《Fortunate and Unfortunate Events #1-#12 to A School Dream》Visits- Unfortunate Event #4 to A School Dream
June, senior year for the Superfriends minus Maggie and Alex
"Kara Danvers!"
Kara walks up to the stage and takes her diploma from the principal, shaking her hand while she does. She hears her sister, Maggie, Sam, James, Winn, Eliza, and many other students whoop and cheer for her. There was someone else watching from afar.
She was in disguise, of course. She didn't want Kara and the others to recognize her. If they did, then Kara would be trying to talk to her, and Lena wouldn't want to put her life on the line even further.
Kara walked off the stage to go with her friends and family. Everyone minus Maggie and Alex were in gowns since the two already graduated a year before them. They all enveloped her in a hug with Alex cheering loudly for her little sister. As soon as all the names were called, everyone threw their cap in the air, signaling they were done with high school.
Lena smiled. She was proud of her. Sam told her that everyone got accepted into some type of college, even though she knew all of this. Kara excelled in all of her classes and got accepted into a college for any major. She just wanted her to be happy without her, and it looked like she was.
Oh, how badly Lena wanted to go up and hug her.
She wanted to hear her talk in person.
She wanted to hear her laugh in person.
She wanted to feel her lips again.
She wanted to feel safe in her arms.
She just wanted
Little did she know, Kara wanted everything Lena wants, too.
Sam said something to them, all of them nodding in understandment before she walked over to Lena in disguise. "Hey."
"Come here, you." Lena wraps her in a hug. "I'm so proud of you."
"Thanks. You're more supportive than Patricia."
"I'm your best friend, practically your sister. Of course I'm more supportive than your adoptive mother who kicked you out just for having an amazing daughter."
Sam chuckles and looks back at Kara and friends. "Are you gonna go talk to her?"
Lena's lower lip quivers a bit. "I-I can't."
"Why not?"
Lena shakes her head. "I just can't. Too complicated."
Sam nods her head, knowing if she pushed anymore, this could turn into a wreck. "I understand. You'll come back, right?"
"Yeah, of course. I'm sorry I can't stay long. Things are busy and of course I would be here to see you all graduate."
Sam nods again. "I understand. Come back soon?"
"As soon as I can," Lena promises with another hug. "Love you."
"Love you, too. Text me when your flight is about to take off and when you land."
Lena nods into her shoulder. "Will do."
Lena slowly walked away from the scene, knowing if she stayed any longer, she could be recognized. She lets out a single tear. "See you around, Kara," she whispered to no one in particular.
Sam: Hey, Lena! How are u?
Lena: I'm doing ok. What about you?
Sam: Not bad, can't complain
Sam: Sooooo, u know how it's going to be the holidays soon?
Lena: Sam, it's October.
Sam: My point exactly. Come back home for the holidays. U don't have anywhere else to be, right?
Lena: ...
Lena: Fair point.
Sam: Exactly. So can u come back home for the holidays? U can see Ruby again
Lena: She's adorable.
Sam: Ik, bc she's my daughter. U didn't answer my question
Lena: ...
Lena: I'll get back to you before the holidays.
Sam: I'll be waiting, Luthor
Lena looked back down at her phone, then back up at the address on the apartment door. Well, she said this was the place.
Lena knocked. She heard a few padded footsteps before the door opened.
"Lena! You came!" Sam hugged her best friend tight. They haven't seen each other for a while.
Lena hugged her back with as much force. "Well, I couldn't leave you hanging. After all, I did say I was going to come."
Sam took her suitcase and leads her in while a three-year-old Ruby came speeding out one of the hallways. "Auntie Le-Le!" she cried, speeding into her arms, giving her a hug.
Lena hugs her back. "Hi, sweetheart! Oh my God, you've gotten so big!" she says, picking her up and twirling her, making the child squeal in excitement and Lena smile in return. Lena brings her to the couch and sits down next to Sam, placing the toddler on one of her knees.
"How are you holding up, Sam?" She lightly bounces Ruby, making her smile and giggle in joy.
"I'm doing well. I've got a job here, in college, and now my own apartment that somehow stays intact when I have this one running around," she says, tousling her daughter's hair. "Things are good. How about you?"
Lena shrugs. "School's not that bad. Almost done with it. I'm starting to inherit a lot of things from my family as well, so that's not too bad. Lex is still..." she trails off. "Absurd and detained."
"Wow, that sounds great. Well, minus Lex."
"He's a psychopath, Sam. I tried to get through to him, but nothing. He's not my brother anymore." She covered Ruby's ears so she didn't hear the next part. "He killed thousands of innocent lives and didn't give a damn. Hell, he almost killed Superman himself."
Sam slowly nods. "Okay. Well, any idea what you'll inherit?"
Lena removed her hands and lets Ruby play with her fingers. "Money, houses, buildings, and soon my father's company that I'll be taking over once I'm out of school."
"Sounds great. Any idea where you'll locate the company once you take over?"
"A city for a fresh start. You know, not have my name dragged in the mud. A big city, hopefully." Lena lays Ruby's head on her stomach and rubs her.
"Nice. I was thinking maybe in National City or Metropolis for you. They're both big cities that have lots of publicity."
Lena scoffs. "You think Metropolis would be a good place for another Luthor to go to?" she practically spits out.
"How many times do I have to tell you to get it through your thick skull?" Sam asks, rapping her knuckles against the side of Lena's head.
"Oww, quit it." Lena smacks away her hand.
"All we've ever told you in your life when your friends have surrounded you was that you are not like your family. Lex and your mother, you're not like them. You're way different in a great way."
"You're not evil, Auntie Le-Le," Ruby says from her stomach, facing her head up to look at her. "You're amazing and good."
Lena smiles warmly at the child. "Thank you, sweetie." Lena gives her a light kiss on her forehead, making Ruby smile.
Ruby yawns and curls up on Lena's legs. "Le-Le's comfy."
Sam and Lena chuckle. "Comfier than your bed?" Sam asks her sleepy toddler.
"Maybe. I dunno." Ruby nods off on her.
Lena smiles. "I love her."
"Me and you both, Lena. Though, you're now stuck with her there."
Lena chuckles. "I am quite comfortable, so I don't mind for the time being."
Sam scoots closer and wraps her arm around her shoulders and places one hand on Ruby's head, stroking her. "Well, so am I."
The three stay like that for a while, Lena resting her head on Sam and Sam's on Lena's shoulder. After about a half hour, Sam picked Ruby up off of Lena.
"You can go walk around a bit. I'll be fine with Ruby."
Lena nods. "I need to stretch my legs anyway. See you later." Lena walks back out and to the park.
Kara, Alex, and Maggie came back home for the holidays. Well, forced to come back. Eliza didn't want them spending the holidays alone at their colleges.
Kara was kicking a soccer ball back and forth between her feet, making her way to the goal, where her sister was defending it.
"Come on, Kar. Hit me with your best shot. Just not too hard, please." Alex crouches in a stance, ready to block the ball.
"Promise. It won't be hard." Kara kicks the ball and Alex dives to catch it but fails and Kara makes it.
"WHOO!! Go, Little Danvers!" Maggie yells from the side.
"Babe, come on!" Alex complains, laying on her stomach.
"What? I can change sides every once in a while."
"Just not sexuality. Anything but that."
Kara laughs at them but stops mid-way. Something catches the corner of her eye. She turns her head but sees nothing. She tilts her head and narrows her eyes, thinking if her mind was playing tricks on her.
"Kar? You okay over there?" Alex asks, looking up at her sister.
Kara lightly shakes her head as she still stares at the spot. "Yeah. Yeah. Fine."
Maggie hums in disagreement and shakes her head along with Alex. "Nope. Fine for Kara means she's not. What's goin' on, LD?"
Kara's lips go into confusion. "I thought I saw something or someone out the corner of my eye. Then when I turned, nothing was there."
"Could be your mind playing tricks on you," Alex grunts, getting off the ground to retrieve the ball.
She listens in for a second and thinks she hears something familiar but fading. "I don't think it was." Kara shakes her head and the thought as well. "Come on, let's keep playing. Danvers' versus Sawyer."
"You're on, Danvers'." Maggie grins as she walks to the goal, taking Alex's place.
"Loser buys ice cream!" Alex yells.
"Oh, now we're talkin'."
Lena was walking in the direction of the park. She hummed under her breath while looking down at her feet. She missed home. The environment of it all, the stores, the food, school, her friends, and
Her lips go into a tight-lipped frown. Curse her mother. She just had to take the one thing that made her feel important, happy, comfortable and loved away from her. I'll find a way around it. I know we will.
As soon as she finished that thought, she heard laughter and voices. She looked up from the trail to the park and sees that she's arrived. Her eyes immediately scan the field and she first sees
Her Kara.
With Alex and Maggie. They were playing soccer. She chuckled to herself. Oh, my young padawan, you have done so well.
She sees Kara kick it into the goal with Alex diving for it and failing. Maggie cheers for her as Alex pouts and Kara laughs.
Oh my God, I miss her so much. Her laugh is to die for. She sees Kara stop midway and her face go into thought. Oh, shit. Lena goes behind a tree and walks away, just in case she saw her.
"Kar? You okay over there?" she hears Alex ask.
"Yeah. Yeah. Fine." Lena could hear that she wasn't.
"Nope," Maggie says now. "Fine for Kara means she's not. What's goin' on, Little Danvers?"
"I thought I saw something or someone out the corner of my eye," Kara explains. "Then when I turned, nothing was there." Lena cursed herself on the inside.
"Could be your mind playing tricks on you," Alex grunts.
"I don't think it was. Come on, let's keep playing. Danvers' versus Sawyer."
"You're on, Danvers'."
"Loser buys ice cream!" She hears Alex yell, making Lena smile.
"Oh, now we're talkin'."
The last bit fades in Lena's ears as she walks back to Sam's apartment, thinking everything over and what she just saw.
Her Kara. She looked so mature and grown up in person. And oh, her laugh, it was all she was dying to hear.
Lena could feel tears welling up in her eyes, so she walked faster and soon reached Sam's apartment again. She opened the door and silently closed the door behind her, just in case Ruby was still asleep. She put her head against the door and closed her eyes, letting the tears fall down her cheeks.
Sam gives her a quick glance from her computer. "Hey." She looks back up and sees her friend at the door with her head down. She immediately gets up and walks over to her. "Hey, hey, what's going on?" she asks softly, turning her around and putting her in her arms.
"I saw her," Lena sobbed into her chest. "I saw her and I couldn't hug her, or talk to her, or feel safe in her arms, or tell her that I still love her, or even feel her lips anymore."
"Hey hey hey, slow down. Come on. Come here." Sam keeps her in her arms as she walks her into the kitchen to get her some water, then sits down on the couch with Lena crawled right next to her, clutching onto Sam, putting her head on the crook of her neck. Lena takes a shaky breath in and lets more tears out.
"Ssh, ssh ssh. Take your time." Sam strokes her hair, letting her cry as much as she needed to.
After another few minutes, Lena sniffles and wipes her eyes. She takes the water from her and takes a few sips.
"What happened, Lena?" Sam asks quietly with concern.
"I went for a walk as you said, and I just went to the park. I know these pathways like the back of my hand. So when I got there, I heard them. Alex, Maggie and..." She takes another shaky breath in before saying, "Kara."
Sam nods, waiting for her to continue.
"I wanted to talk to her so bad. But I can't. All I've been doing for the past three years is checking up on her, making sure she's doing good and school and that she's happy. In the beginning, she wasn't, and that pained me. But seeing her now, hearing her talk and laugh and-," her voice was cracking and tears were falling down her face again. "everything. I can't even do anything with her, I can't even talk to her or even hug her or kiss her. And it pains me. Every day. I never wanted to leave her and I never wanted to hurt her." Lena shakes her head. "Damn my mother."
"Oh, shi- wait wait, what about your mother?" Sam asks, focusing her body and all of her attention to her.
"When I broke up with Kara, it wasn't just because I was going to college. Mother made a threat. She said if I didn't break up with Kara before I left, then she would kill her." Lena shook her head. "I didn't want anything to happen to her, so I did as she said. She said if I ever spoke to her again, then she'd die regardless." Lena pauses. "And she said if I told anyone, then she'd die as well." She puts her head in her hands. "Well, fuck me."
Sam takes her hands. "Hey, look at me."
Lena props her hands upon her chin to look at Sam.
Sam tilts her head and gives her a small, yet soft and comforting smile. "First of all, the only people who would want to fuck you would be some rich, frat boys and of course, Kara Danvers herself-"
Lena snorts in disgust as a small smile appears on her lips. "They are never getting in my pants. Kara can if I can see her again and if she understands and forgives me for all of this bullshit she had to go through with dating a Luthor."
"Secondly, this all makes sense now. I mean, of course Lillian would want to crush all your happiness and all. Thirdly, have you ever met Kara Danvers? She forgives anyone. Hell, she even forgave that one jerk who flipped her off and cussed her out because she was an orphan."
"I should've kicked his ass," Lena grumbled.
"We can go find him and kick his ass together, but we're getting off topic. Now, if you do ever speak to Kara again and avoid her getting killed, then she will forgive you. You were her first girlfriend. Her first love. Yours, too. You both said you would always love each other, no matter what. Always and forever. So if you do see her, she'll of course want to listen to you and forgive you."
Lena looks at her in her most vulnerable state. "You really think so?"
Sam takes her in her arms again, leaning her against her chest, gently rubbing her forehead. "Yeah, I know so."
Lena takes another deep breath. "Thank you, Sam. For everything. Especially this. You've always been here for me."
Sam scoffs. "Like hell I'll ever leave you. I'm not goin' anywhere. I'm always going to be here for you."
Lena closes her eyes. "Me, too."
Lena falls into an easy rest on top of Sam in a matter of minutes. Sam shifts so that her body was laying down and Lena on top of her. While she was moving, Lena muttered something in her sleep, "No... don't move, Kar. Stay with me." She clutches onto Sam's shirt, just as to make a point.
Sam softly chuckles and lays back, stroking her hair. "True love," she whispers.
A magical world embracing chaos as powerful entities and worlds fight for survival or power, observed by the "universals", a sentient species no one can fathom or reason with. Their knowledge, comparable to the vast amounts of years they have existed for and their power feared by even some Gods, capable of destroying and creating entire universes, Aytelia being their proudest creation. Amongst all these the name of one of them is profound even amongst them, both feared and respected - Righteousness. As a lone girl wakes up in a large strange fountain, filled with other individuals in the same position such as herself, she lifts her drowsy head to find her surreal surroundings. The civilians walking around said fountain are all weird creatures that could only come out of a fantasy - orcs, elves, dwarfs, dragonewts, all wearing all different kinds of medieval armor, weaponry and artifacts. What will happen to her in this world? Will she be able to find a place in it and will the mysteries behind her current circumstances be revealed? Why is she so different than those around her? Warning: Character is extremelly OP and the lore behind it doesn't get covered till chapter 14. Updates once a week. First time posting my writing on the internet so feedback would be appreciated.
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Silence ✔️
Zelda Harkinian is a girl with impaired hearing and has been bullied mercilessly for it her entire life. Years later, one of her former tormentors, Link Forrester, sets out to make amends, in hopes of earning her forgiveness and help with the new problems he now faces. ••The Legend of Zelda and its characters belong to Nintendo. Cover art was created by Finni Chang. If you would like your art removed, please pm me!Inspired by the Japanese animated movie "Koe No Katachi" (A Silent Voice). All writing is mine. Please do not repost my work anywhere else.Highest Rank: #1 in Zelink3rd place in the Popularity Contest under the Modern AU category for the Zelda Watty Awards 2018!Word Count: 52KPublished: January 22, 2017 11:07 PMCompleted: May 2, 2017 10:51 AM-KatyWritesStuff- ©
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Justice in the One Piece World
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Everyone dies. Not everyone gets back up again afterward. The Deep Paths are a cursed place, meant for those similarly cursed souls whom the gods themselves denied the sweet release of death. Revenants haunt the underworld, wielding forbidden powers and often consuming those who lack the strength to join them. At least, that's the story that parents teach their kids up on the surface. Reshid can't remember what he might have done to deserve such a fate, but he learns quickly that there is more to undeath than the gods and their faithful preach to the living. Revenants have a unique connection to essential magics that allows them to develop their powers in extremely diverse ways. Wherever there is power, though, there are those seeking to wield it, whether they be governments and gods from above, or mythical elder races from below.
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My halfbie - GwinamXreader
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