《•°From Peer to Professor°• Severus Snape x Reader》A New Severus


I could barely close an eye to sleep last night. My mind kept circling around my encounter with (Y/N). She seemed surprised to have seen me. Although, seeing her only reminded me more of the tragic events that had occurred recently.

Sighing, I stood from the bed in order to prepare for today's classes. I made my way towards the Great Hall. Passing students seemed to avoid eye contact with me. I've already made an impression on many students and seem to have gained their respect. I was fond of this newly experienced respect that lacked when I myself was a student. I will make sure to keep it that way if it means having to be strict with my students. I will tolerate foolishness or disrespect.

Taking my seat in the Great Hall, I was able to enjoy a somewhat quiet breakfast. Luckily, Minerva didn't insinuate any unnecessary small talk.

I spotted (Y/N) staring in my direction, portraying an expression that made her look as though she were trying to analyze me. I felt uncomfortable with her stares and attempted to have her loose interest by continuing to eat. Eventually, she looked away.

I was eating my breakfast, talking with a couple Slytherin first years who were asking me for directions to a specific classroom when Lucas came up behind me, startling me.

"(Y/N)! Guess what happens on Thursday!" He said excitedly as the first years went back to their seats.

"What happens?" I asked him with a sigh.

"Quidditch Tryouts!" He exclaimed.

"Oh yeah! I nearly forgot about that. I can't wait!" I smiled widely and pulled Lucas down to sit and eat breakfast with me.

After finishing our food, Lucas nudged me.

"You ready for Flying practice (Y/N)? That's our first class." I hear him say.

"Definitely!" I replied as we made our way to where Madam Hooch was waiting for us outside.

"(Y/N), it seems that our next class is Potions with Professor Snape." Lucas elbowed me to get my attention away from my lunch.


"Oh yeah. That's our last class isn't it?" I asked him.

"Yep, you'll have a chance to talk to him after class then." He replied.

I nodded and smiled a little. I can't wait to catch up on where he has been these past two years.

I sat down with Lucas at a table in the classroom where two other Slytherins were seated. After getting situated, Lucas and I waited for class to begin. All of a sudden, the door swung open and Severus, or, I guess Professor Snape now, speed walked in. He caught everyone off guard. There was no sound except for Severus' shoes hitting the floor as he walked. His cloak flowing behind him in such a mesmerizing way. As well as his hair. I also noticed how tall and well built he was. Definitely changed in the last two years.

Before he spoke, he made his way up to his desk, spun around to face everyone and lean't against the desk with one of his legs. He eyed every single person before speaking, including me. He seemed to try to avoid eye contact with me.

"We will begin this class with mandatory rules.." Severus said suddenly, catching everyone's attention again.

He stood up from his leaning position and slowly walked around the class with his hands clasped in front of himself, explaining,

"There will be no foolish wand waving.. or silly incantations in this class.."

He spotted a Gryffindor at our neighboring table not paying attention and narrowed his eyes. He then began walking over without the kid noticing.

"There will be no nonsense in this class. Such as not.. paying.. attention.." He drawled out, causing the kid to look up casually.

I can tell this kid doesn't give a damn what Severus is saying. He even rolled his eyes.

"Mr. Raymond. Do you find enjoyment in disrespecting your Professor?" Severus says placing his hands on their table and leaning against it, staring at him.


"I enjoy it very much as a matter of fact." Raymond replied sarcastically.

"Then I believe you will enjoy.. detention, just as much. 10 points from Gryffindor." He announces as he spins back in the direction of his desk, still clasping his hands together.

Many Gryffindors groaned at this, even though Raymond had it coming.

"Oh come on.." I hear him mumble.

"Make that a double detention, Mr. Raymond. gest you keep your trap, shut.." I hear Severus cut Raymond off before he can protest again.

I kind of like this new Severus. Very assertive. It's kind of cool the way he handled the situation.

The rest of the class, Severus explained what we would be doing this week. It was boring to some, but intriguing for me. Seeing him after such a long time is seriously making me fall for him all over again.

Once class was over, Lucas and I got up. I told Lucas to wait up for me in the courtyard and then made my way over to Severus' desk where he was sitting. He looked up at me and sighed.

"Ms. (Y/L/N). What is it you need?" He mumbled as he was writing who knows what on some parchment.

"Ms. (Y/L/N)? That sounds weird coming from you, Severus." I chuckled.

He whipped his head up to give me a disapproving look at my calling him by his first name and replied,

"Don't call me that. I am Professor Snape to you from now on, Ms. (Y/L/N)."

I was baffled. What in the actual..

"Fine Professor Snape. I just wanted to know where you've been these past two years. How come you never sent me an owl like you promised me you would? Why are you avoiding me now?" I asked him questions he didn't seem like he wanted to answer.

"Those are questions that I do not wish to discuss (Y/N)-" Severus cut himself off.

"Finally you said my name! What's happened to you, Sevy-"

"Don't call me that." He groaned at the nickname he disliked so much.

I chuckled and replied,

"I'll be back after Quidditch tryouts on Thursday if you want to talk some more the-"

"You play Quidditch?" He asked me, with a tone that almost sounded disappointed.

"Yeah.. a lot has changed since you were last here, Severus. I made some new friends, became a Prefect, and even played as a Chaser for the Slytherin Quidditch team these past two years." I listed the things I had accomplished since I last saw him.

Severus didn't care enough to correct me from calling him Severus again, but seemed more focused on the topic at hand.

"It seems it has.." He replied looking back at his parchment.

"So.. I'll see you back here after my tryouts?" I asked hopefully.

"If I am not immersed in plans of my own accord, you may." He said as he finished writing on his parchment, pushing it to the side.

"Alright. I'll be back on Thursday then." I smiled as I left his classroom.

"Hey Lucas." I said as I walked up to him.

He was sitting under a tree, reading one of his assignments I'm guessing.

"Hey! That was quick." I hear Lucas say as I sit down next to him.

"Yeah. Severus didn't seem to want to talk much. I eventually got him to agree to talk to me after Quidditch tryouts though." I explained.

"That's a start." He told me.

I agreed and then offered him to play Gobstones with me. We played until the sun began to set. I was so lucky to have a friend like Lucas. I just wish I could have my other friend back as well.

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