《○304 Reasons we Love you□ (Squid game guards x reader)》Nunber 15: the game is over✴





I could almost feel the blood flowing from me... it hurt... really bad...

I could see the glass tiles above me... i survived the fall...

I could heard the tapping of footsteps behind me, i was too weak to even turn my head...

My body and skull stung so bad... i just wanted this to end...

I felt something gently press down on my waist, turning me from my side onto my back.

My vision was so blurry amd obscured, i could only make out plane shapes and colors...

"Not a nice place to die, dont you think 304?" I heard a voice ring trough my ears.

"...I dont... want to die...anymore..." i choked on my own blood, quickly coughing it out of my mouth.

"Changed your mind then? Very well"

I felt someone pick me up from the ground.

"Their alive, lets get them out of here!" The voice called out.

I felt my blood flow over my fingers, falling drop for drop onto the floor...

"That was risky, why would you choose the number 1?"

As soon as i opened my mouth to answer, i felt blood drip over my chin...

"It... felt right..."

I rested my aching head on whoever was carrying me...

I felt a bit relaxed actually, i felt like i was safe...

I realized i had tears drip over my face, mixing with the blood making my skin tingle a bit, the feeling was faint but still shined trough the pain i was in...

I could feel my body move up and down a bit, the person who was carrying me most likely walking...

Drop for drop... i felt my blood leave my body...

The lighting changed... most likely signaling a change of scenerie... yet i couldnt make out what exactly it was... every bit of bloodloss making my vision more warped... until i couldnt see anything anymore... until i passed out...






The pain i felt was numbed down... but still somehow there... only in the back of my mind reminding me of the events that had taken place...

I lifted my eyes open, the ambience didnt seem super welcoming though...

I looked down at bit of my body that i could see...

My arm was wrapped in bandages aswell as one of my legs... that must have been where all the pain was coming from... the fall must have broken them...

I reached up to my head with my intact arm... it felt like it was also wrapped in bandages... i must have got a pretty bad injury there too...

Touching it hurt like a bitch so i quickly cut it out.

The clothes i was wearing were different too... it was a simple t shirt and a pair of shorts... not the tracksuit we wore during the games...

'So this must mean then...'

I flopped back down onto the dark-colored bed in was in.

I laid my arm over eyes, blocking my own views slightly...

'Its over then..? I didnt win... but this doesnt feel like i lost either...'

I didnt really bother examining the room i was in... but i could tell it was kept well and in brown-black tones...

I brushed the blanket off of myself and sat up slightly...

I brushed my hand over my face, trying to regain a clearer mindset.

"So your awake?"

Uninterested, i turned my head to the source of the voice.

"And you are?" I asked the male looking figure.

"The frontman, its nice to finally talk to you in person miss/mister l/n"

Unexpectacly i didnt feel to scared of this sketchy person... if he wanted me dead, then i would have been by now...

And honestly... i wasnt too afraid of dying anymore, i accepted my death as soon as stepped onto that glass tile... when you accept your misery, it somehow just doesnt seem that exciting anymore...


The title of 'frontman' is something that didnt suprise me... after all, i already had a theory about it...

"No need to use 'miss', if you know it anyway then i dont see shame in using y/n for me..."

"Quite the risky stunt you pulled off there. But it entertained our guests, so what can you do?"

I felt a gentle stroking along my head...

I hunched over a bit, leaning my face on my one non-broken hand...

"And now? What now? Are you gonna send me home? If you plan on then..."

I paused in frustration

"please dude... just kill me... it would show me more mercy than most anything else..."

I stared off into space, internally humming a pleasant melody...

"Would you like some champagne?" He asked me blantanly.

"Huh..? ...No thanks... i dont drink"

"You dont drink, or youve never even tried it before?"

I looked up at him confused and a bit suprised...

I never had the money nor time for alcohol, so no... i never tried it really...

"Howd you?-"

"Just put 2 and 2 together, someone whos barely old enough to drink and has crippling debts probably wouldnt even have the time to think about alcohol"

"So, yes or no?"

I scoffed, "sure... whatever..."

"Now, you surely have questions. The question is, do you wish for any answers?"

"Well... i do i suppose?"

"Very well, ill grant you the luxury of direct answers. Its a privelege, almost no player gets. So i would appreciate it if you showed yourself grateful for it"

"Whatever, if i do it or not. Just give me the answers me and my teammates worked for..."

I grit my teeth a bit, my numbed down pain in my body still annoying me...

'Answers you say? Then give them to me. And better fucking quickly...'

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