《Powerful Bella》The Covens Reunion


(Hey Guys! I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in forever and I promise that I won't leave the book unfinished. I will now update at least once every week until the book is finished. Promise. Not sure how much longer the story will actually go for but there will be at least 2 more chapters including this one, and who knows. I might feel the need to update this before I go back to school, so it'll be quick. And I'm rambling. So on with the story. )

**December 21st**

I smiled at the covens that arrived at the Volturi Castle.

The Amazons

The Dyrats

The Repuls

The Betas

The Omegas

The Smilee

The... The Cullen's

The smile dropped from my face as they come into view still the same except not as beautiful in my eyes, they are tainted with the feeling of despair from long ago.

I felt an arm Snake around my waist, I looked up to see Aidan give me an encouraging smile. I gave a weak grin back as I focused on breathing to calm myself and my nerves.

I greeted The Cullen's with a nod, and they nodded back. I noticed that Carlisle, Rosalie and Emmet were not with them, perhaps they finally got away.

Alice walked up to me, "it's nice to meet you Queen Lily... it's a pleasure, I love your dress, maybe we can share fashion tips and trends later?" She said with a boppy, overexcited childlike voice.

"I don't think that's necessary Alice darling, because honestly your dress is horrendous and I wouldn't want your fashion 'tips or trends'" I said putting bunny ears on tips or trends. I heard a few people snort, looking up I noticed Aidan and Chris with their hands covering their faces and Evangeline and Claire having a full on laughing fit, holding onto each other to remain standing.

"Shame on you Queen Lily! She was being pleasant and welcoming, you are no better than the Volturi before you!" Esme scolded. I snorted. "Darling, you should really sort out your priorities, you just insulted the Queen" I calmly responded.


Edward stepped up, "why can't I read you?, I haven't had this problem since...Bella" he looked genuinely sad, probably because now he knows that he's not as great as he thought he was.

"Oh Edward, if only poor little Isabella Swan wasn't left alone in the woods to die, then maybe you'd have the most powerful Vampire on your side" Aidan spoke up from beside me.

"You people weren't around when that happened, why the hell do you care about what happened to Bella?" Jasper spoke up finally.

"Because Darling, Isabella Swan was my past, Lily Grace is my present and my future will not have you stupid Human drinking Vampires in it." I responded harshly.

"Bella?!" Alice, Esme and Edward all exclaimed in shock.

"No, it's Lily Daniels" Aidan spoke up "and id appreciate it if you didn't speak to my wife like that"

"You are married to that freak?" Edward exclaimed shaking his head in disbelief.

"Who are you talking to You fugly freaky stalker?" Claire said walking up behind us.

"Bella, of course. Love we can get over our past differences, we can be together again" He said as he took my hand. Aidan grip on my waist tightened slightly, but he was aware that id never leave him for this jackass.

I imagined him arm slowly catching on fire from the top of his fingers slowly turning the arm attached to me into ash. And I was not to be tested.

"Please remove your arm from my person" I said politely. He ignored me and begin to talk again "Bella, honey, we can be..." I cut him off by questioning Aidan "I warned him correct?" Aidan nodded giving me a grin.

Edwards arm slowly began to catch on fire, he was screaming in pain as he fell to the ground. His arm was completely burnt off when I heard a loud gasp, turning to look at the doors I saw Carlisle, Emmet, Rosalie and a beautiful young woman with gorgeous red hair flowing down her back, she had a slight amount of freckles that made her look cute and innocent, her blood red eyes looked at Edward in disgust, showing that she was the one to gasp.


"The Callum's have Arrived" was the one thing I heard from Evangeline.

I looked at Carlisle and wanted to run to him, I could see he knew who I was at first glance. "Lily..." he muttered.

I moved away from Aidan and ran into Carlisle's arms. "I missed you" I mumbled into his shirt. "Missed you too" he said back giving me a bigger hug.

Once I let go I was squashed into a hug by Emmet, "I missed you, my little baby sister" he cried like a child given candy. I hugged him back and smiled. "Missed you too Emmy" I replied cheekily.

"Rose..." I began. "Please call me Fiona, I missed you Lily" she said coming forward and giving me a tentative hug.

"Lil, this is my mate Gemma Callum, she's been a vampire for as long as I have. We actually knew each other as children, obviously now we know each other in a different way." Carlisle said from behind Fiona.

"Good evening Queen Lily, pleased to meet you" she replied courtly.

"Lovely to meet you Gemma, I hope you feel welcome here, should you need anything just call" I said.


"I AM THE LAW!" I screamed back at him. That's when my family lost it, holding onto things to stay standing up, Liam and Oliver were actually rolling on the ground.

"Aidan darling, did he just threaten to kill the queen?" I asked. "He sure did babe" Aidan replied.

"I hereby sentence Edward.. whatever the hell his last name is to death for treason" I said clearly. Esme gasped. Alice looked like she would cry if it was possible and Jasper looked nonchalant as if he didn't give a shit, probably didn't, he was only there for Alice.

Edward grinned at me, that little half smirk that used to make my knees go weak, not now though. It made me grimace even thinking about it. "Bella....Lily, isn't that a little rash? I mean, lets face it honey, you burnt off my arm, I was bound to be a little bit out of control with the amount of pain. Please don't kill me for one tiny mistake." He tried to smooth talk me out of executing him.

"Too bad Honey, you don't really deserve my mercy, I would have died in that forest, I would have never got to live a full life, honestly I didn't really live a full life, but I wouldn't change it for the world." I said

"So shouldn't you be thanking me for leaving you there then? Without that decision you wouldn't be married, you wouldn't be powerful, you wouldn't be Queen" Edward said.

"Don't push your luck" Aidan said. "Oh wait, there is no luck involved, you hurt my wife and there's no going back" Aidan waved his hand in Edwards direction and poof! Just like the Volturi, Edward went up in flames.

So, Vote, Comment, tell me what you think but don't be mean because I become a real stone cold bitch when insulted rudely.



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