《A Birdflash Story》Tension
Years and Years
Poison Ivy decided to show her face in New York one Wednesday evening. Central Park, to be precise. She clearly doesn't care for the amount of Chinese take away left-overs, beer cans and Subway sandwich wrappers that littered the park. Neither does Dick or the rest of the Titans, for that matter, but that's beside the point. She was causing havoc and they went to sort her out. That's their duty after all.
Dick realises now, that bringing the whole team was a bad idea. A terrible idea.
"With all hands on deck this will be sorted in no time at all," he had said.
Now, Dick is sitting in the kitchen of the Titans Tower. Wally is bending over to look in the fridge and damn, his ass looks so fine. He rubs his eyes. It's just the pheromones, right? That's what he tells himself. That sex pollen crap that Poison Ivy uses. The whole team got infected. Normally he'd have an antidote for it, but not in the tower. Why would he? It's not like Ivy is going to randomly pop up in New York.
There's a sense of awkwardness in the air, naturally. After all, the rest of the team are in each other's quarters, solving the problem the other way. Fucking like rabbits. Garth and Lilith, Donna and Roy. Karen wasn't around for the attack and is at home with Mal and the baby, thankfully.
That just leaves Dick and Wally. The single-pringles. Dick previously had a girlfriend, but she broke up with him a few months back. He has been single for a couple of months now.
Linda seemes to find Wally rather annoying and persistent, not remembering their supposed marriage in whatever timeline the redhead had emerged from, despite her trying to hide that she thinks that. Wally had picked up on it and seemed to let go of the little hope he had about being with her. He's stuck coping with the effects of the pollen too.
"There's not much in the fridge," Wally states, tying to make things less awkward then they were. The two men are aware that both of them are pitching tents in their pants.
"You ate it all."
Dick can't take it anymore. If he doesn't do something about his arousal soon he's going to combust. He stands up as Wally closes the fridge and starts to walk out of the kitchen.
"I'm going to uh...yeah," Dick says, pointing towards the door and glancing down with embarrassment.
"Uh, yeah. That's a good idea..."
Wally speeds over to the lift and steps in with the shorter, dark haired man. Dick presses the button for their floor. It seemed like a great idea to have their quarters on the same level at the time of deciding, great for hanging out together and playing video games, but right now it just adds to the awkwardness.
They stand in the lift, trying to ignore the elephant in the room. Wally always found Dick attractive. He is an attractive guy. He's intelligent and resourceful. Anyone can see that. Maybe...there's more than just platonic feelings there, especially with Linda now out of his league, but Wally pushes them away. Pft.
Wally is straight...isn't he? Everyone wants pretty boy Dick Grayson, so what he's feeling is just that...yeah. Dick is a lady's man. He gets all the girls. Wally used to be a lady's man too. He used to flirt with every girl who came along. Then he met Linda. But Linda doesn't even remember any of it.
Dick isn't straight.
Wally didn't know that..right? He hasn't...gotten around to telling Wally that he's bisexual since his return. Or anyone on the team but Donna, really. Maybe he told Wally in Wally's old life? Maybe Dick wasn't bisexual in that timeline? Dick isn't even going to pretend he understands all the crazy alternate timeline stuff.
Dick can't help being in love with his best friend. When Wally came back from the speed force and Dick was shocked into remembering him, he had suddenly felt an almost painful tightness in his chest, like forgot feelings had come back all at once. He had felt confused - he was dating Shawna at the time - and suddenly he had feelings for a long lost friend. Red hair is his weakness. Wally has cute little freckles across his cheeks. Dick had tried to count each one of them when they were kids. Wally always manages to make him laugh and Dick trusts him completely.
Unintentionally, they both find themselves making eye contact at the same time for much longer than they should be, pupils blown wide. In a sudden burst of what is a mix of lust, courage and love, Dick grabs the front of Wally's t-shirt and pulls him down for a hasty kiss.
Wally's brain temporarily fries.
He pulls back after only a few brief seconds and his stomach drops at the look of shock on the redhead's face. What has he done? Dick stares into Wally's green eyes and he's terrified. Fuck. He would run but he can't. There's nowhere to run, and swift as he is, Wally could catch up to him with no effort. Oh god. He's probably ruined their friendship forever-
So fast he barely has time to register it, Dick is shoved up against the wall of the lift. He tries to apologise, "I'm so sorry! Wally I - mmmf!"
Wally initiates another kiss, grinding his hips against him. They both groan at the relief of finally being touched. A minute longer and they both would have gone batshit crazy.
The doors of the lift are open and waiting for them to leave. They come up for air and Dick simply says, "Fuck."
It's somewhere between a question and a statement. Wally nods, "Yeah."
The speedster picks Dick up and the next thing he knows, he's being thrown down on soft sheets. The two heroes start hastily stripping themselves of what they are wearing, discarding the clothes on the floor. Dick's heart is hammering. He can't believe this is actually happening.
Wally presses Dick against the bed and kisses him again, the friction and skin on skin contact a relief, yet also fuelling the craving. Wally attempts to give Dick a hickey on his neck but gets pushed away, accompanied by a breathless, "Nowhere visible you dope."
"Does it matter?" Wally says, kissing Dick's gorgeous tanned and scarred chest, "You've got a reputation already man."
"No I do not-" Dick suddenly gasps when Wally sucks at his left nipple.
"Shuttup. Just keep going," Dick pleads. The affects of the pollen might have faded a little for the speedster with his crazy metabolism, but Dick himself is still feeling it full force.
Wally leaves a few hickeys on Dick's collarbones and shoulders while he moves his hand south. The redhead hesitates for a moment before he cups the blue eyed man and then grins wickedly. Dick mentally prepares himself for whatever quip Wally is going to crack at him.
"I've got your dick, Dick."
"You think I haven't heard that one before, fastest man alive - ah!" Wally jerks him just right, probably by luck rather than experience, and Dick cries out in pleasure.
"That's where you're wrong. I've got stamina. Want me to show you?" Wally grins mischievously.
"Not without lube and condoms."
"Oh, right. Ha. Glad to see you're still Mr. Responsible even when you're high on sex pollen," Wally jokes, but Dick is good enough at reading people to know he sounds nervous.
The acrobat contorts himself to reach his nightstand and pull out what what was required. While doing this he asks, "You've never done this with a guy before, right?"
"Of course I haven't man-" Wally pauses and looks at Dick, who is uncapping the bottle of lube, with wide green eyes.
"But I mean..neither have you..right?"
"I have....more than once," Dick confesses, cheeks scarlet, avoiding eye contact with his best friend, "I'm bisexual. I understand if you're not okay with going any further-"
"No no! I want to. Hell, I need it. I'm just not sure how..to go about it."
Wally wants to have sex with him. Dick is thinking that he's going to wake up soon, that this is just a wet dream and he'll feel guilty about it.
"Just..leave it to me," Dick says, tossing him a condom and going into the default of leader, "Its not that different when you're on top. Just involves more prep when you're bottoming."
Dick really wants to just do it and do it now before he goes crazy, but he has to take Wally's inexperience with men into account. He isn't incredibly experienced himself, he tends to go for women most of the time, but he enjoys being with men too. There's less pressure to be traditionally masculine.
He pours lube onto his fingers and begins to hastily prep himself. It's strange with Wally watching, but can't really be avoided. The redhead rolls the condom on and lubed himself up.
"Okay?" He asks Dick. Wally's mind is running a million miles a second. It's usually like that anyways, but with the affects of the pollen still lingering and the fact he is going to fuck Dick is adding to it. Seeing him so uncontrollably aroused is amazingly hot. Nope. Wally is definitely not as straight as he thought. He can't even tell himself it's just the pollen anymore.
"Yeah. How do you want me?"
Oh wow, that throws him through a loop, "Whatever you're most comfortable with, I don't want to hurt you or anything."
Dick lies down on his back and spreads his legs, then brings his knees up towards his shoulders. His remarkable flexibility coming in handy. Wally feels privileged. That famous ass is now his. He's both giddy and nervous at the thought.
Dick just wishes Wally would stop staring and just fuck him already. He groans.
"Please, Wally. Fuck, I need it so bad."
That gets him moving. Wally positions himself at Dick's entrance and slowly presses into the tight ring of muscle. The acrobat bites his lip and hisses a little at the sting, but urges Wally to keep going. With some more lube and a slow pace he's eventually sheathed.
"Fuck. I can see why everyone calls you tightwing." Wally half moans, half laughs. Dick needs it so much doesn't even roll his eyes at this information.
"Can you move, just a little bit please?"
The redhead complies and shifts a little at first, slowly building up a pace. Dick figures the lack of speed is probably difficult for Wally, but he seems to be doing okay. Dick groans loudly when he pushes deeper.
"Am I hurting you?"
"No, no it's a good hurt. Please, please keep going!"
Eventually, Wally is thrusting into him at a quicker pace. Dick cups Wally's red face and kisses him again as he's rocked back and forth. It feels so good, everything heightened by the pollen. Dick grasps Wally's short, slightly curly red hair and cries out when he hits his sweet spot.
"Dick," Wally states, "I can vibrate."
Dick's blue eyes stare at him and his mouth drops open. He can, can't he? The man can fucking vibrate so fast he walks through walls, so why not? How has this never crossed his mind before?
Well, perhaps it had a few times..
"Oh god. Please. Do thaaaaaat! Oh f-fuck! W-Wally!" Dick cries out in pleasure, feeling the sudden and unexpected vibration ripple through him.
"Like that?" Wally asks with a grin, knowing the answer already.
"Yes! Yes! Oh f-fuck yes!"
Dick is a mess. He knows he's a mess. He doesn't care. Wally has seen him beaten and bloody and broken more times than he can probably remember. Dick just screams Wally's name, begging him to go faster.
"Has anyone seen Dick and Wally?" Donna asks with concern. Whenever Dick isn't around she automatically steps up as the leader. Nobody questions her authority when she does. The other four had eventually drifted back into the living room, having relieved each other of the pollen's symptoms. Ahem.
"Nope. Why?" Roy asks. He's feeling blissed out right now. Sex with Donna was better than any hit of heroin. He's sure. The pollen had freaked him out at first because he felt sort of high, after being clean for so long.
"Well, it's not like they have anyone to ah, help them."
Roy chuckles. "They probably just went and jacked off Donna. That's what guys do."
Donna, Lilith and Garth collectively sigh at his bluntness. Roy continues regardless, "Or considering how close those two are, brojobs."
"Roy!" Lilith scolds, her pale cheeks flushing pink.
"What's a brojob?" Garth asks in confusion. Roy is about to answer his question when Donna suggests that someone should go check up on the absent teammates.
"I'll go," Garth says, shrugging and standing up. Lilith bites her lip as he leaves for the lift.
"Something wrong Lil?" Roy asks the other redhead.
She senses something different with her psychic abilities, but it's too far away and she can't put her finger on it. It's intense, however.
"Not...wrong. Different. Like some sort of tension has been resolved."
The doors of the lift slide open and Garth steps out. Dick and Wally are on a floor pretty high up in the tower. In case of emergency, Wally could run down the stairs pretty fast and Dick being well, Dick, could pretty easily just...jump from a window. That's what the two said to him, but Garth just reckons they wanted to play video games together and eat crap without Lilith or Donna chewing them out for it.
He begins to walk down the hallway. Wally left his bedroom door just under half open, so knocking doesn't seem necessary. If he doesn't want anyone going in, it should be closed. As he gets closer he can hear what sounds like Dick screaming and so he quickens his pace. He takes a glance through the crack of the open door and let's just say he is definitely not prepared for what he sees.
Garth brings his eyes away, and blinks hard. Nope. He didn't just see that. Maybe he has gone a little too long without water, that's necessary for him.
He looks again and no, he is definitely seeing Dick and Wally...fucking? He's not really sure if Dick is screaming with pain or with pleasure.
Garth can see them start kissing. He turns on his heel and walks away, deciding he should not be watching. The Atlantean is somewhat traumatised at seeing his two very good friends since childhood having sex with each other.
He arrives back in the living area. Two pairs of green and one pair of blue eyes look at him. Garth quietly takes his seat back next to Lilith.
"So? Are they okay?" Donna asks, "You did find them, didn't you?"
"Oh. I found them alright. Together. In Wally's bed," Garth says, then coughs, rendering them all silent. He turns to Lilith, "You don't have to explain gay sex to me now. I think I get it."
After that they're all quiet for a few moments until Roy suddenly rubs his hands together and says with a smirk, "Jason owes me twenty bucks."
Wally pulls Dick up to his chest and wraps his arms around the shorter hero. They're both coming down from their euphoria, the pollen finally wearing off. Wally isn't panting - the guy can break the sound barrier with ease and keep going - but Dick is as he asks, "W-where does this put us? Do we just blame it on the pollen and forget it happened or.."
"Or..?" Wally asks in curiosity.
"...Get together?" Dick says hopefully, unsure of what Wally's reaction will be. There's a pause before Wally replies.
"Like...boyfriends together?"
"What are you? Thirteen? Yeah," Dick snickers, his cheeks flushing red. He's nervous as hell.
"I'd...I'd like that. But..what would the team think?" Wally replies.
"It's 2018, man. Besides, it's not as if we have to tell everyone right away... You can take time to get used to the idea."
"Yeah. Yeah, okay...we're still best friends, right?"
"Yeah obviously," Dick laughs in relief and adds, "Best friends who also do couple stuff."
Wally hums in agreement and says, "I'm hungry. Can our first date be at Big Belly Burger?"
"Yeah, sure," Dick chuckles, "Just give me a few minutes to recover. I don't think I've ever been fucked like that before.."
"I did good then..?"
"Oh yes."
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