《Fortunate and Unfortunate Events #1-#12 to A School Dream》Glee- Unfortunate Event #1 to A School Dream
Kara woke up and looked over to the empty side of her bed. It was the first day of school. The first day of sophomore year without Lena.
Her Lena.
Kara sighed and sat up. It's been about two weeks since they broke up, and it was tearing her up inside.
It was tearing up Lena, too.
Lena was already up. It was the fifth night in a row she couldn't sleep because Kara was still wrapped around her mind. She never wanted to hurt her. Her broken face haunted her in her sleep. She wished that she could never see that again and just see Kara again, face to face.
She sighed as she shook her head. She never wanted to break up with Kara. She brought her everything she needed- happiness and love. Things that she hasn't felt in years ever since her birth mother had died. She didn't have a choice. She said she would do whatever it took to protect Kara. No matter what the cost.
The cost for this one-
Them splitting.
Leaving them both alone once again.
Kara reluctantly got up and headed to the shower. She dragged her feet to the bathroom, taking her outfit and personal items with her. Alex spent the night at Maggie's and would meet up with her at school, which meant she had the bathroom all to herself this morning.
Lena got up and moved around the boxes of her dorm, advancing to her closet. She scanned it over with the clothes she brought with her and grabbed the one she loved the most. She went to go shower.
Kara put her hair up in a ponytail and added some light mascara and concealer. Before putting each of the pieces of jewelry on, she looks at them with desperation for her. She puts on her earrings and slowly slips on each of the rings one by one.
Lena finished putting her hair up in a messy bun. She observed the back of her necklace with the date on it. She softly smiled. Even though she had no plans of going anywhere since school hasn't started yet, she put it on anyways, now since it was one of the only things that made her still feel close with her.
Kara went back to her room and got her BeatX Earbuds that were the same as Lena's, but it was a dark blue instead of black. It was a present from her for her birthday. She thought back to the day she opened them...
"Lena, are you serious?"
Lena grins. "I am very serious about you if you haven't noticed. So, yes. Plus, it's only fair that we have matching sets."
Kara grins back at her. "Thank you, they're amazing. I love you."
"I love you, too."
Kara shook off the thought before it advanced and could possibly bring her to tears, even though she felt like she was out of those already. She wore the red and white flannel with a blue t-shirt and dark ripped blue jeans and her black Vans for her first day. It was the outfit Lena gave her after their first night together. She thought it only felt right, as she would have Lena's scent and her jewelry on her. Make her feel more connected. She strung the earbuds around her neck and grabbed her phone and backpack before heading downstairs to the kitchen.
"Morning, Kara."
"Hi, Mom." She grabs a blueberry muffin and chocolate protein shake from the fridge. She kisses her cheek as she takes the lunch money from her. "Thanks. I'll see you later."
"That's for both you and your sister. Have a good day, sweetheart."
Kara walked out the door and connected her earbuds to her phone and stuck them in her ear. She chose the one particular song that she felt most related to right now.
Lena chose the black and gray flannel Kara let her keep with some blue jeans. It was one of her favorites, considering it was from Kara, it still smelled like her, and she loved all of her flannels and other things she let her keep. She chose her Shawn Mendes radio and turned it on shuffle. Coincidentally, it was the same song Kara was listening to on her way to school. They both softly sing to themselves as one makes their way to school and the other unpacking boxes.
You said, "I wanna get to know ya"
Why you gotta get my hopes up?
You said that you were staying over
But then I woke up to the cold air
Where were you in the morning, baby?
You didn't leave your number for me
Left me without a warning, baby
Where were you in the morning, baby?
And how do you, how do you just walk away?
And how do you, how do you just walk away?
Where were you in the morning, baby?
You didn't leave your number for me
Left me without a warning, baby
I said where were you in the morning, baby?
(Where were, where were you?)
(Where were, where were you?)
And I'm looking up at the ceiling
And I keep wondering why
Where were you in the morning, baby?
You didn't leave your number for me
Left me without a warning, babe
I said, where were you in the morning baby?
(Where were, where were you?)
(Where were, where were you?)
(Where were, where were you?)
(Where were, where were you?)
Lena found a picture of her, Kara, Alex, Maggie, and Sam together, everyone smiling and probably laughing at the moment. The whole girl squad together. She lets out a chuckle through her nose. We were unstoppable back then. Her thumb traces over Kara's face. Shit, it's time. Her mind automatically went to her plan and ran to go get her laptop.
When Kara finished, she arrived at school and was immediately met by Sam who dragged her into the school.
"Sam, what the hell? I still need to eat and say hi to everyone else. Where the hell are we going?"
"Great to see you too, Kar. And please, you've been radio silent for the last two weeks. The only time you talked was when I came over with Maggie and we all had a movie night together. We're going to glee club."
"Why the hell are we going to glee club?"
"Who knew Kara Danvers was capable of cursing three times in less than a minute?" Sam says sarcastically.
"Sam, I'm serious. Why are we going?"
"It'll be a nice little distraction. Kar, come on. It'll be fun."
"Sam, you really think that glee club is going to help me with my post break up with Lena?"
"I'll be there with you. It can be something that we can both try out. Plus, you're an amazing singer. I know drums and you know piano too, right?"
"Guitar and bass, too."
"Okay, so it'll be fun. For the first day, everyone's required to sing a song, whether it's solo or duo or group number, and we're doing a duet. I picked a song you're great at and that we both know. Come on." Sam pulls Kara into a classroom that's already filled with some students talking. They take seats next to each other in the back of the class.
A man walks in and claps his hands to get their attention. "All right. Hey everyone, welcome back to glee club." The students who were there before Sam and Kara cheer.
"I see a couple new faces, so I'm Mister Schuester, but you can call me Mister Schue. Now, for you new people, introduce yourselves," Schuester says, gesturing to Sam and Kara.
Sam speaks up first. "Hi. I'm Samantha Arias, but everyone calls me Sam."
"Hey, I'm already Sam!" A guy with a dirty blonde mop hair calls out, making people laugh.
"Well, two Sams are better than one. I play drums, too." She nudges Kara.
"Oh, um, hey. I'm Kara Danvers."
"Wait, Kara Danvers?" a guy with dark windswept hair asks.
"Yeah, t-that's me."
"Dude, I've seen her sister in action. Total badass," a guy with a mohawk says with a mischievous grin. "Hot, too."
Kara's eyebrows furrow together as her jaw clutches. "Hey, back off. That's my sister your talkin' about. Not that she'd date a guy like you anyway."
Everyone in the room snickers. He gives everyone a glare before turning his attention back to her. "The hell is that supposed to mean?" the guy asks, automatically sitting up
"Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that she has a girlfriend and doesn't date guys anyways."
"!" Schuester says to grab the room's attention back to him. "Watch it, Puck. Now, it's great to have you two here with us. But, before you can enter glee club, you have to sing. Sam, as I've seen, you've already chosen a song for you and Kara to perform."
"Yes. Come on, Kar." Sam drags Kara down to one of the stools. She whispers to her, "I'm starting, you already know the words."
Kara nods, confident in Sam. She sees the pianist, violinists, and cellists start to play.
Confident more than ever in Sam's choice, Kara softly smiles at her and continues:
Have you ever felt like nobody was there?
Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere?
Have you ever felt like you could disappear?
Like you could fall, and no one would hear?
All we see is light
For forever
While Sam sang that last part, she looked at Kara and held out her hand to her. Kara took it, both of them softly smiling.
Raise a glass to freedom
Something they can never take away
No matter what they tell you
Raise a glass to all of us
Tomorrow there'll be more of us
Telling the story of tonight
(they'll tell the story of tonight)
All is new
It's only a matter of
Sam looks directly at Kara as they sing the next part together:
Even when the dark comes crashing through
When you need a friend to carry you
When you're broken on the ground
You will be found
So let the sun come streaming in
'Cause you'll reach up and you'll rise again
If you only look around
You will be found
And when our children tell their story
They'll tell the story of tonight
No matter what they tell you
Telling the story of tonight
Kara looks over at Sam with her eyes glistening as there were tears in them as they both finish, looking at each other:
The story of tonight
Kara wipes away at her eyes and whispers, "Thank you," to Sam as the room applauds. Sam nods and smiles in return.
"Guys, that was beautiful."
"Thanks, Mr. Schue," Sam says.
"Did that song have any particular meaning?"
Sam looks over at Kara for an answer but Kara shakes her head. "Just, really missing a great friend. That's all," she says with a soft smile.
"Oh, please," a Latina girl speaks up from the back of the room, grabbing everyone's attention. "We all know that your senior, rich ass girlfriend Lena Luthor dumped you because she had to go to college. Move on!"
"Santana! Don't be rude," a girl with brown hair from the front says. "Or is that all you're capable of?"
"Okay, Berry, I've had enough of you and it's only been four minutes of this school year. So how about I go all-"
"!" Mr. Schue yells at them. "That's !" He sighs before he looks back at Sam and Kara. "Sorry about that, guys, but welcome to glee club."
The two go to sit back down at their seats and Sam leans over to them once they do. "Rachel and Santana bickered all last year, so expect that this year. We have a lot of conflict in here." He puts out his hands as he shrugs. "Welcome to Glee."
Little did everyone know, someone was watching them from the room. There was a small hidden camera near the whiteboard and one in the back of the room. On the other side of the cameras, looking from the computer, was no one other than Lena herself.
"That's my girl." She smiles as she holds onto her necklace and heard a click. She quickly takes off her necklace and looks at the emerald with confusion.
"The hell?" she mutters as she turns it over. On the backside, it had a little clasp. She opened it and gasped a bit as out came multiple pictures and a little note.
I asked Winn if he could make the back of the necklace micro-compressible, and that little nerd was able to do it. I asked him to so that you could always have a part of me wherever you go. You mean so much to me and I will never forget you. I don't know when you're reading this, but if we're apart, I will always be with you and always love you. Be safe, babe. I love you so much. Always and forever.
xx- Kara
Lena could feel her eyes tearing up. She put the note down and started looking at the pictures.
There was a roll from a picture booth. Multiples, actually. There was always one of them smiling and kissing in each roll, and ones of them just being silly.
There was one of her kicking the winning goal at the first game.
There was one of Lena on her computer, her hair as it was now, glasses on her nose. Valedictorian speech, she thought.
Another similar to that event was when she just graduated. She was wearing blue robes as she was in Kara's arms as they kissed. She loved that one
One was a selfie that was from their date at the river with Kara kissing Lena's cheek as she smiles with her eyes closed. There was a similar one, except it was when Lena asked her to prom.
Another was at the senior prom when they were dancing together. They both looked beautiful in the picture, lights having their fairy effects, both of them in focus, grinning at each other, foreheads pressed together. That must've been James who took it.
Another one was after that. They were in the living room and Kara was kissing her cheek, Lena's eyes closed and mouth in a grin when they both came home after the night of events and wondrous views. Maggie, you sneak.
And there was the final one, which she's never seen before. It was Kara laying on top of her as they were both napping. Kara's hair falling perfectly in every which way, her arms wrapped around Lena. Lena with one of her arms around Kara, the other behind her neck, supporting it. It was perfect. Beautiful. It looked like there was a cotton candy or some type of pink filter on it. That must've been a game night. James, you wondrous creature, you.
Tears rolled down her cheeks. She missed Kara, and she knew that she missed her. "One day, we'll see each other again, Kara. One day."
When Kara got home, there was a package at the door. She picked it up and saw that there was no return address, but it had her name on it. Strange, she thought. She went inside and threw her bag down at the door. She placed it on the counter and made herself some iced chai before sitting down at the counter to open it.
First, a letter fell out. Her eyes widened at the recognition of the penmanship.
"Lena," she whispered. Kara hasn't had any contact with the dark haired brunette after they ended things. That was made very clear. Though, why was she reaching out if it was stated that there was to be no contact?
Kara opened the letter carefully and read it in her perfect penmanship.
I know today would've been one year and I swear to you with every ounce in my body I wanted to spend it with you. Hell, I wanted to spend the rest of time with you; as long as you were there with me. I'm sorry things had to end the way they have. I never wanted it to turn out that way and if there were a way to change things, I would do it in a heartbeat. But as I've said many times before, I will always do anything to protect you if anything came in harm's way and I will always love you.
I wish I could give this to you in person, but things are complicated. Remember that day we went to the park and Alex texted us to pack our bags for vacation? Well, here's the final copy.
I love you, Kara Danvers.
Xo- Lena
Kara put the letter down in shock. No words came to mind or out of her mouth. She was truly flabbergasted. She reached inside the package for the sketch Lena drew a couple months ago. She gasped as soon as she saw it in full.
The painting was remarkable. Outstanding. Vivid. It was an oil painting. Of her. Kara. She was playing her guitar, little music notes coming out of it while she was sitting on the beach, a perfect sunset starting to trickle its way down to the blue ocean with its reflection across it.
Kara's eyes started to water. She covered her mouth in pure shock and astonishment. She turned it over, just in case she missed anything.
And she almost did.
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