《Starsky Academy》11.


Despite Avyn's terrible feeling of foreboding, things went pretty smoothly for the next week. Now, Avyn could communicate with me mentally, and was roughly the size of an average sized horse. In the next two weeks, I would be able to fly him.

You can't catch me! Avyn's cheerful voice echoed in my mind.

I was chasing him through the school hallways.

I giggled. Yes I can!

No you can't!

Watch me!

I dashed forward, taking a big leap, and grabbed onto his neck. He stood up onto his hind legs, leaving me at his mercy, and let out a bellowing roar. I groaned as my ears cried from the loud sound.

"What'cha up to?" I heard Amber's familiar voice from behind me. I turned, still clinging desperately to my dragon, and yelled, "Help me!"

Amber contemplated this, scratching her ear. Behind her stood Rainsong, graceful and beautiful, who was watching Avyn with amused golden eyes.

"Come on, Rainsong! A little help?" I pleaded with the sapphire colored dragoness. She gave me a toothy grin, flashing her pearly, dagger-sharp teeth, which seemed to say, You wish.

Avyn finally gave in and fell forward, back onto all fours, with a playful growl. I exhaled loudly in exaggerated relief. "You lumbering oaf," I teased him as I let go of his neck and dropped to the ground.

You measly frog, he retorted.

"I deserved that," I admitted with a grin. He agreed with me by nodding his head and snorting.

"Oh, come on!" I laughed, and gave him a big hug. Avyn shook out his wings and then used them to hug me back.

"If you guys are done with the best buddy ooey-gooey stuff," Amber teased now, "I actually heard there was a new kid."


"No way," I gasped, turning to look at her. Avyn's amber eyes blinked, curious.

"Yes way," She began, "His name is Aiden. He already has a dragon; her name is Navi."

"Wow! Did he get in because he had a dragon?" I wondered.

"That's what I heard. Apparently he's some kind of child prodigy. Dragon rider, magic wieldier - normal people don't even unlock their magic until they're eighteen. He has this super rare ability to control fricken' shadows. And he's only sixteen."

"So anyways, were you saying you wanted to meet him?" I questioned, and then narrowed my eyes slyly, "What's this about?" I teased her, and she wildly shook her head.

"It's not like that!" Her cheeks blazed red, "I just think we should introduce ourselves and be nice."

I shrugged. "We don't even know where he is. To seek him out might seem a little creepy." Amber looked disappointed, but she agreed.

"You're right. Maybe we'll run into him soon."

Just then, I heard the click of talons and the slapping of sneakers on the hallway floors. I turned my head to see an unfamiliar boy with a perfectly chiseled face, gray-blue eyes, and wispy black hair. He was wearing a gray T-shirt, and black jeans.

Next to the boy was a silver dragoness with gorgeous blue eyes. On the end of her tail was a large tuft of whispery fur.

I assumed it was Navi and Aiden.

The boy nodded to us as he walked past. Amber fumbled for words and then called out, "Hey! Are you the new kid?"

The kid turned, peering at Amber through his jet black locks. He gave her a slight smile. "Yeah." The kid confirmed. "My name's Aiden, by the way."


"I'm Amber," She smiled back. "My name's Lana," I nodded to him.

"This is my girl, Navi," he patted the dragoness. She looked older than our dragons, nearly if not fully developed. She was definitely flyable.

Navi watched me with her crisp blue eyes. There was something about her... Something... odd. I didn't want to be rude so I nodded to her with a smile. "She's very beautiful."

Normally, dragons are pleased by compliments. But Navi didn't even seem to lighten up. Aiden glanced at her.

"Thank you." Aiden answered with a slight dip of his head.

"Mhm." I pursed my lips.

There was a brief awkward silence.

"Anyways, I'll be off." Aiden seemed a little hurried now. What was it with him? Navi too, quickly followed her rider as they glided down the hallway and then down the stairs.

I turned to Amber. Her sky blue eyes were narrowed. She definitely was not feeling dreamy anymore.

"Did you notice something off about them?" Amber asked me slowly.

"Not Aiden. Not at first. But Navi seemed too robotic." I paused, "I mean, it could just be her personality."

Amber took out the book she had been reading before about dragons. It had been tucked in a small bag she had tossed over her shoulder.

Then she read.

"Dragons take after their rider's personality once they reach a mature age. You will not find a super shy dragon and a super extroverted rider. As dragonets, maybe, but not as full grown dragons." Amber read.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Well," Amber started thoughtfully, "it could mean nothing. But it's strange, for sure. I wouldn't worry about it," she shook her head, though I could see she was still troubled. I let it slide for now.

"Let's go on a run, as Professor Rapashka suggested. 3 miles?" I asked Amber. The professor told us that to keep in good physical shape and condition, we should consistently exercise.

"Alright," Amber agreed, "Rainsong! Let's go!" Her dragon grilled pleasantly and we knocked on Shana's door. She agreed to join us.

Together, we all ran through the forest on the well-beaten path.

I couldn't shake the nagging feeling in my head that something was off at Starsky Academy.

Little did I know how off things were.

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