《After Dark {Jonah Marshall/Adam Marshall}》Not So Humble Beginnings


"Jonah, could you help besides taking pictures?!"

"No can do, if I touch that thing then it'll catch fire. You wouldn't want me to catch on fire, would you?"

"I'm close to wanting that."


They looked around the mostly abandoned parking lot, besides a few cars. Jonah wandered around, videotaping anything he found interesting or funny. Adam walked over to him, looking like he was five seconds away from giving up.

"It won't start. We have two options; ask someone to help jumpstart it or..."

"Steal another one?"


So, that's exactly what they did. Jonah, of course, brought his "necessities"; weed and snacks, to no one's surprise. They got into a car furthest away from public view and began driving. Adam called their client again, to confirm some things. We know how the call went, do we not?

"Jonah, I know it's a lot of money, but was it necessary to shout 'Oh HELL yeah!' in my ear?"

Jonah just laughed his ass off at Adam and how pissed off he was. Hey, it's hard to contain excitement, is it not? This is their only way to get money, especially on the run. "I mean, what was I supposed to say?"

"Preferably nothing."

"Oh you'd like that wouldn't you? Too bad for you, I'm incapable of shutting the fuck up."

"You could've at least tried to help me fix the car, jackass."

That part was true. Instead of helping, Jonah just ate chips and took pictures, captioning them with stupid shit like "Adam trying to fix the car while I eat chips LMAO," quite literally what was happening. "Can you roll down your window at least? I'm not trying to inhale the weed fumes, someone has to have common sense around here," Adam asked. Jonah complied, he knew he had a point. It takes a lot for him to take anything seriously, meanwhile Adam takes EVERYTHING seriously. He looked over at him and got lost in thought. Adam had light freckles and a few scars on his face. The one on his nose is the one Jonah remembers best, the time he tried to help him through a window they had broken, and he slipped, hitting his nose on the window sill. It was fucking hilarious at the time, and even funnier thinking back on. There was one going through his eyebrow, on the right side of his face, and on his lip. This one was from their high school days. Adam had gotten into a fight, and bit his lip after being punched. He could take anyone in a fight nowadays, which Jonah found awesome.


"Jonah, you've been staring at my face, especially my lips, for like five minutes. You okay?"

He jumped, he had no idea Adam had noticed.

"Shit- uh, yeah, sorry. Lost in thought. Thinking about the time you slipped and hit your nose on that windowsill."

"It wasn't funny, jackass."

"You're laughing, you know it was funny! I'm not the only idiot, am I?"

"Yes, you are."

"Adam so help me God I will reach over and grab that damn wheel-"

"I'd like to see you TRY!"

Jonah jokingly reached over, but instead grabbed Adam's hand. Adam flinched as Jonah laughed his ass off, before finally letting go.

"What the fuck was that about?!"

"I knew it'd catch you more off guard than grabbing the wheel, what about it?"

Adam's face was red, hiding his light freckles and burning his face. His heart was pounding as he tried to focus on the road. Jonah opened a bag of chips he had, potato chips probably (basic bitch tf).

"Want one?"

"No, I'm trying to focus."

"You haven't eaten since about 3am, or slept much either. Just take one."

"Jonah, I'll be fi-"

Before he could finish talking, Jonah shoved a chip into his mouth. Adam was dumbfounded as Jonah chuckled, very proud of himself. He accepted defeat and ate the chip, whilst Jonah continued eating and looking out the window. "I think we're almost there, just take that last turn over there."

"I just hope we didn't get duped, that's the worst outcome."

"Besides being haunted and killed by a ghost cat! Either way, it's $500 a night, just to talk to a ghost cat? Easy!"

They were deceived.


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