《A Birdflash Story》Circus
Dick is relishing his day off work. He's curled up in bed and doesn't intend to move until 3pm. There's some sunlight streaming in through a gap in the curtains, telling him to get up. He doesn't listen and instead shoves his head under the covers, hissing.
His alarm goes off a few minutes after that and he turns it off. Why on earth would he have set an alarm for 9:45am? He hopes it isn't important.
"Dick! I'm here. Where the hell are you man?" Wally's voice calls from somewhere in his apartment about an hour later.
Wally then pokes his head around the bedroom door, "Diiiick. Why are you still in bed?"
Dick sticks his head out from his duvet burrito groggily. His raven hair is messy and his blue eyes are half-lidded. Wally's mouth opens and then shuts again. Damn, his boyfriend is hot.
"Um, uh. Aunt Iris. We're going to my aunt's house today, remember?"
"Oh. Oooh that's what the alarm was for," he glances at the time on his phone, "An hour ago."
"You forgot?"
"I've had a busy week....yes I forgot," Dick admits, sitting up and throwing off the covers. Goodbye warm bed. Wally definitely does not stare at his almost naked boyfriend who is wearing nothing but boxer briefs. Nope. The redhead zips towards the window and throws open the curtains.
"Better hurry up and get ready. I told her we'd be there at 11," Wally says, turning around and seeing Dick strolling towards the ensuite bathroom. Wow, his ass -
"Also, please put some pants on before I pitch a tent," He adds, causing Dick to whip his head around and wink at him before he disappears round the door.
Iris would have coffee so there's not much point in making some for Dick. Wally heads towards the living room and potters around while Dick gets ready. He reads a book. Yes, an entire book, speedsters take speed reading to a whole new level. It was an Enid Blyton one. The Secret of Spiggy Holes. Dick always liked that mystery series because he found it actually a little challenging to figure out the mystery. Wally had never really fancied Enid Blyton, but he and Dick both liked Roald Dahl as kids.
Wally is flicking through The BFG as Dick walks in, now with a shaved face, combed hair and wearing clothes.
"I might as well be dating a girl, you take so long to get ready," Wally jokes, putting the book back on the shelf.
"I was ten minutes. Not everyone can get ready in ten seconds," Dick says, rolling his eyes.
"I read an entire book in the time you took...hey, that rhymes," Wally says, then zips over to him and picks Dick up bridal style.
"I just -" Dick starts his sentence in Blüdhaven and finishes it in Central City, "- combed my hair."
Wally casually puts Dick back on his feet and quickly fixes the parting in his boyfriend's dark hair, "There we go. It looks better a little messy anyways."
Dick scoffs, but his checks are dusted pink after the gesture. They're about a block away from Iris's place, so they could walk up to the house like 'normal people,' as Wally says. Dick comments that he is a normal person and pretends to be offended. Wally informs him that being able to backflip off of a 150 storey building and survive without a scratch is nowhere near normal. Neither is a twenty-three year old guy being able to put both legs behind his head with ease.
"I didn't know people could bend in so many ways until I met you. Much less guys," Wally laughs as they stroll along. They could take their time now as it was almost 11 and they were already close to the house.
"The first time we all played twister was great," Dick joins in the laughter.
"You kicked everyone's ass. Buuuut I am the best at video games."
"The speed gives you an advantage," Dick claims. Wally shrugs.
"Who says I use my speed?"
They approached the house and Dick frowns. Wally looks at the shorter man and also frowns, "What's wrong."
"Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited to see Iris again, but..I'm your boyfriend now, rather than your best friend..." Dick doesn't really know how to put it in words. He knows Iris knows and that she's okay with it, but he's still weirdly nervous, like he's going to say the wrong thing.
"Dick," Wally says with a smile, "It's okay. Just think, when I eventually tell Barry, even if he does threaten you, it's fine because Barry isn't scary at all."
Dick nods, now thinking about Barry trying to threaten him while wearing his bright red and yellow flash suit or one of those nerdy jumpers with a bow tie. Barry wasn't the same kind of intimidating as Bruce was.
"Yeah, I'm being ridiculous."
Wally pushes the button for the doorbell and they wait for a couple of seconds, then the door opens to reveal Iris with a huge smile on her face, "My boys!"
Iris hugs Wally first and then pulls Dick in for a hug afterwards, much to his pleasant surprise. She says warmly, "Dick, it's good to see you."
"You too, Iris," He replies with a smile.
"Come in, come in," Iris says, ushering them through the front door and then closing it. She leads them to the kitchen, "Wally is at school at the moment. I made a couple of batches of cookies. Although, I'll have to warn you, I'm out of practice and the first batch is a little bit burnt."
"I'm sure Wally will eat them anyways, he'll eat anything," Dick jokes.
"Oh believe me, I know!" Iris exclaims with a laugh. There's plates piled with cookies on the kitchen table, with one batch set aside, likely for Wally's cousin when he gets back from school.
"You clearly don't remember tasting that weird brown water on one of our road trips to see what it was. It was gross, man," Wally tells him, then begins eating the cookies. It had been a wild trip that involved a maze and a crazy labyrinth like house.
"I..don't recall. But that's what detectives do," Dick shrugs as he and Wally take a seat each at the kitchen table. Iris begins to make coffee, much to Dick's relief.
"Barry can tell what chemicals and drugs are just by the taste," Iris says, "One time he found some white powder in his lab, tasted it and then asked his co-worker why there was cocaine on the desk."
Wally almost snorts, "That's very Barry."
"It could have been rat poison, or anything," Dick adds, then takes a bite of a cookie.
"That brown water could have been shi - sewage," Wally corrects himself quickly in the presence of his aunt, despite him being twenty-four, "We need to start our annual road trips again. And I need to actually decide on a place rather than always leaving it to you."
"I'd have to take time off work," Dick says.
"What do you work as now, Dick?" Iris asks, knowing that he always seemed to be switching jobs.
"I'm a cop in Blüdhaven," he tells her.
"Protecting the city day and night? Plus the Titans in Manhatten. Are you not exhausted?" Iris asks in concern.
"Yes," Wally answers for him, "He slept in this morning. Was still in bed when I came to pick him up."
"I'm just a workaholic, I guess," Dick shrugs. Iris puts the mugs of coffee in front of them. Both Dick and Wally proceed to put a shit ton of sugar into their coffee. Iris shakes her head with a chuckle but doesn't say anything against it. She joins them and sits down.
"So, how are things going relationship wise? I know it's probably kind of weird going from friends to more
"Pretty good. I mean yeah, it's a little weird but we're settling into it," Dick answers, looking over at Wally, who is eating what must be his eighth cookie. Wally nods, mouth full.
"That's good. Have you guys told Barry yet?" Iris asks. Her nephew swallows his cookie.
"Uh, no. Not yet," Wally says, then mentions his cousin, "Kid knows."
"Did you guys tell Batman?" Iris inquires, adding the milk to her own coffee.
Dick nods, "Yeah. I finally came out to him last week. It went...alright."
"I got a visit from Batman that night. Scared the crap out of me, but gave his approval," Wally adds, picking up another cookie. The eating was endless with him.
"Good. So hey, I told my boss I was working on an exclusive interview with some of the Titans members. Care to help me out?" Iris flashes her reporter's smile.
"Well, Dick's the boss, so it's down to him what's disclosed," Wally says, looking over at his boyfriend and then shoving yet another cookie in his mouth.
"Yeah, sure," Dick nods. He'd been interviewed as Bruce Wayne's son plenty of times so he's used to the whole thing. Interviews with Nightwing are non-existent, however.
Iris takes out her notebook and her prepared questions and they get on with it, the odd time taking a break from the interview for catch up chat and to make more coffee. Iris promised to send the article to Dick first for approval before showing it to her boss, to make sure not too much was given away.
Time flies, and before they know it, Wally is back from school. He pokes his head into the kitchen, smelling the cookies and then notices his older cousin and his boyfriend, "Oh, hey guys."
"We saved a batch for you, don't worry," Wally tells him.
"Awesome," he zips over to the tray left on the counter and next thing they know it he's sitting at the table with them.
"How was school?" Iris asks.
"I didn't bunk off, I promise. Metalwork was awesome today. We got to use blowtorches."
"Metalwork? Is that a subject?" Dick asks, because it was news to him.
"At CCH, yeah. Not something you'd have done at Gotham Academy," His boyfriend elbows him with a snicker.
"These cookies are so good, I," Wally nods towards his aunt.
"I've left more for Barry if he decides to run by after work," Iris says, "But I have to hide them from you boys."
The two speedsters groan and Dick laughs along with Iris. The TV that had been on in the background in the kitchen showed a breaking news report.
"The rouges are currently robbing the Central City museum downtown. The CCPD or The Flash is not yet at the scene."
There's streaks of white and red lighting and a cookie is dropped on a plate. Just like that, the two cousins are gone. Dick swears he felt Wally kiss his cheek as he ran out. He looks across the table at Iris and they both sigh. They give each other a look, as if to say 'Speedsters.'
A few seconds later, Dick's boyfriend reappears in the kitchen, fully clad in his red flash suit, "Sorry, Dick. Do you wanna come?"
"It's okay. I left my costume back in Blüdhaven," Dick chuckles.
"I can fetch it quickly," Wally offers.
"No, no, it's fine. Go help Kid Flash," Dick shoos him away and Wally nods, zipping away again. Iris shakes her head with a giggle, "At least he came back to ask."
"Heh, yeah. I'll let the rouges to the Flashes," Dick says, looking down into his coffee mug.
"Dick, your parents..it's the fifteenth anniversary this year isn't it?" Iris asks cautiously.
The acrobat looks up in surprise and then nods, "Y-yeah. It is."
"I hear there's a few journalists looking for you. Wanting to write an anniversary article about The Flying Graysons. It was a pretty big story when it happened, you were probably kept out of the limelight because you were so young, but now...I didn't want to tell you while Wally was here, because one of the journalists is Linda Park."
Dick's mouth drops open, "Oh."
He remembers Commissioner Gordon and then Bruce keeping him away from newspapers, TVs and radios as much as they could soon after it happened. Dick was cooped up inside where the media couldn't get to him.
"I'm not asking you to turn her or any of them down, I'm just letting you know about it in advance so they don't surprise you. It might be nice to see what they can find about your parents."
Dick nods, "Yeah," he glances up at the TV, seeing Wally and Kid Flash running circles around the rouges. He didn't see any sign of Barry, but Iris had mentioned he was at work. They seemed to be handling it well though.
"You've liked Wally for a long time, haven't you?" Iris asks with a smile. Dick's checks turn rosy and he presses his palm against the warm mug.
"I have. I didn't think in a million years he'd ever like me back in the same way...I was terrified he'd find out and we'd lose or friendship."
"Well, us Wests can be...blind to other people's feelings towards us. I friend-zoned poor Barry for so long...I was completely oblivious to how he felt," Iris laughs.
Dick nods, chuckling. There's a sudden rush of wind through his and Iris' hair and next thing they know it the two Wallys are back sitting at the kitchen table, taking more cookies.
"How'd it go?" Dick asks.
"Fine, same old rouges. Barry showed up, but I sent him away because I know he's in enough trouble at work as it is. I'm surprised he actually listened to me," Wally tells Dick and Iris, then shoves another cookie in his mouth. Dick wonders how many Iris actually made and how they're lasting this long.
"As uptight and stubborn as Barry is, he's nowhere near Batman level stubborn," Dick comments.
"Or you," Wally jokes. Dick protests, saying he's not stubborn and only proving his stubbornness.
The younger Wally groans, "Ugh, you guys bicker like a married couple already. How long have you been going out again?"
"A week and a half-ish," They reply.
"Well, we have been best friends for...twelve years?" Dick says. He can't believe its been so long. How long has he actually been in love with Wally for? Its hard to tell, due to all the fucked up time and Wally being erased from everyone's memories. It's not a recent thing, however, that's for sure.
"You guys met then I was two. That's insane," Kid Flash shakes his head, stuffing another cookie into his mouth before Iris tells him to go do his homework. He groans, gives a little salute to the two older superheroes and then speeds upstairs.
Wally glances at the time on his phone, then says, "I think we'd better get going, Aunt Iris. Gotta make sure Dick actually sleeps before he goes galavanting around rooftops tonight."
Dick huffs, but knows his boyfriend has a point. He had been out late patrolling the night before - after a day of patrolling as a cop. They get up and say their goodbyes.
"Promise me you won't get yourself killed, Okay?" Iris says, giving Wally a hug.
"Believe me Iris, I've already gotten him to make that promise," Dick chuckles. Iris wraps her arms around him next.
"That goes for you too. Sometimes I think you forget you're not a metahuman," Iris tells him.
"More like all the time," Wally adds, with a roll of his eyes. He then tells his aunt, "You stay safe too, field reporting and all that. I know what you're like."
"The Lois Lane of Central City," Dick says.
"I'll take that as a compliment."
Dick and Wally leave, strolling through the neighbourhood that is buzzing with younger children who had finished school and homework earlier. Wally turns to his boyfriend, "See? You were fine. Nothing to worry about."
"Yeah. Gosh, I missed Iris. She almost feels like my cool aunt too."
"It's half past five. Wanna...hang out for a while?"
"Wally, you can call it a date, you know. Thought you said I had to sleep?" Dick cocks an eyebrow up at him.
"Well you don't usually patrol until 11:00pm. There's time," Wally shrugs.
"Well, where do you plan on taking me then?"
"Wherever you want to go. Anywhere in the world," Wally says with a cheesy grin, Dick hums, considering it. Anywhere in the world...
Minutes later they're sitting on a grassy hill, overlooking a field at the edge of Star City. In the field there was a circus set up. Not just any circus, but Haley's Circus. They can faintly hear the music below.
"You know, when I said anywhere, I was expecting you to say Paris or the Taj Mahal or Rio de Janeiro or something. But this actually makes more sense," Wally comments, his arm around the shorter man. Dick is quiet for a few moments, then speaks.
"They're preforming in Gotham this year, on the fifteenth anniversary. I got an invite from Haley's a few days ago to preform with the other acrobats."
"Wow. Did you accept it?" Wally asks.
"Not yet... It's always a tough day for me," Dick sighs.
"I know. But..if you do accept, I'll come to support you. We'll all come to support you. Front row seats, popcorn, cotton candy, toffee apples.."
"The whole food stall?"
"Thanks, Wally..but I'm kind of out of practice when it comes to performing."
"Bullshit. All those flips and tricks you do all the time are unnecessary, you just like showing off. It's in your nature. Besides, you have a few months to plan a routine."
Dick thinks for a few moments, weighing the pros and cons. The pros seemed to outweigh the cons. His parents would want him to do it. He is dying to get back up on the trapeze. Wally, his friends and his family would be there.
"Yeah. I think I'll do it," Dick turns to Wally with a smile. The redhead returns it.
"Go down there and tell them that then."
Dick nods, presses a kiss to Wally's cheek, then gets to his feet. He offers Wally a hand up, which he takes. Then, they start walking towards the sound of circus music.
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