《Male OC/multiple personality Reader x Bully RWBY》Why do you hate me?
The sun was rising over the shining beacon academy. A certain (H/c) hair coloured boy by the name of (Y/n) Hunter was awake early drinking some coffee while looking your scroll. Suddenly you got a call and smiled while answering it.
(Y/n): Hey Sis.
(S/n): Hi (Y/n). How are you?
(Y/n): Good, how about you how's the doctor said anything today?
(S/n): No nothing much, got a little sick in the middle of the night so I feel a bit tired.
You smiled and drink some of your coffee, burning your tongue in the process and spitting it out into the sink.
(S/n): What was that?
You coughed and drank some cold water.
(Y/n): Coffee is still too hot to try and have one big gulp.
Your sister giggled and went silent for a few seconds before asking a question.
(S/n): Can you FaceTime?
You froze and looked at your scroll.
(S/n): ...Please?
You sigh and reluctantly hit the camera symbol on your scroll. The screen loaded for a few seconds before your sister appeared on your scroll. She looked at you and had a saddened look.
(S/n): You have a black eye again...
You nodded and looked away. Your sister leaned back in a hospital bed while looking at you through the screen.
(S/n): You need to tell somebody. At one point it's going to go to far and-
(Y/n): It's fine. In all honesty Yang really did make a point when she gave me this. Like why am I here when I have no weapon, no semblance and no aura? Is Ozpin letting me in just for shits and gigs?
(S/n): Well still without weapons you are pretty good at hand and combat.
(Y/n): Yeah but without aura I can't really compete against anyone. They have protection, I don't. Oh and not to mention that I'm a single man team.
(S/n): I see...
You finish your coffee slowly and wash the cup. You get a notification and check it to see it was a message from Ozpin.
(Y/n): Well looks like I have to go. The wizard is calling me.
(S/n): Alright. See you bro. Love ya!
You smiled.
(Y/n): Love you too sis.
You hang up and get dressed. When you exit your greeted by a hand grabbing your collar and putting you up against your dorm door.
Yang: Sup loser.
You looked down at her.
(Y/n): Let me guess. Home work?
She nodded and let you go. She pushed twelve stacks of paper into your chest.
Yang: my team, CFVY and JNPR's. Done by tommorow. Just in time before Port's class. If you don't then your getting your ass beat.
You nod and look down. She smirks and bumps into you as she walks off causing you to drop the stacks of homework. You sigh and slip each stack into your room to do later.
Suddenly your kicked in the stomach making you groan and look up at your attacker. Cardin Winchester and his team.
Cardin: Hey there pal. Sorry didn't see you there. You slowly get up.
(Y/n): What do you want Cardin?
Cardin: Well me and my boys here have some homework that needs finishing up and I thought to myself "hey I know just the guy who is an expert in grimm studies!"
You sighed.
(Y/n): Just slip it under my dorm door. I need to go see Ozpin.
Cardin smirked.
Cardin: Thanks pal.
You nod and leave as they slipped their homework under your door.
You arrive at the elevator to Ozpin's office and ascended to it. You heard the elevator's ding and stepped forward.
(Y/n): Ozpin?
Ozpin looked at you.
Ozpin: Take a seat Mr Hunter.
You did so.
(Y/n): May I ask what this is about sir?
Ozpin: Yes it's about your combat class.
You look at him.
Ozpin: Ms Goodwitch. Has noticed your lack of ability to fight the past couple of lessons. May I ask why?
You knew this was coming. Ever since the bullying that started happening three weeks ago you've been unable to attend combat class or at least compete with any other students in beacon due to the lack of your aura being nonexistent which would help you heal. You'd be like a wounded wildebeest walking into a lions den.
(Y/n): Just a little stressed is all.
Ozpin: Stress? Well you're always free to go into the Emerald forest. Again without a weapon I guess it seems like an almost impossible task without a weapon and aura.
You nod and tried your best to avoid his gaze.
Ozpin: Who gave you that black eye?
You flinch and look at him.
(Y/n): Well it uh....was Yang.
You knew she was going to get you for that tommorow or tonight.
Ozpin: Ms Xiao Long?
You nod and he looks outside.
Ozpin: ...I'll have a talk with her.
You look at him. You wanted to thank him but at the same time you knew there were gonna be consequences.
Ozpin: I want you to attend combat class tomorrow. I'll make sure Glynda is notified to put you up against a student. For now I recommend you go to Emerald Forest and get rid of some of that 'stress'.
You nod one last time before going to the elevator and looking at him one last time as he looks back and sips his coffee.
Once you reach the bottom of the elevator you exit the tower and head towards Emerald Forest. Along the way you see team CFVY and JNPR talking and laughing together. You sigh sadly as your wish you had someone to talk to at least who wouldn't push you down and beat to ever loving shit out of you.
You walk to the helipad, passing some students along the way who look at you with cold stares.
???: It's that weakling again.
???: Why would Ozpin let someone like him in especially if he had no weapon or Aura.
???: Ironic that his last name is Hunter and he can't even act or show that he is one.
You breath slowly and see Ms Goodwitch at the helipad.
(Y/n): Ms Goodwitch?
She looked at you.
Glynda: Mr Hunter. Ozpin asked me to accompany you if you needed some assistance with the Grimm.
You nod and smiled.
She pulled something out of her pocket. A dagger.
Glynda: It's not much but it's better than nothing.
You take it and examine the dagger.
(Y/n): A little heavy on the end but I guess it will do.
She stepped aside as you got into the bullhead.
You looked behind her to see your bullies flip you off. You groan.
(Y/n): Very mature...
Glynda: What was that?
(Y/n): Nothing. Let's just go.
She got in and you both got flown to emerald forest.
Glynda has her arms crossed as she watched you take out a beowolf. You were bloody, cut and sweating.
Glynda: Not bad Mr Hunter. You've been at it for an hour are you sure you don't want to take a break?
He looked at her and slowly nodded as you sat on a rock and rested. She went over to you and looked at your wounds.
Glynda: These seem really bad. I think we should head back and get you to the infirmary.
You looked at her and shook your head.
(Y/n): No. I'm thinking of this as a training session. I'm hoping that it's enough to unlock my semblance.
You looked you up and down.
Glynda: Yes you have no ora and you might die if you continue on from here I don't want to lose a student today or ever.
You looked at her and smiled.
(Y/n): Thank you it's refreshing to have someone at this school to care about you for a change.
Glynda wondered what's he meant by that but she let it go.
You slowly stood up and looked at a cave.
(Y/n): Maybe a Deathstalker will do the trick?
Questions as you slowly made your way into the cave.
Glynda followed. You used the light setting on your scroll and attach it to your collar and looked around. Glynda did the same.
As you got deeper into the cave you looked at Glynda.
(Y/n): I'd uhh...Expect to be greeted by Deathstalker at this point.
Glynda: I agree. However-
She shone her light around.
Glynda: -This cave look like it hasn't had any grimm company for a very long time.
You look around before you spot a little hole to the side and go to it. Putting your hands in you feel something silky inside and pull it out to find your hands covered in the webs.
(Y/n): Seems like it.
You wipe the webs off on your shirt and proceed further into the cave. You reached a dead end and shrug.
(Y/n): A dead end it seems.
Glynda: Maybe whatever lives here is out at the moment roaming in the Emerald Forest.
You lean back against the Rocky wall. Suddenly you heard a click and jumped back but groaned due to your wounds.
Glynda: Mr Hunter what did you do?!
(Y/n): I just leaned against the wall, didn't think it would hurt anybody.
Suddenly, the wall sank into the ground, opening a secret passage to an alter with a rube floating on it.
(Y/n): Whoa.
You walk to wards the altar and circle the room which had strange symbols on it. You went to touch it but Belinda grabbed your wrist and pulled you away.
Glynda: What's on remnant do you think you're doing?!
(Y/n): I just wanted to get a better look.
She sighed and looked at the rune. She puts one of her telekinetic bubbles around it and carried it up from its altar. You both look around sceptically expecting it to be booby-trapped. However nothing happened. She moved it towards her and kept it hovering next to her shoulder.
Glynda: Let's head back to Ozpin. Maybe he has an idea of what it is.
You not knowing that you're training for a semblance will have to wait. You both walked out of the cave but froze when you saw Ursa, Beowolves and creeper Grimm Standing outside watching you both. They all growled and barked at you both. Glynda got in front of you.
Glynda: Stay back. I will handle this.
You watched them and gulped. You saw them mostly concentrate on Glynda for some reason. You whistled but none of them looked at you.
Glynda: Mr Hunter be quiet!
You looked at her.
(Y/n): They don't care about me they seem more focused on you.
She looked at them as she took one step to her right and they followed her.
She grit her teeth as she sweat a little. You looked at Glynda then at the relic.
(Y/n): Ms Goodwitch. Try moving the relic around away from you.
She looked at you before looking at the relic and nodding slightly. Using her riding crop, she moved the relic away. Just as you thought, the Grimm followed the relic.
You looked at your body and threw the knife away. You grabbed the telekinetic bubble and ran.
Glynda: (Y/n)!
You looked at her.
(Y/n): Get to the bullhead and track me with your scroll!
The Grimm gave chase as Glynda flinched and ran to the bullhead.
You begin to get weak as your cuts and bruises were slowing you down. You looked behind to see a beowolf jump at you. You rolled out of the way but felt your cuts get worse. You reach a cliff and look around at the approaching Grimm. You backed up before a creeper jumped at you and knocked the relic out of its bubble.
(Y/n): No!
You go to grab the relic. As soon as you did you felt something surge within you and your groan and yell at the top of your lungs and everything goes black.
Groaned and looked around, you were in the infirmary all patched up. You looked at your bandages and took them off. You were already healed. You stood up and went to a mirror. Your bruise was gone too.
(Y/n): Do I have my aura?
You asked yourself as you punched yourself in the gut hard and gasped.
(Y/n): Nope...definitely not.
You heard a door open and looked to see Ozpin.
Ozpin: You're finally awake Mr Hunter.
(Y/n): Yeah, thanks. Is Glynda alright?
Ozpin nodded.
Ozpin: Yes. We have the relic as well. While you've been unconscious we've analysed it to find out why the Grimm were so interested in it.
You looked at him.
(Y/n): Find anything interesting.
Ozpin: So far nothing. It just seems to be a rock with symbols at this point.
(Y/n): What? It was floating when me and Miss Goodwitch found it. You sure there isn't like some power in it or something?
Ozpin shook his head.
Ozpin: Nope. We spent all of last night researching it. Nothing came up.
You looked at him a little taken back.
(Y/n): Last night?
Ozpin nodded.
Ozpin: You've been out for a day.
You looked at the time and groaned.
(Y/n): Fuck
Yang and the others were gonna tear you to pieces. You looked at your scroll and picked it up.
You had six missed calls and one voicemail from your sister.
(Y/n): Sis?
You put your scroll up to your ear and played the voicemail.
(S/n): (Y-Y/n)...Somethings wrong...I've been sweating like crazy. I-
She cut off and the sound of her scroll dropping and footsteps was heard before the scroll turned off.
(Y/n): No...
You put on your shirt and jacket and ran out of the infirmary.
Ozpin: (Y/n) Wait!
You were already gone.
You ran to the bullhead however Jaune stepped in front in your way of travel as you were still running.
Jaune: Hey asshole! Where's our ho-
He didn't get to finish as you clothesline him making him flip and land on his stomach.
(Y/n): Out of my way vomit boy!
You quickly jumped onto the bullhead and close it.
Pilot: Where t-
(Y/n): Vale hospital!
He jumped back but nodded and flew there.
Meanwhile Jaune got up and watched the bullhead.
Jaune: He actually clotheslined me.
Pyrrha: Jaune!
He looked to see his team, RWBY and CFVY come up to him.
Pyrrha: Are you okay?
Jaune: Yeah. Just got clotheslined by (Y/n).
Pyrrha: He what?!
Yang growled.
Yang: First he dodged homework then hits my friend?! Someone needs to learn their place when they get back.
The teams agreed and headed off to class.
No one saw you for the rest of that day. Team RWBY, JNPR and CFVY were eating their breakfast in the cafeteria.
Coco: He's still not here.
Fox: Fucker's probably dead for all we care.
Ruby looked around while drinking milk before spitting it out.
Weiss: Ruby?
Ruby pointed at the entrance.
Ruby: There he is.
Everyone looked and saw you standing there with bags under your eyes and your eyes puffy and red. You wiped your eyes and went to an empty table. You leaned your head against your hand and took a deep breath.
Yang smirked and stood up.
Weiss watched as she left to go to you.
Weiss: Is it me or did he seem sad?
Blake: He probably got a scolding from Ozpin or something for missing school all yesterday.
Yang approached you.
Yang: Hey loser! Where's the homework and what was with the whole Ozpin needing to see me yesterday?
You looked at her and remained silent. You looked away which she raised a brow.
Yang: Excuse me, I am talking to you!
You took a deep breath.
(Y/n): ..Not now Yang...
She looked at you in disbelief.
Yang: Excuse me?!
She grabbed you and stood you up.
Yang: You have a lot to answer for you little prick!
You grit your teeth.
(Y/n): I said.
You pry her hand off your shirt and put your hand off her stomach.
(Y/n): Not.
You lifted her over your head unaware that your eyes had changed colour.
(Y/n): Now!!
You slam her into the table making it break in half. She gasps as she hadn't expected you to retaliate and didn't activated her aura.
You breath heavily and looked around to see people looking at you in shock.
(Y/n): Why do you hate me...?
Your voice sounded like a mix of your normal voice and a more raspy one.
Ruby: Yang!
Ruby used her speed to get next to her sister. Weiss and Blake went to her as well. Blake looked at you.
You looked down at her. Your eyes shining red making her shake.
Blake: (Y-Y/n)?
You close your eyes and open them up to reveal them back in their normal (E/c) colour.
You looked at your hands.
???: Not bad for a trial huh?
You heard the raspy voice and looked around.
(Y/n): Who said tha-
???: Ahem!
You flinched and looked to see Glynda come up to you.
Glynda: What happened here?
Weiss: (Y/n) slammed Yang into the table!
Coco: It's true!
Yatsuhashi: Yeah.
Every other student in the cafeteria nodded.
???: Y'know. Even though we're in the wrong, I can't help but feel like this is a trend...
A more cheerful/carefree voice said as you looked around.
Glynda: I see. Well...come on Mr Hunter. You have detention till combat class.
You sighed and followed Glynda to her class. You looked behind you to see all your bullies smirk at you. Suddenly your eyes turned into a bright amber colour as you smirked. You pulled both middle fingers at them which shocked them. You then waved your middle fingers around while stepping backwards out of the door.
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