《○304 Reasons we Love you□ (Squid game guards x reader)》Number 10: nightguard👾


I helped slide some of the beds into place and laid down the mattresses.

The others were seeming to also pick up on the idea and creating their own barriers.

I helped move some mattresses for cover.

"Hey, Mr. Ssangmun-dong"

I flinched a bit, i recognized this voice...

I quietly watched from the corner, hoping 101 wasnt here to cause any trouble...

"So desperate to stay alive."

"But... you really think this will help?"

"It looks really drafty"

"What about you?" Gi-hun finally answered.

"Those scumbags on your so-called team"

"Do you really trust them?"

He glanced over to them.

"If i where one of them, once the fighting starts at night, id take the chance to kill you first"

"After all, your the strongest"

'And also one of the stupidest...'

Before he could tick him off more gi-hun luckily quickly covered the bed-post up.

I shot a quick glance at the two armed guards that were standing by the gate before covering the rest up, giving us almost complete cover.

The whole moving thing did hurt my still injured hands but i wanted to be usefull.

After we were done we all gathered in the middle of our small base...

"The lights will go out soon" gi-hun informed us...

"They wont be able to easily attack us, but lets take turns keeping watch just in case"

"Lets do it with pairs" sang-woo suggested, "Theres a chance one person might fall asleep. Or side with another team to betray us"

"Ill... go first. Old people dont get very sleepy-"

"Hey how can we trust an old man like you and fall asleep in peace?" One of our team members questioned.

"Then i can go first" i said confidently.

They looked at me with a hint of worry in their eyes.


Ali politely raised his hand, "im not tired, ill join you"

"Okay, us two then?" I looked around for any further objections.

"Okay, if you get tired at any point, let someone know okay?"

I nodded and as soon as the lights switched off, everyone except ali and me went to sleep...

We sat ourselves down at the front of our barrier in a comfortable silence, the room was barely lit but i enjoyed the peace...

"Hey ali"


"Why are you here?" I asked him.

"Well, im in debt..." he replied.

I paused, "do you have any family?"

"Yes, a wife, and a son"

"How old is he?"

"One year"

"Hmph... having a child... that must be a lot of hard work..."

"Well, its more joy than work"

I smiled a bit, "yeah... you know... my mom told me something before she left my family..."

"Oh, im sorry... what did she say?"

"She told me... 'that i just choose the wrong place to be born'..."

There was a short silence...

"Ali, this may sound weird but... it would have been nice if i had been born as your child..."

He glanced over at me a bit suprised.

"You have such a good heart... yeah... i would have liked to be your daughter/son..."

"Thats... a very kind thing to say y/n... thank you"

"I just spoke my mind... there is no point in thanking me for that..."

He smiled a bit as we just sat there in a comfortable harmony...

I couldnt really keep track of time but after about an hour i realized ali had fallen asleep...

I pulled a blanket over him amd tought about waking the next person up to guard with me...

I glanced out of the hideout we constructed and saw... it was a bit brigther than it should be normally...


I glanced at ali who was fast asleep...

'Whatever... if anything happens ill just scream and itll wake them up..!'

I crawled out and stood up to the examine the zone further...

"304, get over here"

I froze up a bit...

"I-im sorry sir... did i do soemthing wrong..?"

Trough the darkness i could barely make out what kind of guard it was but judging from the armed silhouette it was most likely one of the triangle-guards...

I hesitantly walked over to him, fidgeting with a strand of my hair...

I didnt exactly understand what a guard would be doing here in the middle of the night...

"Stretch your hands out, thats all"

Ny hands shook a bit but i just stretched them out, revealing them absolutely wrecked...

"Here..." he gently grabbed them and started wrapping some kind of bandages around it...


It finally numbed the pain a bit and would also mostly stop the wounds from reopening...

"You absolutely wrecked your hands, if you want a chance in the following games youll need them"

I looked away a bit, realizing my cheeks were heating up...

He fimished wrapping up my hands finally.

"T-thank you sir... but may i ask... why would you come in the middle of the night to help me?"

"The other players shouldnt notice, this was the only possible time window"

I nodded poking at the bandages a tiny bit...

"You better be careful, go it?"

I hesitantly nodded.

"Your too pretty to die here"

My face flushed up a little...

"T-thank you for helping me... i cant express my gratitude for you guys..."

I felt a slight grab on my face, sqeezing my cheeks together a bit...

"Damnit... Now i understand the others, your really cute..."

My face heated up even more within seconds.

"I think your my favorite now too" he chuckled.

My face got warmer and warmer as i quickly pulled away...

"Isnt this cheating?" I smiled nervously

"Not if all the guards treat you like it"

"That... isnt what i meant..." i internally facepalmed...

"So, your hands are fine for now then? Thats all i was here for"

"Yeah... yeah... whatever" i sighed.

"Well then, 304, dont get yourself killed then"

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