《Starsky Academy》12.


It had been two weeks since Aiden Blackwell and Navi came to our school. Today was the first day when I would be able to ride Avyn. I was nervous, yes, but so was he, and so I gave it my all to try and comfort him. It was a Saturday, so we didn't have classes today, either. Professor Nunda did require students to learn how to ride a dragon from him, though, so at 11:00 AM the bumbling class of now 21 students waited for him to start speaking.

Demonstrating on his own dragon, the shrimpy Professor Nunda explained and showed everyone how to fasten the handmade leather saddles onto their dragons' backs, over the saddle pads. Avyn chuffed as I pulled the girth around and fastened it on the other side of his belly

"Easy there," I put my hand on his snout. His eyes were a brownish color, which meant he was uncomfortable.

I'll be fine, Avyn murmured in my head.

"Now," Professor Nunda croaked, demonstrating what he spoke, "Put your left foot in the stirrup and use it to haul your right foot over. Put your right foot in the other stirrup."

There was a few mumbles as everyone did as they were told. I felt out of breath already, sitting atop my dragon. I guessed he was about twelve feet tall, and double that long. I rested my hand on his scaly neck, feeling the spines running down his body. He quivered slightly.

You're not gonna drop me, I reassured him.

How do you know?

Well if anything, worrying about it isn't going to help.


Try to stay calm. Reassure me everything will be fine.

There was a brief silence in which my dragon snorted incredulously. I rolled my eyes and patted him again.


"Since we're not using reins, you'll control your dragon mentally and through aloud commands." Professor Nunda directed. I nodded to myself. Avyn sighed, shaking out his wings.

"Your dragons know how to fly. Don't try and boss them around too much," and with that, the Professor was finished. Sitting atop his own purple dragon, he clicked his tongue and the dragon spread his wings, letting out a great roar, and took a running start before leaping into the air, wildly beating his wings.

"Let's do this," I murmured to Avyn, repeating the sentence mentally as well. Amber and Rainsong had already taken to the skies, and Amber was laughing, but clutching to her dragon for dear life as well.

Avyn angled his wings down, lying them flat so that he could run full speed. He galloped for a second and then jumped, spreading his wings. I could see them billowing in the gusty air. Ferociously he beat his wings, creating a cushion of air under them. In a few seconds we were rising, and I was shouting and laughing and gripping the saddle horn tightly.

Avyn ascended slowly, his feet dangling like they did when I held him as a dragonet, his tail lashing in the air. Eventually he got high enough where he could soar in the warm currents, letting his wings catch the pillows of air.

This is amazing! I called out to my dragon in my head.

I can never imagine how dull life must be for you earthbound humans.

That's why we have you, I teased. I could practically hear Avyn snort, even though the air was whipping at my face and tearing away my hearing.

Together we flew for quite some time, maybe thirty minutes, while the other young riders and dragons soared around, throwing words to each other, even competiting in whose dragon was the fastest - it was so much fun.


And then it happened.

The shriek of a whistle interrupted my laugh as Professor Nunda's dragon frantically beat his wings. Professor Nunda himself stood utop his dragon's saddle, blowing as hard as he could into the whistle. I groaned, feebly attempting to cover my ears.

"All students! Land now," the professor shouted, "LAND NOW!"

I did as he said, telling Avyn to steer us down to the ground again. Even in my head I could hear the panic in my own voice. What was going on? Professor Nunda's usually crinkled, gentle eyes were now wide and stretched.

Avyn took us down immedietly, doing just a slight dive. He supported our fall with his massive wings, letting us float down gently. When we landed, I didn't get off him instantly, I sat utop his back, my legs pressed tight against his rough flanks, as one by one the other students landed as well.

When everyone landed, Professor Nunda landed too and began to speak.

"I would like you all to head immedietly to the cafeteria hall. Do not, I repeat, do not make any stops besides that. Do not go to your dorms. Do not go to the bathroom. Stay with your dragons at all times and make sure you all stick together." His voice was urgent, stressed.

"What's this about?" Alex, the red-haired kid I met at the ballroom, asked. He seemed nervous, as well as were.

Professor Nunda hesitated, as if unsure whether or not to answer. He decided to go the vague path.

The short man cleared his throat, and then said:

"There has been a... security breach."

By the tense air, we all knew it was more than that.

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