《Cigarette Duet (Jonah x Adam)》Chapter 5


The time was 10:13 P.M. Adam and Jonah had been underneath the moonlight for about 4 hours, unbeknownst to them. The two were exhausted and made the decision to leave, Jonah standing up and helping his friend up. They made their way back to the car, still chatting. No matter how tired they each were, they would always have something to say to each other. Jonah unlocked the doors and opened Adam's for him. Adam slid into the seat as Jonah closed the door and slid into his seat as well. Jonah started the car and reached over to the CD collection he had. Another one? He popped the old CD out and the new one in, stepping on the gas pedal and driving away. Adam was preparing for another crude sex song, but to his surprise, Kickstart My Heart by Mötley Crüe started playing. "You know, as weird as it sounds, I've always wanted my first kiss to be to this song. It's how I imagine I would feel at the moment."

"Really? Well, if you ever get a crush on someone, just be sure to have this song at the ready."

"Hah, you're hilarious. Too bad we can't both pretend someone would like me back."

"Well, why wouldn't they?"

"Adam, you're my closest friend. You should know why better than anyone."

"I don't know, man. You seem like a keeper to me."

Jonah shut up immediately, face burning like hell. Adam thinks I'm boyfriend material? He thinks I'm a keeper? Adam picked up on Jonah's silence and got nervous. "Shit, dude. I'm sorry, was that too far?" Jonah shook his head and laughed a bit. "No, no. I just get nervous when people...well...compliment me. I don't get that often." Adam gave an understanding nod and stared out of the window, eyes struggling to stay open. Sometimes, he'd wish he could be that first kiss. He never really thought about his feelings towards Jonah ever since he and Evelin got together. He loved Evelin to death, but they'd been fighting more and more. It felt like that they'd just break up at any moment. He'd love to stay friends with her, but being her boyfriend? It wasn't healthy, he didn't even tell her or trust her with HALF the stuff he's told Jonah. Was he just...fucked in the head? Evelin did nothing wrong, but he was seriously reconsidering their relationship.

The car pulled into the driveway of Adam's house, darkness bathing every area not lit by the headlights. Jonah took the keys out of the ignition and left the car, followed by Adam shortly thereafter. "Man, wasn't that the coolest thing? We should definitely do it, maybe in the summer when there's more fireflies." "Sounds like a plan." Adam unlocked his door and let them both inside, flicking on the light to the kitchen. He was hungry and sure Jonah was too, so he looked around for something the two could both eat. It's not like he had much, considering he was getting funding and food stamps to help him get what he had. That's why he was saving up for a car anyway, so he could have a way to get a job. He checked the cabinet and realised he had some noodle cups leftover, which Jonah liked. He liked them more than Adam did, anyway. That was the only reason he had them to begin with. He grabbed two and grabbed his kettle as well. He filled the kettle up and placed it on the bottom right stove eye, turning it on. Adam turned around and noticed Jonah staring out of the window at something.


"Whatcha lookin at?"

"You know that cat you were talking about? Is that the same one outside right now?"

Adam walked over to see what the hell he was talking about; and he was right. It was the same cat, standing at his window. "I've seen it here a few times, good thing I have cat food for it. Still, that's kind of weird."

"Have you considered that maybe it, like...is a stray? Maybe it wants you to be its owner!"

"I wish, dude."

"Why can't you adopt it?"


Adam trailed off, realising he had no REAL reason why he couldn't. What the hell, why not? He grabbed the can of cat food he had bought for it, and walked over to his door. He opened it, calling the cat. Soon enough, the cat bolted inside the house. Adam put some of the cat food on a paper plate for the cat, just as the water began boiling. That kettle was painfully loud, that's for sure. He turned the stove eye off and grabbed the kettle, opening the noodle cups and carefully pouring the hot water into the cups. He mixed them together before grabbing them both and walking over to Jonah, handing him one. "Oh sick, thanks man! I'm surprised you have these, since I'm the one who likes them."

"Yeah, don't mention it."

They both sat on the couch in the living room, turning on a movie and eating, also chatting of course. Those two always have something to say to each other, again. Adam felt very stuffy, though. Despite it being winter, it felt really hot. It's not like he had a fan or an AC, maybe it was just from wearing his hoodie all day. "What's up, man? You're sweating a lot." Adam pulled his hoodie down and wiped his forehead. "Yeah, it's just really hot in here. I know it's winter, but still."

"Well why don't ya take your hoodie off?"

"Well...uhm. You know...the thing."

"I quite literally do not know."

"Fuckin moron- it makes me feel dysphoric when I'm not wearing it. It makes me feel like a girl, and I do not like feeling like a girl."

"Ohhh, right. I get that."

"Yeah, right."

"You'd be surprised at the things you don't know about me. Anyway, rest assured that you don't look any less like a homophobic e-boy without the hoodie."


Adam punched Jonah as hard as he could in the arm, knocking Jonah sideways as he cackled at both his joke and Adam's response. Adam sighed and decided fuck it, taking his hoodie off and continued eating. Jonah's stupid victory smirk showed well as he continued to eat as well, now joined by the stray cat. The cat jumped up onto Adam's lap and laid down on his legs.

"What're you gonna name it?"

"Well...what's your opinion on naming pets after someone the owner knows?"

"I think it's absolutely hilarious and also endearing. I have a feeling I know what you're doing."

"Well then, the cat's name is Jonah!"

"Oh- okay I definitely did not expect that."

Adam rubbed his fingers through the cat's fur, smiling to himself. Jonah, he never realised how cute the name was. Maybe you can keep me company when I'm alone, just like the real Jonah...

By the time Jonah and Adam had finished eating, the clock read 11:45 P.M. Both of them were worn out, and they finally decided it was about time to sleep. This was gonna be awkward, since they'd never slept in the same bed before. But eh, his bed was big enough for them both, plus he and Evelin shared the bed whenever she stayed the night. This shouldn't be too weird, right? While Adam was in the bathroom removing his binder, Jonah went to Adam's room and flopped on his bed. Adam stood in the doorway once he was done. "You done being dramatic, princess?"


"I'll have you know I LIKE being a princess, prick."

"Whatever, move over."

Jonah scooted over a bit, enough for Adam to lay down as well. He reached over to his bedside table and turned off the lamp, leaving the room basking in nothing but only the soft glow of the moonlight. "Hope you don't kick in your sleep, Jo. Cause I kick when I'm AWAKE."

"HAH, I don't kick but I might out of pure spite."

"Shut up."

Jonah giggled to himself and turned over, facing the wall. The cat had followed them into the room, jumping on the bed and snuggling with the two. "Night, Adam."

"G'night, Jo."

With that, the two teens fell asleep, the exhaustion fully setting in.

Adam awoke with a jolt, basically sweating bullets. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked around rapidly. The room was still as pitch black as before, ignoring the moonlight. However, he looked to his left and noticed Jonah wasn't in bed anymore. Fuck, does Jonah sleep walk or something? Is he ok? Adam quickly got out of the bed, the cat now where Jonah once was. His door was open, which he knew he closed. That proved Jonah had left the room. He exited his room and looked around the hallway. Nope, not there. He made his way to the hallway/foyer between the kitchen and the living room, and he still wasn't there. He checked the kitchen, no sign of him. Not in the living room either. He approached the front door, which was met with a familiar scent. A scent that reminded him of Jonah. He opened the door slowly and there Jonah was, sitting on the poarch. The overhead light was on, revealing that what Adam thought was true. He was indeed smoking again, not a cigarette but a blunt. Jonah looked at Adam in surprise.

"Shit- did I wake you up when I got up? I'm sorry dude."

"No, no. It's fine. What're you doing up so late?"

Jonah looked away for a second as Adam sat down next to him on the poarch. "Just...just thinking, I guess. Can't sleep."

"Hah, you never sleep. Something on your mind?"

Jonah laughed a bit at this, but overall seemed tired. He was so tired of keeping this secret, and especially knowing he'd have to go back home soon. So tired of this shit, but he knew Adam would be so fucking worried if he knew. He didn't know what to tell him anymore, he'd kept this secret for years. Would it help to tell? Would it save him some trouble? "I don't know man...so much has happened but...I don't know if it's the right time to talk about it...so much is going on for you. I'm just tired, I guess."

"You can tell me anything, Jonah. Sure, it may worry me, I won't lie. But that's just what friends do, and it'll probably worry me the more you lie about it. Something has been going on for the past few weeks and I'm scared to lose you to it. So please...just tell me, dude."

Tears began to form in Jonah's eyes as his breathing became shakier. He put down the blunt and sighed, and Adam put his hand on his shoulder.

"I...I fucking hate my home life, dude...I hate going home every day. I can't stand it. Why do you think I try so much to hang out as much as possible before going home? You're all I really have left. I only see my mom a few days a year, and...fuck...this...I don't even know if I should say it..."

"Say it."

"I hate my dad. My dad hates me. I lied to you, Adam. I've been lying. Those bruises, he hit me. He punched me just last night, and then again the morning that you came over. I left because he kicked me out for the night. It's...it just keeps getting worse, man...I can't leave my room, it's why I only ever eat fast food with you...it's all I can eat, if I leave my room I just...I just get hurt again...I don't know, dude...I'm so tired...I haven't been able to sleep, or eat, or even think. I'm so sore and I'm just..."

Adam's heart dropped. This is what he was hiding? His dad, the same guy who was a fucking lawyer, hurt him? This...this is what was ruining his friend?... Adam felt so many emotions brewing inside of him. Heartbreak, rage, empathy, confusion. But he didn't focus on that, since Jonah had now started sobbing. He'd never seen Jonah cry like this, never seen him so broken. This broke his heart even more, he felt like he'd just seen his own friend killed. Adam wrapped his arms around Jonah, pulling his head towards his chest so he could rest. Jonah weakly lifted his arms up and grabbed onto Adam like he was about to lose him any second, crying into his t-shirt. He ran his fingers through the boy's hair, leaning his own head on his, in a protective position. "Jonah...God, I'm so fucking sorry...I'm so sorry I didn't know...I'm so sorry I wasn't able to help you. God...I'm so fucking sorry. I...I wish I knew sooner, God I'm so sorry...please, please just call me if you need to get away, I'm always here. Please, God, stay safe. You don't have to go home later, you can stay here as long as you'd like."

Jonah didn't respond, he was so overwhelmed with emotion that he just kept crying. Adam rubbed his hand on Jonah's back as he continued to run his fingers through his hair, praying that Jonah didn't leave later. Praying that he'd stay until Monday, and then they could just go to school together. They stayed in that position for about five minutes until Jonah finally calmed down. He slowly lifted himself off of Adam's chest, he looked like a hot mess. His hair was a bit messy from Adam's own doing and his eyes were red and puffy, but he still looked like the friend he always loved. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry for anything, Jo. I don't want you getting hurt, and I'm glad you told me this...even if I can't do much, I'm so glad you trusted me with this. I'm proud of you, Jonah. You hear me?"

Jonah managed a smile through his tears as Adam gave him another hug. Finally, they both stood up and Adam fixed Jonah's hair up a bit.

"You ready to go back to bed, dude?"

"Hell yeah, I'm exhausted."

Adam chuckled a bit before opening the door, both of them disappearing into the house.


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