
I watched furiously as Orpheus wrapped his arm around Aurora, I seriously felt like running over to that bench and ripping her away from him. The only thing that stopped me was the fact that I didn't deserve her either.

I had treated her so badly when we first met. I remember seeing her angry face when I acted so cold towards her, but I could see past those walls that she had so cleverly put up, she was confused, confused as to why a complete stranger was being a dick to her for no other reason other than the fact that he hated how she made him feel.

So to break it down, I didn't know how to react to a sort feeling towards a person that didn't contain pure hatred so, I did the only thing that I'm good at, I made her hate me. It didn't take me long to discover that we were connected, so I used our bond to try and keep her away. The 'electricity' as she calls it, was supposed to bring us together, but I used it to break us apart. Although, to my annoyance, the 'fate' tattoos as he described them, still managed to mark us.

But somehow, in spite of all of this, she still forgave me, and even considers me as her friend, but I know that I can't get used to it, everyone leaves eventually, it was just a matter of time before she see's me the way that everybody else does.

"Earth to Shade" called Max, pulling me from my thoughts.

"What?" I replied while running a hand through my hair.

"Look" he whispered, motioning behind me.

I casually looked behind me to see a hooded figure masked by the shadows of the judge's box. I looked back towards Max and motioned him to follow me.

"What's wrong," asked Orpheus.

"We've got it" I hissed before turning my head back towards the box.

Without waiting for his response, I took off towards the figure at a quick run. I knew that this was probably a trap but I've had bad feelings about these games for weeks so I wasn't about to ignore some random guy watching us from the shadows.

The figure disappeared around the box so I motioned Max to go around the other side so we could meet in the middle. I drew one of my daggers and ran swiftly around the corner to come face to face with only Max.


"Where is he?" we both asked at the same time.

We scanned the area quickly and turned back to each other, I knew that my eyes held the same amount of confusion that Max's did.

"Where the hell could he have gone?" I asked "we're basically in an open field"

"I don't know, he just disappeared," said Max

sounded Mr Albern.

I turned my attention back to Max in confusion.

"You two aren't supposed to fight until the end" he stated, taking the words out of my mouth.

We looked around the field one last time before we ran back over to the bench to see that Aurora was awake and to my greatest satisfaction, no longer in the arms of Orpheus.

"I guess this is it," she said softly, looking up at me with her beautiful purple eyes.

My stomach churned in anticipation as I looked back and forth, from her to the combat ring.

"I have a really bad feeling about this," I said honestly.

"What, scared of losing?" laughed Orpheus.

Our eyes instantly locked and I tried to project as much hatred as I possibly could towards him.

"He's right, something seems off" mumbled Max seriously.

"It's going to be fine" laughed Aurora.

I nodded my head but I couldn't believe her.

"Let's go then," I said offering a thin smile.

She smiled warmly back at me and led the way to the combat ring.

I watched my feet stretch out in front of me as I trod slowly through the sand arena, to tell you the truth, I didn't want to kill her either but I kept calm in the thought that she probably wouldn't give me the chance too, never have I seen somebody who fights as ferociously as she did to protect her friends, she was a born warrior, but then again I am one of those friends, so will she be able to do it? I guess I'll have to wait and find out.

We bowed down to each other and took a few paces away to draw our daggers, it's strange how we even choose the same weapons I thought to myself as I studied her twin daggers.

Commanded Mr Albern.

I snapped my head up to look at Aurora, he previously soft features had hardened and her eyes held no emotion, she summoned lightning to surround her daggers and looked over to me, a power of an unknown force filled her darkened eyes, feeding her strength, she was like a different person.


She hurled the lightning at me and I gasped at its sheer speed and strength, I fell to the floor in a bundle of shame and agony. I sprung to my feet and my vision blurred.

This didn't feel like Aurora.

I dodged her powerful blasts left and right, exhausting my body until it screamed for me to stop, I forced myself to continue, to strike back, the anxious crowd had diffused out of existence in my mind.

It was just me and her.

I ran towards her and fell to the floor, allowing myself to skid past her, I slashed her leg with my dagger and warm blood splattered all over my face, she screamed out and turned to face me. Her eyes were no longer purple, they were of a blood orange colour. I was right, this wasn't Aurora, she was possessed, by something purely evil.

I screamed in determination and pushed myself to my feet, I ran straight towards her and we engaged in combat, our daggers clashed multiple times and I somehow managed to block every attack. Sweat trickled down my forehead, but still, I pushed on.

Our daggers caught together and I looked deep into her dark soulless eyes.

"Aurora!" I screamed desperately "Fight it"

A wave of brilliant purple came over her eyes and she loosened her grip on her daggers.

"That's it, come back to me" I whispered softly, cupping her cheek in my hand.

An earsplitting cry sounded above us, I looked up to see there were demons everywhere, screams erupted from the crowds as more demons emerged and tore through the students without mercy. I stayed still, frozen as if my blood had decided to harden in my veins taking away my movement.

I gasped loudly as I felt a blade enter my chest, fear filled me as the icy blade scraped the surface of my heart. I looked forward to see that Aurora's eyes were still a dark orange, it wasn't her fault I told myself firmly. It's not her.

I held my blade to her throat and pressed against it hard, allowing a small amount of blood to trickle down her neck.

"Kill me and you kill her" The words flowed out of her mouth like poison, but they we not her own, the voice was thunderously low and full of menace, it was the kind of voice that sends shivers down your spine, the kind that makes you want to cower in fear.

It was right, I couldn't kill her, I dropped my daggers to the floor.

Fire flowed from my stomach up to my throat making me groan and cough out blackened blood. She twisted the blade and I fell to my knees but never broke our eye contact. The remanding space between the blade and my heart closed as the deadly blade slipped into my heart.

I spat of one last mouthful of blood and looked up at Aurora whose eyes had turned back to their usual enchanting purple colour, her features had softened into panic and tears streamed down her face.

She pulled the dagger out and caught my dying body.

"I'm sorry" she cried, laying my head onto her lap.

I pushed back the pain and tried to find my voice.

"I- It ... w- wasn't " I began but each word felt like my throat was being scratched with sandpaper.

She pressed her finger to my lips and shook her head.

"Don't try to talk, you're going to be ok" she lied.

I looked up at her one last time before I slipped into darkness, thinking over what she said, was I going to be ok? the demons had broken the protective borders.

Aurora was my only hope, She had a power that she couldn't even imagine to understand. So if anyone could heal me it was her, but if she did this she would become weak and could possibly face death herself, so I couldn't allow her to try.

So even though the darkness threatened to consume me, I clung to the light, to the hope that I could keep my life and live, live to see her again.


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