
We approached the main combat ring to see Sapphire hovering above Angelo with a blade cast through his heart, she pulled out the sword, allowing his body turn limp and fall backwards. Some cheers were heard but Sapphire did not look happy, she had blood splattered all over her face and had a big gash travelling down her arm, she leaned over, resting her hands on her sword and watched in relief as the medics carried Angelo out of the ring to heal.

We all watched each opponent carefully, identifying their strengths and weaknesses until Chase was called into the ring to fight Hunter. I held back a gasp and watched horrified as Chase made his way confidently into the ring, Chase and Hunter literally despised each other, so they were likely to become blinded by rage.

The boys bowed to each other before walking away a few paces to draw their weapons.

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Hunter immediately lunged forwards but Chase dodged the attack easily. He spun back to face Hunter and circled him slowly, Hunter lunged again but this time more aggressively, catching Chase's arm.

Blood trickled quickly down his arm, causing Chase to growl angrily, he ducked under another swing of Hunters blade before twirling one way but striking the other, sending Hunter to the ground.

Chase brought his blade down towards Hunter's chest but he rolled out of the way causing the blade to pierce his shoulder. He screamed painfully and transformed into his wolf form, he used this new element of surprise to take Chase off of his feet and bite a big chunk out of his unprotected side.

Chase screamed in agony and transformed into his own wolf form. The two boys fought ferociously in a blur of brown and grey fur until a loud yelp sounded and the two grew still. Chase stood up from Hunter and looked around happily causing me to release a breath that I had somehow managed to hold.


Hunter changed back into his human form but remained limp, Chase watched him for a few seconds, before he jumped off his fixed body transformed back to his human form, but during the transition, Hunter leapt up into the air and thrust his blade through Chase's back.

Chase fell to his knees and screamed out, my heart broke as he knelt there, helpless. I was just about to leap into the arena when Chase noticed me and shook his head, he forced himself to his feet and stumbled forwards freeing himself from the blade. Hunter threw it forwards again in anger but Chase spun around and caught it, holding it in both of his hands.

Blood dripped from his torn hands onto the arena floor, Chase looked up towards Hunter, pure hatred in his eyes and cast the sword to the side, he pulled his own dagger from his belt and jammed it into the side of Hunters' throat, he gurgled feebly on his own blood and clawed helplessly at his neck before falling to the floor with a loud thud.

Chase dropped his stained blade and fell down to the floor himself, earning a gasp from the crowd. Without thinking twice, I leapt over the fence and ran to his side.

"Chase, can you hear me?" I asked quickly.

He nodded his head and grunted what I assumed was a yes. I watched as the medics took Hunter away and screamed for them to hurry up, his head rested on my thighs and I looked down at his worried face.

"You're gonna be fine," I said quickly.

Of course he knew this, but everything felt so real so I wanted to reassure him. I sat there, just staring at his pale face with sheer horror filling my heart, I don't know what I would do if this were real, I don't think I could live if I had to lose him, he was my best friend, my first friend.


The medics ran over and took him away to heal and Shade appeared at my side and pulled me out of the arena.

"He's going to be ok" he cooed rubbing small circles into my back.

"I know" I replied "but it all looks and feels so real"

He nodded his head and I turned to face him.

"I don't want to kill you" I decided quickly.

His features softened for a second before he regained his usual grin.

"What makes you think that you'll have a chance?" he asked playfully.

A smile tugged at my lips and I hit him gently on the arm.

"Come on, let's go and wait for him to wake up" I laughed, walking towards the medical wing.

We sat outside on the bench with Lizzy, Max, Zack and Orpheus for what seemed like hours before Chase and Hunter emerged completely healed up.

Chase walked over to us and I immediately stood up and wrapped my arms around him. I embraced him tightly for at least a whole minute before pulling away.

"Woah, your acting as if I died or something" laughed Chase with a wink.

Lizzy got to her feet and quickly approached Chase, she wrapped her arms around his neck and crashed her lips onto his, at first he was frozen in shock, but then he relaxed into her contact and kissed her back. They pulled away from each other with bright red faces.

"Well, that's our cue" laughed Max turning towards the door.

We followed him out to give them some privacy and headed back to the arena. I sat down on a wooden bench next to Max and shifted to put my feet on his lap.

"Just like old times" he laughed while rolling his eyes.

I laughed softly and tilted my head up to look at the clouds.

"Hey," said Orpheus sitting down next to me.

I reopened my eyes and looked over my shoulder to see his calm but alert face.

"Where were you this morning?" I asked curiously.

His smile wavered slightly and he cleared his throat.

"I was... er... caught up with something," he said tapping his foot nervously.

I took my feet off Max's lap and turned to face him.

"You fidget when you're nervous, what is it?" I asked, with a small smile.

He stopped moving and smiled sheepishly at me.

"You noticed that?" he asked scratching the back of his neck.

I beckoned him to continue and he let out a sigh.

"I can't tell you, not yet anyway," he said mysteriously.

I rolled my eyes and a smile played on his lips already knowing that I wouldn't push him further.

"Ok then mystery man," I said sarcastically. " I guess you can be my human cushion to make it up to me"

He shoved me gently with his shoulder and laughed quietly. I lent up against the side of his torso and he wrapped his arm around me, I yawned and closed my eyes, attempting to drift off to sleep, we were going to have to wait a long time, so I may as well get comfortable. Besides, I would need to be fully recharged If I am going to win my fight against Shade.

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