《Indelible Affairs》⚜️ Chapter 7⚜️
"I don't get it." I just stared at William with complete doubt. His explanation surely didn't add up and I certainly don't see how any of this is James's fault.
You see, bad news usually comes knocking when least expected. That's what makes it so terrible. I've often thought about the day William and James would met for the first time. What William's reaction might be? I have pictured it many times, the sharp glares, judgemental eyes and the discomfort vibrating from my best friend.
But I never figured out what James's reaction may be.
Not once.
I guess now it's known.
And it has made me sad and disappointed. Now the negativity is mutual. Both of them don't agree with each other. An evident nightmare for me. And perhaps the beginning of the End of peace in my friendship with William.
I mustn't let that happen.
"I'm telling you Lisa, the guy saw me come in here and started asking me stuff about who the fuck I was to you and whatever... and when I wasn't cooperating he punched me." He repeated while rubbing ice on his now swollen eye.
James was questioning another guy's presence in my life? Can that be?
"You must've said something else to piss him off. James doesn't just act up like that." I said truthfully. "And what was he even asking you specifically?"
It's no secret that William despises James with a burning passion and never has anything good to say about him. And James doesn't even know William. Last night was the first time seeing Will. How could James have been the one to start the argument with a guy he doesn't even know?
"Are you seriously defending him?" William asked me with hurt in his eyes.
Thats not what I'm trying to do.
"James doesn't even know you Will. And to be frank here, you and I both know how much you hate him." I tried to talk calmly but ended up sounding bitter. "What actually happened? If you'd just explain clearly instead of complaining and venting out then perhaps I'd have a shot at understanding. Can you atleast do that?"
William stood up from the bed and moved next to the window. Leaving the bag of ice by my bedside table.
"So just because I don't like that douche then that makes me the bad guy?" He questioned with fisted hands.
Why must he always resort to insults?
"All I'm saying is that I don't see any motive from his side. Unless you'd care to give me precise details of the fight."
William glared at me in shook as though what I was saying is unbelievably. "It wasn't a fight Betty, he legit attacked me and I had no time nor opportunity to defend myself."
I exhaled.
"The ugly black eye being the proof that James hit you, I know that. But no one starts a fight with another for no damn reason." I said hoping to make a point.
"So I'm the one with the biggest motive?" He turned to look at me. "Why would I lie about this?" He challenged.
"I'm not saying you're lying to me." I defended my claim. There is something William isn't telling me here and he's avoiding my questions.
"Then why do you doubt my word?" He tried not to yell. "I'm your best friend Lisa, and yet you take his side. He doesn't even know you like I do." He bent his head low in frustration.
"I'm not picking sides okay. I'm having a hard time understanding why he would do this." I stated firmly.
"You don't need to understand anything, he did this to me and that's what you need to know. The guy is crazy."
How did this happen? James was here last night and then clashed with William. I would've done something to stop this from happening if I were here.
"Did you tell James you know about us having the Affair?"
"No I didn't Betty. Infact, I was busy getting a black eye to bring it up." He mumbled.
James believes I told nobody about us. I was planning to keep it to myself but William figured it out, obviously.
"Why was that guy in your dormroom anyway? He seemed extremely relaxed and at home laying on your bed like he owns this place. Does he usually show up here?"
The sarcasm in William's tone of voice threw me off.
"Sometimes." I replied. "He was waiting for me last night but I got caught up at work."
William stared at me, "You didn't sleep here, I noticed. Where on earth did you go?"
I looked at him, finding the best words to hide my encounter with Callum and his brother. William won't take that well, it would only prove his point about how risky working at a night club is for me.
"Long story short, it was a tough night. I slept at Meghan's since it was already too late to return to campus alone." It was a lie, and a good one. Quickly thought of and sensible.
Meghan is my aunt, sorta. She's the one who got me that job at Strip tease.
"Didn't know you and Meghan are that close? So she's still in New York after getting out of prison."
"We aren't close actually." I said. "She works at the club with me."
William's eyes went wide. "What?"
"She's the one who got me the job." I informed.
"I can't believe this." He retorted.
Here we go again.
"Your mother warned you several times about Meghan, she's bad news. I should've have known since the moment you told me about getting this job that Meghan was behind it. And she calls herself an Aunty."
"Can you calm down?" I asked. "No need to shade and bash at Meghan. I knew what I was getting myself into when I called her."
"You didn't know shit." William corrected. "Just like when you decided to go running around with James who so happens to be someone's boyfriend already. He's only a waste of precious time. But you are too obsessed with him to realise that."
I can't take this anymore. "Why are you being so rude to me?"
"Because you need to open those eyes Elisabeth. That guy doesn't really care about you. He's only concerned about himself. JAMES IS USING YOU."
"Please stop." Is it strange that I wanted to cry?
I sighed heavily, laying on the bed. This conversation is going no where.
I've known James for a while now, he doesn't strike me as the type of person to quickly resort to violence. Quite the opposite, James cares not for arguments. Much less arguments with strangers. I'm certain of this.
I'll have to ask him about this issue with William so I can get his side. And hopefully, we can fix this with the right approach.
But first, I need to apologise for ditching him once again. And I have a feeling it won't be that easy this time. Especially after that talk we had last night before going to work.
William moved from the window to come lay beside me on the bed. I adjusted myself to give space for him.
"How was you're first day at work?" He sounded more calm now. I turned to look at him and found his eyes on me already. I really don't want to talk about that tiresome night that was accompanied with a horrible morning.
"It was good." I lied.
"And you look like a hooker."
"Seriously?" I sat up. "You should have seen what the strippers wear. This is very decent compared to that." I pouted.
Sometimes, William acts like an over protective big brother and it's cute up until it's infuriating. Then I can't stand the sight of him.
He laughed humorously and pulled my pouted lip with his fingers. "You're so cute sometimes when you get mad." He teased
I slapped his hand aside.
"Stop it and get away from me." I scolded.
Will kept on laughing like this was funny.
I jumped on him before he released a painfully groan, holding his eye.
I quickly got off of him after realizing I hurt Will by accident.
"I'm sorry about your eye Will." I somehow feel bad about his swollen black eye. It looked really painful.
"And why are you apologizing? You didn't do this." He raised a brow.
In one way or another, I know that the bad blood that is now beginning to form between William and James is because of me. Getting into this affair obviously has consequences and this is one of those.
"I don't know. I just wish you guys never ended up in a fight." I frowned and placed my palms on my face.
I had a little hope that may be one day William might accept James but after this first encounter going wrong , all my hopes are officially crushed.
"Well I can't promise it won't happen again. The next time James tries something like this I'm going to be ready. And I'll make sure he leaves here with more than just a black eye." He said those words with such hate that my own heart dropped.
"Why are you looking at me like that." Will held my hand that was just above my chest.
"Please don't say things like that. You're scaring me."
He sighed.
"I scare me too." He frowned.
After calling James non stop since yesterday and to no avail, I decided to leave him a text message asking him to meet me at our usual place but he never replied to that too. And that was six hours ago. I'm aware he's mad at me but he should know that I'm actually mad at myself too. And that I'm also truly sorry and if he would just agree to see me then I could make it up to him.
I'm currently at the library getting some assignments done and the more I think of the stuff that is going on, the more my mind drifts further away from the task at hand.
There so many things that aren't going as planned.
To begin with, Lucy has been lazier than usual and our dormroom is starting to look like a garbage truck. On her side.
Which make the whole room look even worse. I can't keep cleaning up after the both of us especially in the bathroom. She is obviously a spoiled brat gone wrong.
Also, the attorney called me yesterday after William left and informed me that there's a possible chance to get Mom released sooner so I need to come up with money quickly. Guess no free days for me.
To top it all up, James isn't talking to me and William is acting grumpier than usual.
In short, I'm an emotional rollercoaster waiting to explode.
And the men in my life aren't helping.
"Hey, sorry but are you okay?" I felt a hand tap my shoulder lightly. I quickly jumped out of my headspace after being bolted from that cosmic trance by none other than Cheetos guy.
And thankfully he didn't bring any Cheetos today to distract me while studying.
"You were staring at the wall for nearly an hour." He seemed a little worried. Such a softy.
"I just got alot on my plate." I breathed while rubbing my temple. "This weekend has been very eventful for me." I lay my head by the table.
He stared at me for more than a second. I lifted myself up and placed my cheek by my palm as I bent my hand on the desk.
"I'll be fine." I assured after seeing the pitiful eyes he was giving me.
He nodded. And after a minute of silence he spoke again.
"I'm Sam." He informed.
Sam is a chubby six point three foot tall guy with a big personality. He has deep peach hair with blue eyes and a few freckles on his cheeks. He looked unique in his own way and thats what made him seem more approachable. He was genuinely nice.
"Elisabeth." I tried to smile.
"Nice to meet you Elisabeth."
"Same here."
During the remaining two hours of study time, Sam offered to help me out with my assignment. Turns out he was also a medical student and a freshmen like myself.
When I left the library after completing everything and parting with Sam, I decided to go to the place where I asked James to met me in hopes that he may change his mind and show up. The truth is, I really miss him.
I made my way outside the football pitch where I knew James always packed his car. Right at our usual spot.
And on my way there I could only hope that he would come and talk to me. I'll wait for as long as I can to be able to see him and explain. Or to be more accurate, lie to him.
There is no way I'm telling him about Callum. He'll only assume the worst. And this affair will be shut to hell. I know a relationship should never be based on lies, but this is not a relationship but rather an affair. A forbidden sick affair that I can't get out of. Because I don't want too. I don't want what we have to be over.
My heart can't handle such a heartbreak.
I also have to ask him why he hit William like that. James is usually so composed. What triggered him to behave that way?
When I finally arrived outside the pitch, I was surprised to see James's car parked right at our oldspot at the tree line.
James was leaning on the front door and doing something at his phone.
I walked slowly towards him and he quickly lifted his head to see who was approaching him. I noticed the frown plastered on his face, he looked not so happy to see me.
James placed his phone back in his pocket and folded his arms.
I'm glad he came despite his anger towards me. I'm infact more than just surprised to see him here. I thought he wouldn't come.
I stood a couple of inches away from him and played nervously with the Hem of my dress that was just below my thighs.
"Nice dress." He said bluntly. I raised my eyes to look at him. His lips formed a straight line, showing no emotion.
"Thank you." I smiled. "My mum gave it to me."
A silence fell between us.
"What happened Friday night?" He asked dryly. "Why do I have a distinct feeling that you're avoiding me, Lisa."
Straight to the point I see.
"That's not what I'm doing James." I defended. "It really isn't."
"Then explain this, you stand me up not just once, but twice. If you don't want to see me then say it."
"You know that's not true."
"Then why?"
My mind quickly searched for a believable scenario. I thought carefully of my next words. I was still face down looking at the ground.
"You weren't at the Barber shop, I went to pick you up." He said. "I didn't see you there."
My soul sunk.
I hoped that James didn't go inside to ask for me. Cause then he'd know I quit my job and was lying straight to his face.
I responded cautiously, "I requested to leave early."
"Then where did you go?"
James was displaying doubt.
"I went at a friend's place to finish up an assignment and ended up falling asleep."
Goosh! What sort of make up story is this?
James remained quiet for a while.
"I left my phone at the dormroom and I wasn't able to reply to any of your calls." I quickly added.
I desperately tried to make up anything to fill up flesh to the bones of lies I was laying on the table. I bit my lower lips nervously when I finally faced James and saw the way he stared at me motionlessly.
"I'm sorry."
"I never meant to leave you stranded like that."
"James believe me it wa...." Before I could finish my sentence he interrupted me.
"Come here." He opened his arms up for me.
I was confused at first until I saw the way his lips twitched a little to indicate he wasn't that mad at me.
I steadily moved towards him and allowed my body to fall into his arms right where I belonged.
"I'm still mad at you though." He said while holding my waist tightly.
The familiar smell of his cologne hit my nose and after a long week of ups and downs I finally felt at ease.
Like everything will be okay.
I forgot to ask him why he attacked William. I forgot about everything else too.
And I think James forgot about that as well. Because he didn't stop to ask who William was!
- In Serial7 Chapters
Catgirl in the Pantry: Sample Chapters and Bonus Content
The full version of Catgirl in the Pantry was available until Aug 27th. It has now been removed to comply with the Terms of Service for Kindle Unlimited. The first couple of chapters, as well as the incentive bonus content, will remain here indefinetely.When Gavin finds that a catgirl from another world mysteriously appears in his pantry, he decides, against all logic, to let her live in his room. But it’s not easy to keep a curious, free-spirited catgirl a secret. She doesn’t know anything about Earth culture, she’s constantly bored, and she has a strange and frustrating disregard for clothing. It’ll be hard enough for Gavin to keep his parents from finding out. And it’ll only get more complicated once a shadowy organization bent on killing any otherworlders enters the scene… Content: An ecchi reverse-isekai romance/adventure involving a catgirl. Strong sexual themes, but no explicit descriptions of sexual acts (i.e. not erotica). Strong language in some sections. A few sentences of mild gore. A focus on strong plot and characters in an attempt to raise the bar for the ecchi romance genre. Heads Up: Aside from a couple sample chapters and some web-exclusive bonus content, this book is no longer available here! Instead you can find it on Amazon free with Kindle Unlimited.
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Love Of Baybur [Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
The Sultanate won a huge battle against their enemies of different religion, and now left them with only a piece of land surrounded by Sultanate's forces. Baybur, a yerliyya from a backwater place, is hailed as a hero after the war for his past contributions in a strange manner and is, thus, invited to a banquet prepared by the Sultan and attended by many Great Nobles. To Baybur, who had dreams of stepping on a higher stage in Sultanate's politics, and in his Orta's ranks, this is a chance for him to shine and rise. Yet he, and many in the banquet, knows that victory is far from over. And this presents a chance, with greater risk than before, to impress the Sultan and the Pashas of the Sultanate. Sanjak-beys and Aghas of the Janissary Corps all seek to devour their enemies, both in and out of the Sultanate. And Baybur, in the midst of this brewing storm, is no different from a fish dreaming to be a dragon. But a woman he meets at the banquet changes everything; his goals, his dreams, and his fate. After all, love, without expression, is a deadly curse. As a note, Cover is not mine obviosuly, and I write this both for NaNoWriMo and Writathon. To some history lovers and nerds who specialize in it, I know you might be angered quite a deal with some things I've written.(I get the feeling when someone talks wrong foolish things in a study I know, no hate) But this is a historical fiction written by a seventeen-year-old, don't expect much from me to know every single detail. Much of my research is surface level and some things are, well, to fit plot, are changed. So bear that in mind. For schedule/chapter thingt, there will be at most five chapters until I pass the 55.555 words mark. Each chapter will be around or above 10k+ words. It is also not edited, and probably won't be unless I find a great deal of time in my hands after November to see what I lack in where. That's all. Now go read, or leap to another fiction. Enjoy!
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