to his claim made me realise that he's serious about everything he said he came here to do.
"A proper date? What makes you so confident that Lisa wants to be with you anyway? Just because she helped solve your little problem with Adrian doesn't mean she has any feelings for you. She was just being empathetic." James spat. "So back off."
Callum glared at James in anger. "Don't speak for her you coward."
James suddenly shoved Callum roughly causing him to drop the flowers to the ground as he stumbled back.
"James stop this.." I reached out for his hand but he yanked it away.
"I'm not the coward here Callum." James was again standing inches away from Callum's face as they both stared at each other fuming.
They looked like wild animals ready to kill each other. And for what? Definitely not for a girl like me?
I have a feeling they're not arguing about who's taking me home anymore. I think there's something more to this brutality than what's beneath the eye?
"I'm starting to think that there's more going on between you too." Callum stated and then tires his eyes from James and turns them to me.
"No.... James and I are absolutely nothing." I said truthfully.
James then turns to me as if not believing what he was hearing from me.
"You made that absolutely clear ." I addressed James.
"So you're going to this stupid date then?" I noticed the slight hint of hurt in his voice though he masked it with rage.
Why is he sounding like this? He made it very clear that I was only ever a fling. He wanted nothing more with me but that stupid affair and now it's over. So why is he even here tossing out blame?
"Let's go Lisa." James demanded as he took a step away from Callum and began walking to the direction of his car as I stood still on my track. Something about how he said those words make something in my mind click.
He sounded so sure that'll follow him just like that. As if he has some power over me. Is that what he has been trying to do all this time? To put some sort of leash on me so I'll never leave his side. So I'll keep on being a damn fool for him and cling to him like a little lost puppy. So I'll run after him whenever he tries to leave me.
James glanced over his shoulder after noticing I wasn't following.
"What's are you doing? " He questioned. "Let's go." James almost sounded like he was pleading rather than requesting.
This time I'm won't run after him. Those days are over.
I felt Callum's hand on mine squeezing it tightly. In his own way, he was also pleading for me to stay.
"Lisa....I won't ask you again." James warned. I noticed his fingers twitching on his side like how they do when he's desperate.
I couldn't look at him anymore. If I stared at his eyes for even a second longer I may have changed my mind.
I turn my gaze to Callum who was silently watching me.
"I'll love to go on a proper date with you." I smiled. Callum's eyes brightened as he smiled back.
I picked up the flowers that had fallen to the ground when James had shoved him harshly. I ignored James completely just like how he's been ignoring me.
I looked at the flowers that where initially on the ground and they made me think of my heart. James doesn't know I love him and he threw my heart to the ground without realizing it, just like how he threw those flowers to the ground without anticipating it.
And he surely won't be the one to pick it up. I'll pick up my own heart eventually and never give it to him again. It may take time , but I'll get there.
I heard the wheels of James's car beginning to move as he drove off with out saying another word. I tried not to sigh.
"Thank you for the flowers."
Callum lifted my chin with his fingers so he could see my face.
"I'm glad you stayed." His eyes were hopeful.
Callum drew me into a tight hug and so I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as I felt him smile against my hair. He placed a chaste kiss on my forehead and then another and then another.
And that familiar feeling of safety enveloped me as I buried my face into the chook of his neck.
He pulled away a minute later to plant his lips on mine.
It was a soft kiss, just as how I imagined it to be. It wasn't rushed or desperate or demanding. It was assuring, it was sweet, it was special.
I tried to shove the image of James's lips on mine at the back of my mind but they didn't budge and my heart ached. And I couldn't believe it. So this one short month has come down to this. James may be gone but he insured he left something behind. Like a ghost he wished to hunt me.
Callum moved his lips swiftly on my wet ones as I felt his hands tightening around my waist, he communicated his emotions through his touches and through his tongue.
I wondered if I made the right choice then.
I wondered if what callum meant by asking for a proper date was him asking me to take a chance with him.
I wondered if James was not just asking me to go into his car but rather asking for more. May be he was finally realizing that this affair was more than just a fling to him too. May be it clicked when he saw Callum holding those flowers. May be he always felt the same for me but held back. May be there is hope for a future.
But none of that matters anymore.
Because I can't keep placing all my hopes on a bunch of......May bes
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