《Airplane - BTS Suga x Reader》Chapter 15


//Dawon and You//

Dawon nodded after you explained her that you indeed liked Yoongi.

"Talk to him", she smiled at you, "tell him how you feel and also talk to Jimin. They need to know what's going on."

"O-okay", you stuttered and got up, getting a cheerful "Fighting, (y/n)!" from Hoseok's sister.

You headed to Yoongi's room, and right in this moment, the door opened and Jimin walked out, looking down and sniffling. His head shot up when he saw your feet, eyes red and puffy and wet streams of the tears on his cheeks. Your eyes widened.

"J-Jimin... are you okay?", you asked concerned and he nodded, a faint smile on his lips.

"Y-yeah", he replied, his voice hoarse and shaky from crying.

"But you are crying."

"I know."

"Do you want to tell me what's going on?"

"Listen, (y/n)", he started and looked at you, taking a deep breath. "Please promise me something. Don't forget the time we spent together", he said and pulled you into a hug. You, flustered and overwhelmed, patted his back and nodded.

"I promise you", you replied as you felt his tears hitting the crook of your neck. He pulled away after a few more seconds and wiped over his face.

"Sorry for making you feel so weird. I just thought that... I could maybe distract myself... and you seemed so nice and friendly. I just wanted to forget what has happened. Please forgive me", he explained with raspy voice.

"I have never been mad at you, so please don't apologise to me. You can still come to me if you have any problems, okay?", you replied and he nodded.

Thanks", he said and smiled at you. Your lips turned upwards.

"Did you want to talk to Yoongi Hyung?", he asked.


"Y-yeah", you said, your gaze wandering down to the floor. He patted your shoulder, making you look up at him.

"Make him happy, okay?", he asked and you smiled at him, feeling some tears eagerly trying to escape from the corners of your eyes. Jimin eyesmiled at you before going away, heading to his own room and silently closing the door after entering it.

You looked after him for a moment, feeling grateful that he spoke to you himself, making your decision easier, even if it hurt.

You ordered your thoughts and what you wanted to say and knocked on the door.

You heard steps from the other side and Yoongi opened the door, looking at you with slightly widened eyes. "(Y-y/n)...", he said with low voice.

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