《Indelible Affairs》⚜️Chapter 8⚜️
A day has passed since William and James had that fight. And though I was with James just last night, I couldn't bring myself to talk to him about it. The timing wasn't right and I preferred avoiding any sort of argument since James was already upset with me for standing him up.
So instead, James and I spent countless ours in his Jeep rolling dice and drawing cards, listening to Elton John and touching each other everywhere.
We didn't have sex, but of course, James took some time putting his mouth in places that he thought it belonged. And that's how I ended up moaning his name in the back seat of his car with my juices all over his mouth.
Neither of us spoke of William nor anything else but how sweet pleasure really is. We wanted to do more. James was eager to have himself inside of me but I had to leave for work. Everytime I think about his skillful tongue against my dripping wetness, I can't help but want him buried between my walls, thrusting harder and harder, bringing ecstacy to me and drowning me in a pool of intense desire.
That was how I wanted to end my Saturday evening. With James fucking me inside his getaway car. That didn't happen and that's too bad.
But right now, I need to serve as many tables as I can, earn tips and head back to campus. Its been a long night.
"What can I get you sir?" I asked the bold man relaxing by his table as I waited to write his order.
"Get me two shots of taquila."
"Two shots coming right up for you." I wrote it down.
Strip Tease was getting crowded as the minutes turned to hours, I wasn't getting a breather because of that. Sunday night is apparently worse than Friday night.
Lord have mercy.
I approached the bar to give Tony the order. Tony hashtag "Lucifer" is one of the bar tenders, and despite working here for only three nights, I already dislike the dude.
So fucking much.
He is horrible and obnoxious and just plain rude.
I don't get why people here even like Tony. He got an ego bigger that the devil's. The guy is literally bent on making my time here as miserable as possible.
Earlier I asked Tony to give me three glasses of vodka but instead he tricked me by handing me some weird beverage that was undeniably similar to vodka. And of course, I ended up serving people the wrong order.
Fifty dollars were deducted from my paycheck to replace the loss since Tony convinced the assistant manager that I was the one who made the mistake of asking for the wrong drinks. I swear I'm going to find some way to get back at that bastard.
"Are you sure it's two taquila shots?" Tony asked while smirking at me. I tried my best not letting him get on my nerves.
"Yes I'm sure."
I watched Tony carefully to make sure he wasn't going to fool me again, then taking the drinks and walking carefully to the customer who was getting the show of his life from a brunette striping by a pole just inches away from him.
"Hey! Red head." I heard the familiar deep voice calling out for me above the loud club music from somewhere in the left.
What on Earth is he even doing here? Did he show up looking for me? I thought it was clear that we mustn't lay eyes on each other ever again. He was disrespectful and though he apologized, I think we can both agree that it's best to remain strangers. I got paid and Callum is now perfectly fine.
The End.
I didn't turn to look at him but instead kept on placing drinks on the table. I have no time for this. What the hell does he want? I hope his brother isn't with him. I hate that guy.
I gave the customer his taquila shots and began walking around to see whether other customers needed anything more. I could see Callum from the corner of my eye approaching me.
I walked faster but that did not prevent Callum reaching me. He held my hand within his strong grasp and turned me around.
"Sorry, but I just need to talk to you." He said quickly as his eyes met mine.
I glared at him for interrupting my work, though I couldn't help but notice how more appropriate Callum appeared tonight. The last time I saw Callum, he looked completely terrible and honestly disgusting. But tonight, Callum was dressed perfectly, smelled like expensive cologne and Cartier. Yes, he was extremely attractive, appearance wise.
"I don't have time for this." I tried to yank my hand away from his grip but he was much stronger.
"Could you listen for a second?" He insisted. I stopped attempting to go free.
"What for? In case you've forgotten, I'm just a red head from a strip club that you are so grateful not sleeping with. Remember that part?"
I won't ever forget that he refered to me as a prostitute.
Callum's face turned sour, "You know I only said that out of anger. I didn't mean it that way."
"Sure you didn't." I scoffed.
Callum moved closer to me, his hand still holding mine. "It was obviously a misunderstanding. And I didn't know you're a waitress back then. And frankly, most of the time when a girl from a strip club leaves with a guy to his house, she is usually a gold diggers."
I stared at him.
"In which you are NOT and I'm aware of that now." He defended.
"What do you want Callum? Stop beating around the bush."
He let go of my hand and began to speak.
"Thank you for what you did for me. My brother totally bought the whole lie." He grinned.
I care less about that.
"Good for you." I said bluntly and began to walk away without saying another word.
I didn't get far before Callum was standing on my way again. I folded my hands and stared at him.
"Is there anything else?" That sounded very rude without me intending it to be so.
He frowned at me. "Is there a reason you're acting so coldly towards me?"
I scratched my temple in a rush. "I'm working right now."
"That you can't talk for a minute?" He frowned. "I'm obviously trying to...."
"Trying to what?"
Where is he going at? What is Callum aiming for? With a girl like me. I'm sure he didn't come all the way here just to thank some waitress from a night club who doesn't even matter.
"Okay, I know that I was a bit rude the next morning but no need to give me that murderous look." He mentioned.
I bit my bottom lip to contain myself.
"I just want to forget the whole thing okay. So if you don't mind, can I leave? You thanked me already and you're welcome." I faked a smile.
Callum saw right through it. He seemed a bit agitated but stood his ground. He placed his hand on my shoulder and I quickly yanked it off. Why is he touching me?
He frowned but held himself back, placing his hand to his side. Where it rightfully belonged.
"Do you think I want to remember that disastrous night too? I don't." He sighed.
"But that doesn't mean I don't want to know your name." He said calmly.
My name?
"What?" .,.....Did I hear him right?
"May be we can be friends." Callum offered. "You and I started on the wrong foot but you're a nice person and we might even get along."
Okay, now I'm confused. Why does Callum want to be friends with someone who works in a place like this? Am I missing something? Is he concussed?
I tried so hard not to smile but my lips twitched slightly from his words. I should probably be alarmed but why does his offer seem so genuine and true?
I remained quiet for longer than intented and that gave Callum the wrong impression.
"I understand if you don't want to ever see me again." He began to walk away.
"Elisabeth." I blunted out.
He turned around and stared at me in confusion.
"My name." I bit my lip. "It's Elisabeth."
Callum smiled and came closer to me.
"Nice to meet you Elisabeth."
"I wish I could say the same about you." I blunted without thinking.
He eyed me curiously before letting out a snort. And in a second he fell into a fit of laughter that I joined.
"So I guess we're friends now? " he laughed it out while trailing off.
"Perhaps." I replied with a smile.
Callum chuckled. "That's better than nothing."
I don't know but this can be counted as weird.
"Well I have to get back to work." I informed.
"Sure thing, go do that, besides, I should be getting home actually." He looked at his watch. Fancy!
"Why so early?" I questioned curiously. "It's barely midnight."
"This is not my kind of scene. I only came here to look for you." He replied honestly.
Don't blush, don't blush , don't blush Elisabeth.
"Oh! Okay. See you sometime." I tried not to stutter.
"Yah sure." He began to walk away while waving goodbye. I waved back.
"I like your shorts by the way." He said from a far with a smirk.
Ugh! This guy!
"Pervert." I glared at him. He chuckled and disappeared into the crowd.
I rolled my eyes.
At first, I may have been disappointed to see Callum again, but I guess after talking it out with him, I'm not so upset anymore.
May be we could be friends I suppose, if he stops annoying me ninety nine percent of the time. I swear he gets on my nerves.
I went back to doing my job diligently while trying my best not to get fired. The time it takes to get kicked out of here is merely a second. I've witnessed it.
However, I can't wait to finish my shift tonight. I and James agreed to met each other at my place and I just can't wait to be with him again .
It was a week of torture not seeing him and being with him and letting him hold me. I swear I'm crazy about the way he makes me feel. And those lips on mine. I love them. I love everything about him.
I'm lost.
I'm so lost.
Like a dumb love sick puppy. It's ridiculously. But it's true. It's my truth. And so I won't ever be oblivious about it.
I moved around in my six inch heels, black tight shorts and red velvet small blouse with dangling long red hair serving drinks .
I'm starting to get used to these outfits to be honest. I don't know if it's a bad thing getting way too comfortable or not.
As I moved towards the bar after picking up another order, I almost collapse from the sight before.
Oh no!
Please God no!
My whole body felt paralyzed as James stared directly at me. His features looked stiff as he took in my appearance. The most prominent emotions that his features reveled were disbelief and pity.
In hind sight everything that I and James had together for the past month just disappeared and slipped through my fingers right before my eyes.
All I could do is nothing but be ashamed.
How did he know I'm here? Was he following me? Did he figure it out? That I don't work at the Barber shop any longer.
For a moment it felt like time froze as our eyes met for merely a second because I looked away upon seeing the disappointment displayed on those green eyes. Those eyes that somehow looked darker than usual.
I sensed his eyes roaming my body and I hated the provocative outfit I wore, and the stupid night club and my lies. I never meant for James to find out this way.
The next thing I noticed is James turning around to leave.
I can't let him leave like this.
My legs suddenly got the strength to take hurried steps to follow James who was walking away in heist out of the club.
Why is he even here?
The heels I wore weren't helping my case because of how they slowed me down.
"James..." I called out as I moved through the crowd of dancing people.
James did not turn around though I'm sure he heard me. He exited the club before I could reach him.
I run faster than I ever had just to get to him.
I left the building and looked around quickly. My eyes searched the area and seeing James walking down the street in hurried motion.
I screamed out his name but he still kept on walking, trying to get far away from me. I ignored the way my heart clinched by the sight of his retreating form. Images of my pitiful childhood clouded my vision but I quickly tossed them away.
I started to run again. I dodged the people around the street in attempts to reach James who made a turn.
I did my best not to lose him.
"Please wait,"
When I reached the edge of building and seeing James infront of me, he suddenly turned around causing me to stumble over. Luckily I didn't fall.
"Let me explain." I held his hand as I searched his eyes but James yanked it out of my hold as if I burned him. My heart shuttered. "I didn't know how to tell you James. I wanted to but couldn't."
"So it's true then?" He was now face to face with me but his eyes roamed far ahead. James did not bother to look directly at me.
"I thought that I was seeing things when they showed me that p......." He took a deep breathe not finishing his sentence.
Showed him what? Who is he referring to? Why would anyone who doesn't know about me and James talk to James about me?
"And I decided to drop by here to prove it myself." He finished. "So this is why you've been acting strangely. Not showing up as we planned and giving excuses. You quit the former job and freely decided to lie to me, constantly, about everything. So you can work at a fucking strip club."
I took a breathe to calm my nerves. "Let me clarify, please."
James took a step back. "Clarify? You got me worried the other night. I thought something bad happened to you. That somebody beat you up again and might have been in trouble. But no, you were busy entertaining men and being dressed like some social climber."
I've messed up this time.
They say lies hurt more than the truth ever could. That the consequences of keeping secrets are far greater than revealing the true facts sooner. Its easier to get misunderstood once the lies come back to hunt you. Suddenly the motive is twisted and you are the bad guy.
"A strip club, Elisabeth? Is this what you truly are? Its like I don't even know you. I can't even recognize you right now. Was anything even real?"
"Of course it was real." I replied instantly. "I'm still the same woman you know. This job doesn't_"
"This job is shameful." He cut me off. "And the Betty I know ain't a freaking liar."
"I needed the money. What else was I suppose to do? Work at a hospital? Company? With what qualifications?" I defended immediately. "I was desperate.."
A Tear fell from my left eye and I immediately wiped it from my cheek.
He is done with you. My subconscious mocked me.
James took a step back again and rubbed his face with his hands. He seemed so disturbed by the situation and totally frustrated but mostly angry. And the anger showed.
"So you decided to go and sleep around with men." He raised his voice in disapproval and I flinched. "I never expected this from you. I thought you knew better. Has everything been a game to you? We're you playing around?"
"N-No." I caught my breathe.
That's what he thinks? I haven't been playing anything.
"I'm not sleeping..... a-around with any-body." I choked desperately tring to defend myself.
James was angry and I could sense the depth of it. I'd never seen him that angry before and the sight of it scared the hell out of me. He didn't even dare look at me. As though doing that could cloud his judgement. I noticed how James tried to control his temper the best he could.
I'm so dissappointed in myself but I had no choice. I really need this job, for my mum and myself . Surviving in New York is very hard and without a job or anyone to support me it's even harder. What else was I suppose to do? Serve coffee at a cafeteria and pay the attorney with what? Five cents.
"Stop lying to me already." He said firmly.
"I'm not lying James, I swear to you. I'm not having sex with anyone aside from you." I assured. He moved closer to me.
"Then what is this?" He held his phone infront of me to show me something and my skin paled. "Can you deny this?"
How?I completely forgot about that picture.
"W_who sent you that? How did you get it?" My heart began pounding so hard on my ribcage as I stared at the picture of me and Callum naked on bed. My face was so obvious and clear on the screen, there was no way I could deny it. This affair is over. I can sense it.
"I can't believe this." James spoke in disbelief and threw his phone by the wall so suddenly I flinched as I watched it break.
He's mad. I've managed to make James Andrew Scott angry. A person who barely reacts to anything. What have I done? How do I get him to listen to me and forgive me for lying to him?
James bent to hold his knees, facing away from me.
How do I even defend this?
James looked directly at me as he stood up again. The first direct eye contact since we started to argue. And the intense gaze that those eyes provided made me feel more guilty.
"If you would just listen to. I can make everything clear to you , give me a chance to explain." James needed to hear me out because he obviously has the wrong idea.
"What are you going to say?" He questioned. "You were naked under those sheets right?"
My head bent low as I remained speechless.
"Answer me." He said calmly.
Way to calmly for a man who was exploding just a minute ago that it alarmed me again.
I hesitantly nodded.
"Was he the guy you stood me up for? The other night?"
I raised my head quickly to look at him. His eyes held no emotion to the point it made me stutter.
"H-he ...y-yes." It felt like I dug my own grave as tears fell all over again.
James eyes held nothing but hurt on them.
He began walking away again and this time my heart felt like it was being stabbed.
I reached for him and held his hand tightly as he stood still.
"Please...I swear I didn't sleep with Callum." I promised. "Believe me." James kept staring ahead.
"I saw you." He said.
"What?" I asked confused.
"How you two were talking earlier." He replied. "How you laughed and the blush on your face."
He saw that? But that was nothing.
"We were just talking and that picture its not what your thinking."
"You lied to me." He sounded tired this time.
I moved closer to him and placed my head on his shoulder. He let me.
"I'm sorry."
"You were on bed with a man naked Lisa." He said in anger.
I lifted my head from his shoulder.
"James please believe me." I implored.
He removed his hand from mine harshly and resumed him movement.
I walked quickly after him again.
My legs were beginning to hurt from how much I moved with the heels. They felt so tight now.
"Don't leave like this." I told him.
He walked faster away from me and I was failing to catch up.
"This isn't fair James. You can't just go without letting me explain things to you. Let's talk about this." He didn't budge. He didn't even bother to acknowledge me as I struggled to reach him.
He was getting further and further away from me and I tried to run but my legs where trembling now and so I tripped and fell.
"James.." I called out as I took of my shoes quickly.
He was now getting to the end of the street and I stood up quickly to try and catch up.
My legs hurt so much from running bare foot on the ground. I hissed a bit when it began to sting.
James was so mad at me while all I wanted was to try and explain but he wasn't letting me.
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