《Indelible Affairs》Chapter 3
"What the hell happened to you?" His deep voice echoed in the dim lighted room as he instantly stood up on his feet to approach me by the door. Those green eyes scrutinized my distorted attire and turned darker and darker as more view of my injuries reached his gaze. I'd never seen him that worried before.
Your girlfriend tried to mutilate me, I thought to myself.
I sometimes wonder if James is really worth it? The sneaking around, guilt, being his little dirty secret___just so that I can feel those arms around me. Is it worth anything? if he might never love me back.
"James...why are you here? I thought we agreed to m-meet up Saturday night," I tried not to stutter but failed because my face and mouth still felt sore from the beating I received from Merissa.
I was confused to why James would be inside my college room at this time of the night on a Friday. I can think of a million places he should be at right now. Not here, especially if we didn't discuss this visit. At the bar for example....
Or may be enjoying Merissa's company, that whore. Wait! I'm the whore in this story, She is the real girlfriend.
James gave no answer to my question and instead drew me in for a gentle comforting embrace, enclosing me within his strong arms and the delicateness of my wounded body made James stiff. He was angry, of course, this didn't sit well with him and it showed.
At that point, the humiliation I felt at campus hit me hard again and I failed to hold back the tears. I hate breaking down but I can't help myself.
Its been a while since something like that has happened to me. Old memories just started to climb to the surface and I hated that. I hated the way my attempts to defend myself failed, I hate this night, and from somewhere within me__I'm slowly beginning to regret this affair. This might get out of hand. Its probably what Merissa wanted. That I give up on this and just rid myself of James. But then why doesn't Merissa confront James Instead? What is holding her back? Why doesn't she just leave him if she knows he's cheating on her?
What is tying her to James? Merissa is the type of woman who can have any man she'd want. But why James? Is he even worth the broken heart? Or is there something else?
"Hey, you're safe now." James affirmed and those assuring words made me cry harder.
He brushed my hair soothingly with his fingers, calming me. If only he knew who did this. "I'm right here." James wiped the tears from my face swiftly with his other hand, staring into my eyes and then placing his lips on my forehead.
"You're getting blood on yourself James." I warned him.
"Doesn't matter because these are just clothes, Betty. It'll wash off." He dismissed, and I couldn't help the warmth that coaxed my heart. "Lets get you cleaned up now." He reached for my hands, covering them with his own.
"Then we can order something to eat." He said while guiding me to the bathroom. "After that, you can tell me precisely what happened and who hurt you. But for now, I want you to feel better."
I didn't miss the look of distress in his untamed eyes. Was he truly worried about me?....I should know better but,
God! He confuses me so much.
"James....." I tried to speak but he cut me off by placing a finger cautiously on my lips.
I wanted to tell him that I fell on the stairs or stumbled on a wall, just literally anything to cover up what Merissa did to me. If he finds out that Merissa suspects that Him and I are having an affair, James will surely leave me.
But would he really end this though? How far is James even willing to go with this? Does he want me as a constant in his life?
If I were in Merissa's shoes_ would I break up with James? If I found out that he chose to be with someone else behind my back, would I throw the relationship to hell?
Honestly, I don't know.
"You will tell me everything after dinner." He stated firmly. "Whatever it is, it can wait."
After getting to the bathroom, he examined my injuries carefully and frowned when he noticed the bruises on my neck . He tilted my head slightly to get a clear look and cursed under his breath when he saw the finger marks still fresh on my pale skin.
"You'll be okay." He assured. "Just try to stay still."
I nodded.
James reached his hand out to take a clean towel that was folded on the counter, soaked it in water and cleaned up the wounds. I hissed a couple of times when the pain was being a little to much, but he blew on every part that he saw might sting. It made the experience much more tolerable.
"I'll put some alcohol on those after I give you a bath." He offered.
I smiled.
I felt the urge to kiss him, but I knew my lips were too abused for that. James looked really attractive from the way he parted his lips, working seriously. It was inviting.
"Are you checking me out Elisabeth Wilson.?" His mouth twiched slightly, he was obviously holding back a smirk.
I rolled my eyes. "No I wasn't."
His head fell back as he erupted into a fit of laughter. James looked at me as if I just said something incredibly fake.
"Says the girl who screams my name multiple times when I fuck the sense out of her."
He did not just say that, "Please don't." I covered my face as images of our sexual encounters flooded my mind.
"Then why were you staring at me with that type of eye a minute ago." He questioned, closer to my ear. I could feel his warm breath on the surface of my cheek, igniting something inside of me.
Okay! He's good_____really good at this.
Next time I'll try not to stare to avoid boosting his already massive but carefully hidden ego.
James narrowed his eyes at me and before I knew it, he was tickling me. "James......" I tried not to laugh too hard. Laughing has never felt this torturous. "My mouth hurts.."
He stopped quickly as if only realizing it.
"Sorry...I kinda forgot." He scratched the back of his neck. "You had that long sad face on and I thought to change that."
I smiled fondly as he kissed my cheek. I love those lips. James once said my lips drive him crazy, if only he knew how his lips are my weakness.
"Fuck to the person who did this to you." He said bitterly while placing his hands on my shoulder. He looked pissed. Some may even say outraged and just straight up mad. My eyes fell shamefully on my lap and I began playing with my shaking fingers. This is so messed up.
A silence fell between us.
"Hey...look at me." He lifted my chin up slowly, trying not to hurt me. I'm sure he noticed the clear shame and guilt and misery in my posture. I looked up to him.
"You didn't deserve this, you should know that. And whoever did this is shitty, messed up and just plain evil to even hurt someone like you."
God! I'm a monster.
"Let me help you take off these clothes." He offered and so I let him.
Since the beginning, I never felt the need to cover up when naked infront of James. Something about his hands on my body leaves me feeling relaxed rather than uncomfortable or insecure.
It's the same comfort that prompted me to losing my virginity to James rather than any other guy out there. I believe it's all about feeling safe with someone. That's when I knew it was time and that I was ready. James felt compatible, we just fit.
I wasn't in love with him the first time we had sex, those feelings grew with time. But I always knew ever since the day he first laid his eyes on me, that James would eventually mean more to me.
"It's a good thing your roommate is never around." He commented while turning the water heater on.
That's the main reason James even takes time to show up here. If Lucy was a much more disciplined person, then James and I wouldn't spend time in this room. Lucy rarely sleeps here. She practically lives somewhere else and only comes by a few times. That's why her side of the room is always messy. She never cleans it up.
"Why don't you join me in the shower?" I suggest while tagging on his jacket.
"That was my plan actually." He smirked.
Stepping into the shower naked together, "There's a party down town on Sunday night, you should come." James offered.
I replied, "And risk exposing this affair, are you serious right now?" Leave it to James to bring up stuff like this, forgetting that he's the one with a girlfriend.
"I didn't mean that we attend it side by side. Tag a friend along then we can leave the place together hours later." He said. William won't appreciate being used as a distraction or the third wheel. And he hates James to top that up.
"Why don't you ask Merissa to join you instead? Then you can take her home with you." The idea aggravated me. Why had I even suggested that? Knowing it hurts seeing him with her.
He gave me a knowing look, "We aren't exactly in speaking terms but she will be there too. Though I'm not planning to take her back with me. You and I can have the rest of the evening to ourselves."
James wants to have me and Merissa in the same place at once. I can not believe this.
The risks! Don't they concern him?
"I can't go." Though spending the evening with James is as tempting as staying alive.
He folded his arms,"Why not?"
"Look at me James....I'm not alright obviously. I can't show up at a party this way with these bruises. Its totally inappropriate." I said while turning the taps on, splashing warm water to our bodies.
"I don't mind cause you are still beautiful, plus, use makeup or something to cover up." He advised while grabbing the shower gel. "If you'd be uncomfortable otherwise."
I can't do this. Its another thing to help James cheat on his girlfriend in secret places and another to do that very same thing hours after he had her for the night already. That's the end of my limits.
"Makeup makes me uncomfortable James. Just drop it, okay, I ain't attending."
I'm making excuses, makeup never bothered me, quite the opposite actually.
James didn't say anything for a while as we took a bath in silence, but I could see clearly in the way he cringed his face that he still wanted to protest. "The reason you're rejecting my invite is centered on your insecurities. Which is ridiculous because you are obviously gorgeous, and it's also unfair."
I stared at him, shocked that he'd assume my rejection is based on vanity, but also a bit flustered by his compliment. "I know exactly what you are trying to do James, and it's not gonna work. I won't be changing my mind."
"I'm not guilt talking you.....Elisabeth, if that's what you think. I was stating the simple truth, you're being selfish right now."
I frowned at him while he kept on scrubbing my thighs gently, moving his lethered hands up and down my skin. "I can't argue with you right now. I'm too drained to even put up with your accusations." I dismissed.
He looked up at me, shaking his head. "I ain't accusing you either. We only have two days in a week to spend more time together and you're turning me down, that's basically selfish."
"Please stop talking." I requested feeling angry. James turned my body around so he could wash my back.
"Be careful, that side hurts a bit." I said.
"Over here?" He touched my lower spine with his fingers slowly, massaging the area. I nodded in satisfaction, pulling my wet hair upward so he could work comfortably. I small moan left my lips when James applied more pressure there. His other hand was on my waist holding me steady, and the other was skillfully melting me. He also massaged my shoulders and neck, that helped to ease the strain. I felt so relax as that large heavy hand roamed my back.
"Right there_" I breathed.
James hissed as though irritated and then paused his work, "If you keep moaning like that then I may just take advantage of you while you're standing right here infront of me." His voice was hoarse and the good kind of rusty. It made me feel things.
"Keep going."
"Elisabeth," James growled. "If I get hard then you'll end up making much louder noises, that's a warning. And I think we both agree you are too exhausted for a work out."
I exhaled, "Sorry. Its just that you are really good at this massage thing." I whispered. "Please continue."
James resumed.
"Promise me you'll show up Sunday night."
He never gives up.
"I don't know James, let me think about it."
After the shower, James wore one of his sweatpants and grey t-shirt that he always leaves in my closet from the times he drops by. If someone saw the pile of his clothes in my closet, they may think that James practically leaves here.
He then ordered us some dinner. He got himself Chinese food that happens to be his favorite, and ordered me fries and a burger from Dominos.
Which brings us to the second reason I think James may have put a spell on me.
Ever since I was eleven, I reduced my daily consumption of junk food after being bullied constantly for my weight. And even after I shred all those pounds, which was a lot, the fear of gaining all that weight back never left me.
However, for the past month since I have been hooking up with James, he always bought dinner. He never skipped, not once. And sometime the dinner will be McDonald's and I just couldn't refuse him, he can be adorable sometimes to the point it's hard to say No. Trust me, I tried.
After the Meal, James decided he wants to cuddle for a while before we slept.
In the mornings occasionally it would happen we wake up in each other's arms, but it was only because the bed is not that big enough for two people to get completely comfortable. I enjoy that though. It feels great waking up to someone snuggling you.
And whenever he comes to rest here because his buddies are trying to hang out and he doesn't want to be part of it, this is where he comes. I would let him have my bed as I study by my desk. I sometimes join him when I ain't too busy with studies.
"So tell me what happened."
There it is, the sour topic.
"I upset a few girls and landed a beating. The whole thing was stupid and I wasn't expecting things to end this way. It happened really fast." I mumbled, praying James doesn't catch on the lies I was feeding him.
James looked me straight in the eye. His features stiff, disbelieving, "You picked a fight? You? Elisabeth Wilson?"
"It wasn't like that." I sighed. "She was rude and I opened my mouth. Apparently the choice of words made her angry."
James raised a brow. "Name?"
He's upset.
"I didn't catch her name." I replied. "I told you, it happened way too fast."
"Why are you hiding her?" He asked, displeased.
"I'm not." I lied again.
"So you're telling me, complete strangers caused this?" He refered to my injuries.
I knew he wouldn't let this go so easily. Especially with that look on his face which indicates his motive of getting to the bottom of this.
"Please don't make this worse than it already is. It won't happen again." I can't risk James finding out something by digging into this. "Besides, I doubt ever seeing them again."
He's interest on this matter makes me wonder what is going on inside his head. What does he plan to do when I reveal the identity of the culprit? Does he really care as much as he shows? To go after the person.
"I'm too worn out, just say yes please and let this go." I pushed.
James's features didn't softened even as he kissed my forehead while his arms drew me closer to him.
The gesture could only mean one thing, he'll step aside. For now at least. And drop this whole thing for my sake.
"What this girl did is unacceptable. Next time, call me when something like this is about to happen." His eyes turned a darker shade. James was angry. That anger directed to the person who did this. His girlfriend.
Or Lord! What have I gotten myself into?
James connected his lips with mine for not longer than a second but the kiss carried a clear message.
This is indeed a messed up situation that I've created.
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